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Created September 17, 2020 04:57
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Simple python script to control RGB WS2812B LED strip mounted under the top crossbar of on my Ender 3 Pro. Runs as a service on the OctoPi and integrates with Home Assistant as MQTT light.
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import time
import board
import neopixel
led = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D18, 15)
bright = 0.75
led.brightness = bright
mqc = mqtt.Client(client_id = "ender")
def onConnect(client, controller, flags, rc):
print("MQTT connected")
def onMessage(client, controller, msg):
global bright
val = str(msg.payload.decode("utf-8"))
print("%s:%s" % (msg.topic, val))
if msg.topic == "ender/light":
if val == "on":
led.brightness = bright
mqc.publish("ender/light/state", "on", 2, False)
led.brightness = 0
mqc.publish("ender/light/state", "off", 2, False)
elif msg.topic == "ender/brightness":
bright = float(val)/255.0
led.brightness = bright
mqc.publish("ender/brightness/state", val, 2, False)
elif msg.topic == "ender/rgb":
rgb = val.split(",")
led.fill((int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]), int(rgb[2])))
led.brightness = bright
mqc.publish("ender/rgb/state", val, 2, False)
elif msg.topic == "ender/hexrgb":
led.fill(int(val[1:], 16))
led.brightness = bright
mqc.publish("ender/rgb/state", val, 2, False)
mqc.on_connect = onConnect
mqc.on_message = onMessage
mqc.username_pw_set(mqtt_user, password=mqtt_password)
while True:
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