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Created October 31, 2020 20:20
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constexpr size_t tileSize = 8;
const size_t width = ...;
const size_t height = ...;
thrust::cuda::pointer<const float3> p = ...;
assert(width % tileSize == 0);
assert(height % tileSize == 0);
thrust::cuda::vector<float3> sums;
sums.resize((width / tileSize) * (height / tileSize));
auto c = thrust::make_counting_iterator(0u);
auto getTileIndex = [width, height] __device__ (uint i) -> uint
uint block = i / (tileSize * tileSize);
i %= tileSize * tileSize;
#if 0
uint x = block % (width / tileSize);
uint y = block / (width / tileSize);
return (tileSize * tileSize) * (x + y * (width / tileSize)) + (i / tileSize) * width + (i % tileSize);
return (tileSize * tileSize) * block + (i / tileSize) * width + (i % tileSize);
auto tile = thrust::make_transform_iterator(c, getTileIndex);
auto block = thrust::make_transform_iterator(c, [] __device__ (uint i) -> uint { return i / (tileSize * tileSize); });
auto input = thrust::make_permutation_iterator(p, tile);
thrust::reduce_by_key(block, thrust::next(block, width * height), input, thrust::make_discard_iterator(), sums.begin());
thrust::cuda::vector<float> stdDevs;
auto sumAndInput = thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_permutation_iterator(sums.cbegin(), block), input);
auto sqr = thrust::make_transform_iterator(sumAndInput, [tileSize] __device__ (thrust::tuple<float3, float3> sumAndInput) -> float3
float3 diff = thrust::get<1>(sumAndInput) - thurst::get<0>(sumAndInput) / (tileSize * tileSize);
return diff * diff;
auto sqrt = [] __device__ (float3 sumSqr) -> float { return thrust::sqrt((sumSqr.x + sumSqr.y + sumSqr.z) / 3.0f); };
auto output = thrust::make_output_transform_iterator(stdDevs.begin(), sqrt);
thrust::reduce_by_key(block, thrust::next(block, width * height), sqr, thrust::make_discard_iterator(), output);
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