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Created October 10, 2017 11:04
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Synology - Auto Index support
# Alternative Syno Indexer
# release 1
# This script will smartly update Media Index on your Synology appliance
# You can create 'noindex' file under scan directory to skip subdir indexing
# Works on DSM 6+
# Start interactive with --repair switch
# if your Media Indexer stuck on "Indexing media files" forever
# 2015
# mizaar <at> mail ru
# Usage:
# Add to tasks or crontab
# perl /volume1/video
# If your Media Indexer stuck on "Indexing media files" forever:
# perl --repair
# Inspired by (C) 2010 by Gerd W. Naschenweng
use File::Basename;
@include_files = ("ASF","AVI","DIVX","IMG","ISO","M1V","M2P","M2T","M2TS","M2V","M4V","MKV","MOV","MP4","MPEG4","MPE","MPG","MPG4","MTS","QT","RM","TP","TRP","TS","VOB","WMV","XVID");
# Scan directory
my $scan_dir = shift;
if (!$scan_dir) {
$scan_dir = '/volume1/video';
if ($scan_dir eq "--repair"){
# Do the repair process
# 0. Clean up indexer queue
# 1. Kill all indexers
# 2. Clean up database
`rm -f /var/spool/syno_indexing_queue*`;
`killall synoindexd`;
`killall synoindexscand`;
`killall synoindexworkerd`;
`killall synomediaparserd`;
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c 'delete from video_convert'`;
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c 'delete from video'`;
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c 'delete from audio'`;
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c 'delete from photo'`;
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c 'delete from directory'`;
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c 'delete from playlist'`;
print "Done repair\n";
# Deal with our temporary Postgre table
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "drop table if exists ASIFlist"`;
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "create table ASIFlist(path varchar)"`;
# Step 0. Scan tree to find braches with 'noindex' file
@nodir = `find $scan_dir -name 'noindex'`;
$skip_dirs = "";
foreach (@nodir){
my($fn, $dir) = fileparse($_);
$skip_dirs .= " -path '$dir' -prune -o";
# Step 1. Scan tree once again to find files with desired extensions but skipping 'noindex' branches
# You can add ' -mtime -7' to have indexed fresh content only (7 days)
@files = `find $scan_dir $skip_dirs -type f -print`;
$sql_files = "";
$cnt = 0;
foreach (@files) {
my $file = $_;
my $ext = ($file =~ m/([^.]+)$/)[0];
if (grep {lc $_ eq lc $ext} @include_files) {
# We prepare SQL statement here
$file =~ s/\'/\\'/g;
$sql_files .= "('".$file."'),";
# Insert 10 records, not one by one, due the perfomance reason
if ($cnt == 10) {
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "insert into ASIFlist values $sql_files;"`;
$cnt = 0;
$sql_files = "";
# Insert the last records
if ($cnt != 0){
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "insert into ASIFlist values $sql_files;"`;
# Now ASIFlist table contains all reliable files
# Step 2. Remove deleted files from database
# Only records matched scanning directory will be removed
#print ("Delete: ",`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "select path from video where path not in (select path from ASIFlist) and path like '$scan_dir%'"`);
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "delete from video where path not in (select path from ASIFlist) and path like '$scan_dir%'"`;
# Step 3. Index new files
@new_files = `/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "select path from ASIFlist where path not in (select path from video)"`;
foreach (@new_files){
print ("Index: ",$_);
`synoindex -a "$_"`;
# Step 4. Delete empty directories records
# Only records matched scanning directory will be removed
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "delete from directory where path not in (select distinct d.path from directory d, video v where v.path like concat(d.path,'%')) and path like '$scan_dir%'"`;
# Step 5. Add new directories
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "insert into directory (path,title,date,mdate) select npath, RIGHT(npath, POSITION('/' in REVERSE(npath)) -1 ) as name,now(),now() from (select distinct trim(trailing '/' from (regexp_matches(path,'.+/'))[1]) as npath from asiflist) ndir where ndir.npath not in (select path from directory) and ndir.npath<>trim(trailing '/' from '$scan_dir')"`;
# Clean up database
`/usr/bin/psql mediaserver postgres -tA -c "drop table if exists ASIFlist"`;
local all postgres trust
local all all trust
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