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Created February 27, 2023 19:45
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Plugin that watches for the occurrence of connection strings in the log and updates the database settings in IntelliJ IDEA accordingly
import com.intellij.database.psi.DbPsiFacade
import com.intellij.database.util.DbImplUtil
import com.intellij.execution.filters.ConsoleInputFilterProvider
import com.intellij.execution.filters.InputFilter
import com.intellij.execution.ui.ConsoleViewContentType as ContentType
import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions
import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProcessCanceledException
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import static com.intellij.execution.filters.ConsoleInputFilterProvider.INPUT_FILTER_PROVIDERS
import static com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil.newBombedCharSequence
import static liveplugin.PluginUtil.changeGlobalVar
import static
// depends-on-plugin com.intellij.database
if (isIdeStartup) return
// =====================================================================================
// Customizable mappings of application's data sources to IntelliJ IDEA's database names
// =====================================================================================
def dataSourceMapping = [
[ds: "dataSource", db: 'embedded-postgres', driver: 'postgresql'],
[ds: "dataSource", db: 'embedded-sqlserver', driver: 'sqlserver'],
[ds: "dataSource", db: 'embedded-mariadb', driver: 'mariadb'],
[ds: "dataSource", db: 'embedded-mysql', driver: 'mysql'],
[ds: "dataSource", db: 'embedded-h2', driver: 'h2']
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*JDBC URL to connect to '([^']+)': url='(jdbc:([^:]+):[^']+)'.*")
static CharSequence limitAndCutNewline(String text, int maxLength, milliseconds) {
int endIndex = text.length()
if (text.endsWith("\n")) {
if (maxLength >= 0) {
endIndex = Math.min(endIndex, maxLength)
def substring = text.substring(0, endIndex)
if (milliseconds > 0) {
return newBombedCharSequence(substring, milliseconds)
return substring
static def updateDatabase(Project project, String dbName, String jdbcUrl) {
.collect { DbImplUtil.getMaybeLocalDataSource(it) }
.findAll { it != null }
.findAll { == dbName }
.findAll { it.url != jdbcUrl }
.forEach { ds ->
ds.url = jdbcUrl
show("Database '" + + "' has been updated to '" + jdbcUrl + "'")
static def databaseUpdater(Project project, Pattern pattern, List<Map<String, String>> mappings) {
new InputFilter() {
List<Pair<String, ContentType>> applyFilter(String consoleText, ContentType contentType) {
if (!consoleText.contains("EmbeddedDatabaseReporter")) {
return null
try {
CharSequence textForMatching = limitAndCutNewline(consoleText, 500, 1000)
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(textForMatching)
if (matcher.matches()) {
def dsName =
def jdbcUrl =
def driver =
def mapping = mappings.find { it.get("ds") == dsName && it.get("driver") == driver }
if (mapping) {
updateDatabase(project, mapping.get("db"), jdbcUrl)
} catch (ProcessCanceledException ex) {
show("Processing took too long for: " + consoleText)
return null
def extensionPoint = Extensions.rootArea.getExtensionPoint(INPUT_FILTER_PROVIDERS)
def inputFilterProvider = changeGlobalVar("EmbeddedDatabaseUpdater") { prevInputFilterProvider ->
if (prevInputFilterProvider != null && extensionPoint.hasExtension(prevInputFilterProvider)) {
new ConsoleInputFilterProvider() {
InputFilter[] getDefaultFilters(Project project) {
[databaseUpdater(project, pattern, dataSourceMapping)]
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tomix26 commented Feb 27, 2023

How to use it:

  1. Install the LivePlugin plugin
  2. In LivePlugin, create a new Groovy plugin and copy the snippet above into the newly created plugin.groovy file
  3. In IntelliJ IDEA, create a new data source with the corresponding name and driver (embedded-postgres, embedded-sqlserver, etc. - names and types are configurable at the beginning of the script)
  4. Run the plugin and from that moment the database settings will be synchronized according to the connection strings produced by the embedded-database-spring-test library

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spyro2000 commented Sep 4, 2023

Hi there,

loving this plugin, worked like a charm the first time. But after the plugin (correctly!) replaces port and db-name in the data source, IntelliJ still displays the old db only:


Even after refreshing and/or reconnecting, it's not possible to connect to the current DB (I refresh the DB after each test):


Maybe it would be better to (re)create the date source instead of editing it?

Update: Seems like IntelliJ insists of using the first found "default database".
Maybe this could be updated and refreshed (sorry, don't know the internals)...?

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