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Last active September 21, 2019 17:11
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Opaleye dynamic fields
-- Requires branch
-- If you use this please contact me and let me
-- know what you think.
import Data.String
import Opaleye
import Opaleye.Internal.Dynamic (SqlDynamic, Dynamic,
stringFromFields, stringUnpackspec)
import Opaleye.Internal.Table (DynamicTableFields, fromDynamicTableFields,
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as S
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Options as O
import qualified Database.Postgres.Temp as T
import Data.Profunctor.Product (list, p2, p3, ProductProfunctor, SumProfunctor)
import Data.Profunctor.Product.Default (Default, def)
import Lens.Micro (traverseOf, _2, LensLike)
import Data.Void (Void)
import GHC.Int (Int64)
import GHC.IO.Exception (ExitCode)
dynamicTable :: Table Void [(String, Field SqlDynamic)]
dynamicTable =
table "dynamicTable"
(dynamicFields (traverse._2)
[ ("name", "name_field")
, ("age", "age_field")
, ("loves haskell?", "loves_haskell")
main :: IO ()
main = do
withTempDBConnection $ \connection -> do
createTable connection
-- Running these dynamically typed queries is just for people who
-- like product-profunctors, until I work out what to do about the
-- Default instances.
ss <- runSelectString connection (selectTableString dynamicTable)
mapM_ print ss
pure ()
-- Output:
-- [("name",String "Ashok"),("age",Int 25),("loves haskell?",Bool True)]
-- [("name",String "Bjarne"),("age",Int 69),("loves haskell?",Bool False)]
-- [("name",String "Cui"),("age",Int 36),("loves haskell?",Bool True)]
runSelectString :: S.Connection
-> Select [(String, Column SqlDynamic)]
-> IO [[(String, Dynamic)]]
runSelectString = runSelectExplicit (explicit stringFromFields)
selectTableString :: Table a [(String, Column SqlDynamic)]
-> Select [(String, Column SqlDynamic)]
selectTableString = selectTableExplicit (matchType (explicit stringUnpackspec))
where matchType :: p a a -> p a a
matchType = id
explicit :: (SumProfunctor p, ProductProfunctor p, Default p a' b')
=> p a b -> p [(a, a')] [(b, b')]
explicit s = list (p2 (s, def))
:: LensLike (DynamicTableFields Void) s viewColumns String (Column a)
-> s -> TableFields Void viewColumns
dynamicFields f = fromDynamicTableFields . traverseOf f dynamic
-- We'll use a static representation of the data for inserting the
-- data
staticTable :: Table (Field SqlText, Field SqlInt4, Field SqlBool)
(Field SqlText, Field SqlInt4, Field SqlBool)
staticTable =
table "dynamicTable" (p3 ( required "name_field"
, required "age_field"
, required "loves_haskell"
createTable :: S.Connection -> IO Int64
createTable connection = do
S.execute_ connection (fromString
("CREATE TABLE \"dynamicTable\" (name_field text, "
++ "age_field int4, loves_haskell bool);"))
runInsert_ connection Insert {
iTable = staticTable
, iRows = map toFields [ ("Ashok", 25 :: Int, True)
, ("Bjarne", 69, False)
, ("Cui", 36, True)
, iReturning = rCount
, iOnConflict = Nothing
withTempDBConnection :: (S.Connection -> IO a)
-> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
withTempDBConnection f = do
result <- T.start T.defaultOptions
case result of
Left err -> print err >> pure Nothing
Right tempDB -> do
connection <- S.connectPostgreSQL (O.toConnectionString (T.options tempDB))
f connection
T.stop tempDB
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