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Last active July 10, 2024 21:41
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  • Save tomkinsc/ef62de93fbe847c555bfe0e47e55fe79 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "This script can be used to transfer all files from a DNAnexus project to a GS bucket for Terra."
echo "Usage: $0 DNAnexus_project-id:/path/to/recurse gs://bucket/path [pattern_to_match]"
echo " Before running, be sure to log in to both BaseSpace and DNAnexus via:"
echo " dx login"
echo " The CLI toolkits for bs and dx can be found here and must be installed first:"
echo ""
exit 1
dx_project_id="$(echo ${dxprojectpath} | cut -d':' -f1)"
for dx_file_path in $(dx find data --path "${dxprojectpath}" --delimiter=',' | cut -f4 -d',' | grep "${pattern_to_match}"); do
echo "Transferring ${dx_file_path}"
echo "dx download --output - ${dx_project_id}:${dx_file_path} | gsutil cp - ${bucketpath}${dx_file_path}"
dx download --output - "${dx_project_id}:${dx_file_path}" | gsutil cp - "${bucketpath}${dx_file_path}"
echo ""
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