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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Pytables / sapphire.GroundParticlesSimulation() testscript
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Investigate Pytables.read_where()/Numpy.compress() performance
max_core_distance = 400 # m
N = 1 # monte carlo runs
import tables
from timeit import default_timer as timer
import numpy as np
from sapphire.simulations.groundparticles import GroundParticlesSimulation
from sapphire.simulations.groundparticles import OptimizeQueryGroundParticlesSimulation
#from sapphire.simulations.groundparticles import OptimizeQuery_ParticlesOnly_GroundParticlesSimulation
#from sapphire.simulations.groundparticles import NumpyGPS
from sapphire.clusters import ScienceParkCluster
cluster = ScienceParkCluster()
SHOWERS = {'1e14 eV 7Mb unsorted': 'corsika_713335232_854491062.h5',
'1e14 eV 6Mb sorted+csi': 'sorted_713335232.h5',
'1e16 eV 88Mb unsorted': 'corsika_10019744_792483217.h5',
'1e16 eV 81Mb sorted+csi': 'sorted_10019744.h5'}
def do_compare(corsikafile_path):
data_old = tables.open_file('bagger1.h5', 'w')
data_opt = tables.open_file('bagger2.h5', 'w')
print "N = ",N
print "old code pytables_readwhere:"
sim_old = GroundParticlesSimulation(corsikafile_path, max_core_distance, cluster, data_old, '/', N, seed=42)
start = timer()
end = timer()
t_old = end - start
testvalue_old = data_old.root.coincidences.coincidences.read_where('N>0')
print "number of coincidences: ", len(testvalue_old)
print "new code: pytbales_readwhere on x. compress on y and particle_id"
sim_opt = OptimizeQueryGroundParticlesSimulation(corsikafile_path, max_core_distance, cluster, data_opt, '/', N, seed=42)
start = timer()
end = timer()
t_opt = end - start
testvalue = data_opt.root.coincidences.coincidences.read_where('N>0')
print "number of coincidences: ", len(testvalue)
for a,b in zip(testvalue_old,testvalue):
if a != b:
print "Coincidence not equal. Index equal? ", (a[0]==b[0]), a, b
return t_old, t_opt
if __name__ == '__main__':
results = {}
for shower_key in SHOWERS:
print "\n*** testcase: ", shower_key
results[shower_key] = do_compare(SHOWERS[shower_key])
print "\n results:"
for result_key in results:
print "Testcase: %s pytables: %3.2f s compress: %3.2f s" % (result_key,results[result_key][0], results[result_key][1])
N = 1000
old code pytables_readwhere:
Time: 0:01:42|##########################################################################################################################################################################|100%
number of coincidences: 513
new code: pytbales_readwhere on x. compress on y and particle_id
Time: 0:01:34|##########################################################################################################################################################################|100%
number of coincidences: 513
*** testcase: 1e14 eV 7Mb unsorted
N = 1000
old code pytables_readwhere:
Time: 0:03:07|##########################################################################################################################################################################|100%
number of coincidences: 73
new code: pytbales_readwhere on x. compress on y and particle_id
Time: 0:02:42|##########################################################################################################################################################################|100%
number of coincidences: 73
*** testcase: 1e16 eV 88Mb unsorted
N = 1000
old code pytables_readwhere:
Time: 0:29:17|##########################################################################################################################################################################|100%
number of coincidences: 513
new code: pytbales_readwhere on x. compress on y and particle_id
Time: 0:36:00|##########################################################################################################################################################################|100%
number of coincidences: 513
Testcase: 1e14 eV 6Mb sorted+csi pytables: 95.93 s compress: 52.51 s
Testcase: 1e16 eV 88Mb unsorted pytables: 1757.37 s compress: 2160.87 s
Testcase: 1e14 eV 7Mb unsorted pytables: 187.51 s compress: 162.11 s
Testcase: 1e14 eV 81Mb sorted+csi pytables: 102.77 s compress: 94.28 s
*** testcase: 1e16 eV 88Mb unsorted
N = 10000
old code pytables_readwhere:
Time: 4:36:13|############################################################################################################################################|100%
number of coincidences: 5055
new code: pytbales_readwhere on x. compress on y and particle_id
Time: 5:35:23|############################################################################################################################################|100%
number of coincidences: 5055
Testcase: 1e14 eV 6Mb sorted+csi pytables: 860.24 s compress: 538.28 s
Testcase: 1e16 eV 88Mb unsorted pytables: 16573.21 s compress: 20123.17 s
Testcase: 1e14 eV 7Mb unsorted pytables: 1833.87 s compress: 1589.12 s
Testcase: 1e14 eV 81Mb sorted+csi pytables: 987.23 s compress: 925.67 s
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