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Last active January 29, 2018 13:56
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[WordPress][Premium] Adding WordPress Modal Dialogs (With Built in Libraries)
* A basic plugin page that will eventually be used to demonstrate how to use the
* Thickbox library included with WordPress.
* @package Acme
<div id="acme-thickbox-demo" class="wrap">
<!-- TODO -->
</div><!-- #acme-thickbox-demo -->
* A basic plugin page that will eventually be used to demonstrate how to use the
* Thickbox library included with WordPress.
* @package Acme
<div id="acme-thickbox-demo" class="wrap">
<!-- TODO -->
</div><!-- #acme-thickbox-demo -->
* A basic plugin page that will eventually be used to demonstrate how to use the
* Thickbox library included with WordPress.
* @package Acme
<div id="acme-thickbox-demo" class="wrap">
<h1>Acme Thickbox Demo</h1>
<p>Provides an exmaple of how to use the thickbox library within a WordPress plugin page.</p>
<div id="acme-thickbox-content">
<a href="#">Display The Dialog</a>
</div><!-- #acme-thickbox-content -->
</div><!-- #acme-thickbox-demo -->
* A basic plugin page that will eventually be used to demonstrate how to use the
* Thickbox library included with WordPress.
* @package Acme
<div id="acme-thickbox-demo" class="wrap">
<h1>Acme Thickbox Demo</h1>
<p>Provides an exmaple of how to use the thickbox library within a WordPress plugin page.</p>
<div id="acme-thickbox-content">
<a href="TB_inline?width=600&height=550&inlineId=acme-modal-dialog" class="thickbox">Display The Dialog</a>
<div id="acme-modal-dialog" style="display:none;"></div><!-- #acme-modal-dialog -->
</div><!-- #acme-thickbox-content -->
</div><!-- #acme-thickbox-demo -->
<div id="acme-modal-dialog" style="display:none;">
<h2>Hello World</h2>
<p>Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet ventress dak jusik chewbacca tenel beru bail anomid hapes mas.</p>
<p>Fel kalee kyle desann. Ozzel p'w'eck jax castell saleucami. Thisspias veila mantell mccool garindan jax.</p>
<p>Barriss kurtzen sing bertroff cody frozarns. Han koon miraluka vau.</p>
<li>Bajic asajj boba raymus dug piell moddell jax darth.</li>
<li>Sio anakin naberrie shistavanen fisto utapau chewbacca aayla.</li>
Corran axmis kor-uj hutt marek kenobi ansuroer echani. Mirax mara fisto bith tyranus kashyyyk farlander max b'omarr.
Ben dodonna askajian teevan palpatine lobot beru.
</div><!-- #acme-modal-dialog -->
<a href="TB_inline?width=600&height=550&inlineId=acme-modal-dialog" title="Hello World" class="thickbox">Display The Dialog</a>
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