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Last active September 12, 2017 23:51
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[WordPress] Registering WordPress Hooks Using Another Class
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'acme_start' );
* Start the machine.
function acme_start() {
$plugin = new AcmeColumn();
class AcmeColumn {
private $registry;
public function __construct( $registry ) {
$this->registry = $registry;
public function start() {
$registry->add_hook( 'filter', 'manage_edit-page_columns', $this, 'add_page_column' );
public function add_page_column( $page_columns ) {
$page_columns['template'] = 'Acme Column';
return $page_columns;
add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'acme_start' );
* Start the machine.
function acme_start() {
$registry = new HookRegistry();
$acme_column = new AcmeColumn( $registry );
class HookRegistry {
public add_hook( $type, $name, $object, $method ) {
$type = strtolower( $type );
if ( 'filter' !== $type || 'action' !== $type ) {
return new WP_Error( '1', 'No proper hook type defined.' );
private function add_filter( $name, $object, $method ) {
add_filter( $name, array( $object, $method ) );
private function add_action( $name, $object, $method ) {
add_action( $name, array( $object, $method ) );
class HookRegistry {
private $registry;
public function __construct() {
$this->registery = array();
public add_hook( $id, $type, $name, $object, $method ) {
$type = strtolower( $type );
if ( 'filter' !== $type || 'action' !== $type ) {
return new WP_Error( '1', 'No proper hook type defined.' );
if ( 'filter' === $type ) {
$this->add_filter( $name, $object, $method );
} else {
$this->add_action( $name, $object, $method );
$hook_info = array(
$this->registry[ $id ] = $hook_info;
private function add_filter( $name, $object, $method ) {
add_filter( $name, array( $object, $method ) );
private function add_action( $name, $object, $method ) {
add_action( $name, array( $object, $method ) );
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