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Last active March 26, 2021 15:53
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[WDS] wp-config.php, Constants, and User Input
// Enforce capitalization of incoming constant keys.
$wp_user_constant = strtoupper( $wp_user_constant );
// Read the constants into an associative array.
$constants = \get_defined_constants( true );
// If the constnat is defined, update the value of the constant in the options table.
if ( ( defined( $wp_user_constant ) && isset( $constants['user'] ) ) ) {
update_option( $option_name, $constants['user'][ $wp_user_constant ] );
* Read the incoming constant definition key and, if defined, updates the associated option.
* @param string $wp_user_constant The PHP constant to check before saving data from the form.
* @param string $option_name The name of the option to serialize the value of the constant.
function acme_constants_update_options( string $wp_user_constant, string $option_name ) {
$wp_user_constant = strtoupper( $wp_user_constant );
$constants = \get_defined_constants( true );
if ( ( defined( $wp_user_constant ) && isset( $constants['user'] ) ) ) {
update_option( $option_name, $constants['user'][ strtoupper( $wp_user_constant ) ] );
value="<?php esc_attr_e( get_option( 'acme-homepage-url' ) ); ?>"
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'acme_add_options_page' );
* Adds the plugin menu item to the 'Settings' menu in the WordPress dashboard.
function acme_add_options_page() {
esc_html__( 'Acme Theme Settings', 'wds' ),
esc_html__( 'Theme Settings', 'wds' ),
* Renders the options page for the settings.
* This assumes that the options-view.php file is located in a `views` subdirectory.
function acme_render_options_page() {
require_once 'views/options-view.php';
<div class="wrap">
<h1><?php esc_html_e( get_admin_page_title() );</h1>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo esc_html( admin_url( 'admin-post.php' ) ); ?>">
<label for="acme-homepage-url">
<?php esc_html_e( 'Frontend URL', 'wds' ); ?>
<input name="acme-frontend-url" type="text" value="<?php esc_attr_e( get_option( 'acme-frontend-url' ) ); ?>" />
wp_nonce_field( 'acme-settings-save', 'acme-settings-save-nonce' );
add_action( 'admin_post', 'acme_save_options' );
* Validates the incoming nonce value, verifies the current user has
* permission to save the value from the options page and saves the
* option to the database.
function acme_save_options() {
// First, validate the nonce and verify the user as permission to save.
$result = 'true';
if ( ! ( acme_options_has_valid_nonce() && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) ) {
$result = 'false';
// Save the field value in a variable. If it's empty, delete the option.
$key = 'acme-frontend-url';
if ( empty( wp_unslash( filter_input( INPUT_POST, $key ) ) ) ) {
delete_option( $key );
// Otherwise, sanitize the value and save the value.
filter_input( INPUT_POST, $key ),
// Now redirect the user back to the options page.
acme_render_options_redirect( $result );
* Verifies that the user has permission to save data associated with the settings page.
* @return bool True if the user has permission to save information; otherwise, false.
function acme_options_has_valid_nonce() {
// If the nonce isn't even in the $_POST array, then it's invalid.
if ( null === filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'acme-settings-save-nonce' ) ) {
return false;
$field = wp_unslash( filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'acme-settings-save-nonce' ) );
$action = 'acme-settings-save';
return wp_verify_nonce( $field, $action );
* Redirects the user back to the administration page will a success or failure query string value.
* @param string $result The result of the evaluation of the settings being saved.
function acme_render_options_redirect( string $result ) {
if ( null === filter_input( INPUT_POST, '_wp_http_referer' ) ) {
$_POST['_wp_http_referer'] = wp_login_url();
// Sanitize the value of the $_POST collection for the Coding Standards.
$url = sanitize_text_field(
wp_unslash( filter_input( INPUT_POST, '_wp_http_referer' ) )
// Finally, redirect back to the admin page.
wp_safe_redirect( urldecode( add_query_arg( [ 'success' => $result ], urldecode( $url ) ) ) );
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