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Created June 14, 2010 10:05
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Save tommorris/437512 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
talking to oauth-out-of-band fireeagle using scala's databinder dispatch oauth
// Welcome to Scala version (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, Java 1.6.0_20).
// Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
// Type :help for more information.
scala> import dispatch._
import dispatch._
scala> import oauth._
import oauth._
scala> import OAuth._
import OAuth._
scala> import scala.xml._
import scala.xml._
scala> val fe = (:/("") / "oauth").secure
fe: dispatch.Request = dispatch.Request@65370ce9
scala> val oauth = Consumer("[seekrit!]", "[also seekrit!]")
oauth: dispatch.oauth.Consumer = Consumer([secret!],[secret!])
scala> val h = new Http
h: dispatch.Http = dispatch.Http@1045651b
scala> val request_token = h(fe / "request_token" << Map("oauth_callback" -> "oob") <@ oauth as_token)
// INF: [console logger] dispatch: POST
request_token: dispatch.oauth.Token = Token([secret],[secret])
scala> request_token
res0: dispatch.oauth.Token = Token([secret],[secret])
scala> fe / "authorize" <<? request_token
res1: dispatch.Request = dispatch.Request@57ced290
scala> (fe / "authorize" <<? request_token).to_uri
res2: =[secret]
// At this point, the loyal user went off to the relevant URL and authenticated with the application.
// He returned with an OAuth verification token. What a nice user.
scala> val access_token = h(fesecure / "access_token" << Map("oauth_verifier" -> "KXfQgG") <@ (oauth, request_token) as_token)
// INF: [console logger] dispatch: POST
access_token: dispatch.oauth.Token = Token([more secret],[omg secret])
scala> val feapi = (:/("") / "api" / "0.1").secure
feapi: dispatch.Request = dispatch.Request@16dba1f7
scala> val location = XML.loadString(h(feapi / "user" <@ (oauth, access_token) as_str))
// INF: [console logger] dispatch: GET
location: scala.xml.Elem =
<rsp stat="ok" xmlns:georss="">
<user token="azfpzT5ah3Ol" located-at="2010-06-14T02:20:47-07:00" readable="true" writable="true">
<location-hierarchy timezone="Europe/London" string="23424975|24554868|12602173|26788690|26352313">
<location best-guess="true">
<georss:point>51.130219 0.262814</georss:point>
scala> location \\ "location"
res4: scala.xml.NodeSeq =
<location best-guess="true" xmlns:georss="">
<georss:point>51.130219 0.262814</georss:point>
<name>Station Approach, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1</name>
/* and once again, this time just as a script without the repl */
import dispatch._
import oauth._
import OAuth._
import scala.xml._
val fe = (:/("") / "oauth").secure
val oauth = Consumer("[seekrit!]", "[also seekrit!]")
val h = new Http
val request_token = h(fe / "request_token" << Map("oauth_callback" -> "oob") <@ oauth as_token)
fe / "authorize" <<? request_token
(fe / "authorize" <<? request_token).to_uri
// At this point, the loyal user went off to the relevant URL and authenticated with the application.
// He returned with an OAuth verification token. What a nice user.
val access_token = h(fesecure / "access_token" << Map("oauth_verifier" -> "KXfQgG") <@ (oauth, request_token) as_token)
val feapi = (:/("") / "api" / "0.1").secure
val location = XML.loadString(h(feapi / "user" <@ (oauth, access_token) as_str))
location \\ "location"
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Very interesting that you managed to get to Tunbridge Wells station. I've always been interested in that town. Especially after I found with its events. It should be interesting here.

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