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Created November 7, 2022 20:36
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import geopandas as gpd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def main():
df = gpd.read_file(path)
# df.drop('geometry', axis='columns', inplace=True)
df = df[df['KommuneNav'].isin(['København', 'Frederiksberg', 'Tårnby', 'Dragør'])]
# df = df[df['KommuneNav'].isin(['København', 'Frederiksberg', 'Dragør'])]
df.loc[2435, 'AfstemKod'] = '58' # 2022 Nørrebrohallen / 2015 5. midt (26)
# Merge Dragør
df.loc[2204, 'AfstemKod'] = '01'
df.loc[2277, 'AfstemKod'] = '01'
df.loc[2545, 'AfstemKod'] = '01'
df.loc[2737, 'AfstemKod'] = '01'
# Remove incorrect Kastrup geometry.
for i in range(2099, 2273):
if df.loc[i, 'AfstemNav'] != 'Kastrup':
df.drop(i, inplace=True)
except KeyError:
party = 'V'
candidates = set((
'Alexandra Sasha',
'René Bredal',
'Claus Buch',
'Anders Fausbøll',
'Martin Geertsen',
'Jan E. Jørgensen',
'Michael Lange',
'Anne Rasmussen',
'Bo Sandroos',
'Sven Aage Schlosrich',
'Linea Søgaard-Lidell',
'Søren Sørensen',
candidate_of_interest = 'Jan E. Jørgensen'
columns = df.columns
for candidate in candidates:
df[candidate] = 0
df['most_votes'] = ''
df['second_most_votes'] = ''
df['third_most_votes'] = ''
df['candidate_of_interest'] = ''
df['sum'] = 0
for KommuneNum, k in [
] + [
(101, str(i)) for i in range(101, 109 + 1) # København
] + [
(147, str(i)) for i in range(110, 111 + 1) # Frederiksberg
] + [
(155, '112155'), # Dragør
(185, '112185'), # Tårnby
OpstilNum = int(k[:3]) - 100
print('OpstilNum', OpstilNum)
print(df[(df['OpstilNum'] == OpstilNum) & (df['KommuneNum'] == KommuneNum)][columns].drop('geometry', axis='columns').to_string())
url = f'{k}.htm'
r = requests.get(url)
soup = bs(r.content,"html.parser")
div = soup.find('div', {"class": "kmd-voting-areas-list-items"})
for i, a in enumerate(div.find_all('a')):
if i == 0: continue
href = a.get('href')
assert int(href[1:4]) - 100 == OpstilNum
AfstemKod = href[8:10]
# if OpstilNum != int(href[5:7]):
# print(a.text, OpstilNum, AfstemKod)
url = f'{href[1:-4]}{party}.htm'
print('yyy', OpstilNum, AfstemKod, a.text, df[(df['OpstilNum'] == OpstilNum) & (df['KommuneNum'] == KommuneNum) & (df['AfstemKod'] == AfstemKod)]['AfstemNav'].values)
# if a.text == 'Kastrup': continue
r = requests.get(url)
soup = bs(r.content, "html.parser")
div_candidates = soup.find_all('div', {"class": "table-like-cell col-xs-7 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-8"})
div_counts = soup.find_all('div', {"class": "table-like-cell col-xs-5 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4 text-right roboto-bold"})
counts = [int(_.text) for _ in div_counts]
candidates = [_.text for _ in div_candidates]
most_votes = max(zip(counts, candidates))[1]
_ = list(reversed(sorted(zip(counts, candidates))))
rank = list(zip(*_))[1].index(candidate_of_interest) + 1
# most_votes = '1. {}, 2. {}'.format(_[-1][1], _[-2][1])
second_most_votes = _[1][1]
third_most_votes = _[2][1]
df.loc[(df['KommuneNum'] == KommuneNum) & (df['OpstilNum'] == OpstilNum) & (df['AfstemKod'] == AfstemKod), 'most_votes'] = most_votes
df.loc[(df['KommuneNum'] == KommuneNum) & (df['OpstilNum'] == OpstilNum) & (df['AfstemKod'] == AfstemKod), 'second_most_votes'] = second_most_votes
df.loc[(df['KommuneNum'] == KommuneNum) & (df['OpstilNum'] == OpstilNum) & (df['AfstemKod'] == AfstemKod), 'third_most_votes'] = third_most_votes
df.loc[(df['KommuneNum'] == KommuneNum) & (df['OpstilNum'] == OpstilNum) & (df['AfstemKod'] == AfstemKod), 'candidate_of_interest'] = rank
df.loc[(df['KommuneNum'] == KommuneNum) & (df['OpstilNum'] == OpstilNum) & (df['AfstemKod'] == AfstemKod), 'sum'] = sum(counts)
for candidate, count in zip(candidates, counts):
df.loc[(df['OpstilNum'] == OpstilNum) & (df['AfstemKod'] == AfstemKod), candidate] = 100 * int(count) / sum(counts)
if len(df[(df['OpstilNum'] == OpstilNum) & (df['AfstemKod'] == AfstemKod)]) == 0:
print(a.text, OpstilNum, AfstemKod)
print('Nobody with most votes due to redistricting')
print(df[df['most_votes'] == ''])
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df)
for column in ['sum', 'most_votes', 'second_most_votes', 'third_most_votes', 'candidate_of_interest'] + candidates:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.set_size_inches(16/2, 9/2)
cmap = 'viridis'
if column in ('most_votes', 'second_most_votes', 'third_most_votes', 'candidate_of_interest'):
cmap = None
legend_kwds = None
cmap = 'Blues'
if column == 'sum':
label = 'Antal personlige stemmer til Venstre'
label = 'Procentdel af personlige stemmer til Venstre'
legend_kwds = {
'label': label,
'orientation': "vertical",
m = gdf.plot(
# linewidth=0.1,
# edgecolor='black',
'most_votes': 'Flest stemmer',
'second_most_votes': 'Næstflest stemmer',
'third_most_votes': 'Tredjeflest stemmer',
'candidate_of_interest': 'Placering',
'sum': 'Antal personlige stemmer til Venstre',
}.get(column, column))
plt.savefig('{}.png'.format(column.replace(' ', '_')))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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