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Created August 22, 2014 06:02
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#go /* game over */
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#pa /* play again */
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#hm /* home */
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width: 285px;
font-size: 12px;
color: #FFFEA7;
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text-align: center;
z-index: 5;
#nm /* no moves */
margin: 0;
left: 130px;
top: 20px;
width: 285px;
height: 263px;
line-height: 263px;
font-size: 24px;
color: #FF0;
text-shadow: #F00 0 0 6px, #F00 0 0 6px, #F00 0 0 6px, #F00 0 0 6px, #F00 0 0 6px, #F00 0 0 6px, #F00 0 0 6px, #F00 0 0 6px, #F00 0 0 6px, #F00 0 0 6px;
text-align: center;
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margin: 0;
position: absolute;
top: 30px;
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width: 100%;
height: 48px;
margin: auto;
z-index: 9000;
display: none;
color: Red;
text-align: center;
<script type="text/javascript">
bdw = 8, bdh = 8, // board size, in gems
bdx = 130, bdy = 20, // board position
gmw = 36, gmh = 33, // gem size
gmt = 7, // gem types
slx0 = Math.round((gmw - 45) / 2), // selection initial x
sly0 = Math.round((gmh - 45) / 2), // selection initial y
ms = 200, // moving speed
bry = 19, // bar position
brh = 264, // bar height
lil = 0.05, // life increment per line
ld0 = 0.001, // initial life decrease
ldi = 0.00025, // life decrease increment
sln = 100, // score for line
seg = 70, // score for extra gem
sel = 80, // score for extra line
scb = 90, // score for combo
slu = 5000, // score for level up
lpi = [], // list of preloaded images
pb, // preload bar
pbf, // preload bar fill
sn, // screen
go, // game over
ln, // lines
sl, // selection
sla, // selection active
slx, sly, // selection position, in gems
gmm, // gems moving
bd, // board
br, // bar
lf, // life
ld, // life decrease
ld1, // life decrease
sr, // score
lv, // level
cl, // changing level
nm, // no moves
cbc, // combo counter
ptc, // points counter
lnc, // lines counter
nlv, // next level
lvt, // level text
srt, // score text
dl, // destruction list
saveScore; //save score
function i() // initialize
//window.ShowAdvert(1, 100 , 17 , 43);
//window.ShowAdvertFullScreen(0 , 0 , 4);
pb = c('pb', '', '', null);
pbf = c('pbf', '', '', pb);
function scrollT()
if (parent.sw != null)
setTimeout('scrollT()', 100);
function pi( // preload images
p // paths: array(string)
for (var i in p) // index
var i1 = new Image(); // image
i1.src = p[i];
function upb() // update preload bar
var c = 0; // count
for (var i in lpi) // index
if (lpi[i].complete)
} = (400*(c/lpi.length))+'px';
if (c < lpi.length)
setTimeout('upb()', 10);
setTimeout('ss()', 4000);
function ss() // show splash
sn = c('ss', '', '', null);
//window.ShowAdvertTime(2, 100 , 18 , 43 , 3000);
setTimeout('sgc()', 3000);
function sgc() // show game cover
//window.ShowAdvertTime(3, 100 , 17 , 43 , 7000);
sn = c('gcs', '', '', null);
sn.setAttribute('onclick', 'sm()');
function sm() // show menu
if (parent.sw != null)
var b; // button
sn = c('ms', '', '', null);
b = c('sbm', '', '', sn);
b.setAttribute('onclick', 'sh()');
//window.ShowAdvertTime(4, 100 , 18 , 43 , 3000);
var bButton = parent.document.getElementById('dbackbutton');
//alert("bButton: "+bButton); = 'none';
function sh() // show help
if (parent.sw != null)
sn = c('hs', '', '', null);
var b = c('sbh', '', '', sn); // button
ae(sg, 'click', b, 1, 0);
//window.ShowAdvertTime(9, 100 , 18 , 43 , 3000);
var bButton = parent.document.getElementById('dbackbutton'); = 'block';
/*function shsr() // show high scores
w = c('hsr', '', '', sn), // window
i = c('hsri', 'iframe', '', w), // iframe
b = c('hsrc', '', '', w); // button
i.setAttribute('src', '');
i.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no');
b.setAttribute('onclick', 'sm()');
//window.ShowAdvertTime(8, 100 , 235 , 43 , 3000);
var bButton = parent.document.getElementById('dbackbutton'); = 'block';
function smg() // show more games
function sg() // start game
if (parent.sw != null)
go = null;
sn = c('bs', '', '', null);
ae(pc, 'mousedown', null, 1, 0);
ae(pc, 'touchstart', null, 1, 0);
ae(mc, 'mousemove', null, 1, 0);
ae(rc, 'mouseup', null, 1, 0);
ae(mc, 'touchmove', null, 1, 1);
ae(rc, 'touchend', null, 1, 0);
ae(rc, 'touchcancel', null, 1, 0);
bdx += Math.floor((window.innerWidth - 480) / 2);
c('tp', '', '', sn);
c('bt', '', '', sn);
br = c('br', '', '', sn);
lvt = c('', '', 'lvt', sn);
lvt.innerHTML = '1';
srt = c('', '', 'srt', sn);
srt.innerHTML = '0'
lf = 0.5;
ld = ld0;
sr = 0;
lv = 1;
ptc = 0;
lnc = 0;
nlv = 15;
//window.ShowAdvertTime(10, 100 , 18 , 43 , 3000);
var bButton = parent.document.getElementById('dbackbutton'); = 'block';
function ulf() // update life
if (go)
lf -= ld;
if (lf <= 0)
go = c('go', '', '', sn);
go.innerHTML = 'GAME OVER';
lf = 0;
//window.ShowAdvertFullScreen(0 , 0 , 4);
setTimeout('sph()', 1000);
if (cl && lf <= 0.5)
cl = 0;
lf = 0.5;
if (nm)
setTimeout('ulf()', 100);
function sph() // show play again and home
var t; // text
t = c('pa', '', '', bd);
t.innerHTML = 'Play Again';
t.setAttribute('onclick', 'pya()');
t = c('hm', '', '', bd);
t.innerHTML = 'Home';
t.setAttribute('onclick', 'ghm()');
//window.ShowAdvert(8, 100 , 18 , 43);
//window.ShowAdvert(8, 100 , 235 , 43);
function pya() // play again
//window.ShowAdvertTime(8, 100 , 18 , 43 , 3000);
go = null;
lvt.innerHTML = '1';
srt.innerHTML = '0'
lf = 0.5;
ld = ld0;
sr = 0;
lv = 1;
ptc = 0;
lnc = 0;
nlv = 15;
function ghm() // go home
//window.ShowAdvertTime(8, 100 , 18 , 43 , 3000);
function slf() // show life
var h = Math.floor(brh * lf); // height = (bry + brh - h) + 'px'; = (h + 10) + 'px';
function bbd() // build board
bd = c('bd', '', '', sn);
ln = [];
for (var y = 0; y < bdh; y++)
var r = []; // row
for (var x = 0; x < bdw; x++)
var t = rt(); // type
while (x >= 2 && r[x - 1].t == t && r[x - 2].t == t)
t = rt();
while (y >= 2 && ln[y - 1][x].t == t && ln[y - 2][x].t == t)
t = rt();
var g = c('', '', 'gm gm' + t, bd); // gem = (x * gmw) + 'px'; = (-1 * gmh) + 'px';
t: t, // type
g: g, // gem
x: x, y: y // position
setTimeout('aln(' + y + ')', ms + (bdh - 1 - y) * 100);
sl = c('sl', '', '', bd); = 'none';
sla = 0;
gmm = 1;
setTimeout('slv()', ms + (bdh) * 100);
function rt() // random type
return 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * gmt);
function aln( // align line
y // line: int
for (var x = 0; x < bdw; x++)
var g = ln[y][x];
if (!g)
continue; = (x * gmw) + 'px'; = (y * gmh) + 'px';
function abd() // align board
for (var y = 0; y < bdh; y++)
function slv() // start level
gmm = 0;
cbc = 0;
function egm( // exchange gems
x1, y1, // position of gem 1: int, int
x2, y2 // position of gem 2: int, int
g1 = ln[y1][x1],
g2 = ln[y2][x2];
ln[y2][x2] = g1;
ln[y1][x1] = g2;
if (g1)
g1.x = x2;
g1.y = y2; = (x2 * gmw) + 'px'; = (y2 * gmh) + 'px';
if (g2)
g2.x = x1;
g2.y = y1; = (x1 * gmw) + 'px'; = (y1 * gmh) + 'px';
function sgm( // switch gems
x1, y1, // position of gem 1: int, int
x2, y2 // position of gem 2: int, int
egm(x1, y1, x2, y2);
gmm = 1;
setTimeout('mgm(' + x1 + ',' + y1 + ',' + x2 + ',' + y2 + ')', ms);
function mgm( // match gems
x1, y1, // position of gem 1: int, int
x2, y2 // position of gem 2: int, int
if (fln())
{ = 'none';
sla = 0;
setTimeout('rgm(' + x1 + ',' + y1 + ',' + x2 + ',' + y2 + ')', ms);
function fln( // find lines
) // : boolean
dl = []; // destruction list
pt = 0, // points
lc = 0; // lines counter
for (var t = 1; t <= gmt; t++) // type
// Search vertical lines.
for (var x = 0; x < bdw; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < bdh; y++)
if (!ln[y][x])
if (ln[y][x].t == t)
var l = []; // line
for (; y < bdh; y++)
if (!ln[y][x])
if (ln[y][x].t == t)
if (l.length >= 3)
pt += sln + (l.length - 3) * seg + lc * sel;
for (var i in l)
// Search horizontal lines.
for (var y = 0; y < bdh; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < bdw; x++)
if (!ln[y][x])
if (ln[y][x].t == t)
var l = []; // line
for (; x < bdw; x++)
if (!ln[y][x])
if (ln[y][x].t == t)
if (l.length >= 3)
pt += sln + (l.length - 3) * seg + lc * sel;
for (var i in l)
if (dl.length)
pt += cbc * scb;
xc = 0, yc = 0; // center
for (var i in dl)
var g = dl[i]; // gem
if (!g)
s(g.g, 0.5, 0.5);
ln[g.y][g.x] = null;
xc += g.x * gmw;
yc += g.y * gmh;
xc /= dl.length;
yc /= dl.length;
var p = c('pt' + ptc, '', 'pt', bd); = xc; = yc;
p.innerHTML = '+' + pt;
setTimeout('d(o(\'pt' + ptc + '\'))', ms * 2);
sr += pt;
srt.innerHTML = sr;
lf += lil * lc;
if (lf > 1)
lf = 1;
lnc += lc;
setTimeout('dln()', ms);
return dl.length;
function dln() // destroy lines
for (var i in dl)
var g = dl[i]; // gem
if (!g)
for (var y = bdh - 1; y > 0; y--)
for (var x = 0; x < bdw; x++)
if (!ln[y][x])
for (var y1 = y - 1; y1 >= 0; y1--)
var g = ln[y1][x]; // gem
if (g)
ln[y1][x] = null;
ln[y][x] = g;
g.y = y;
for (var x = 0; x < bdw; x++)
var y1 = -1;
for (var y = bdh - 1; y >= 0; y--)
if (!ln[y][x])
t = rt(), // type
g = c('', '', 'gm gm' + t, bd); // gem = (x * gmw) + 'px'; = (y1 * gmh) + 'px';
y1 -= 1;
ln[y][x] = {
t: t, // type
g: g, // gem
x: x, y: y // position
} = 'none';
sla = 0;
setTimeout('abd()', 50);
setTimeout('mngm()', ms);
function mngm() // match new gems
if (!fln())
cbc = 0;
if (lnc >= nlv)
for (var y = 0; y < bdh; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < bdw; x++)
var g = ln[y][x]; // gem
if (!g)
s(g.g, 0.5, 0.5);
lf = 1;
lnc = 0;
nlv *= 2;
setTimeout('snl()', ms);
else if (!fmv())
nm = 1;
var t = c('nm', '', '', sn);
t.innerHTML = 'No More Moves';
for (var y = 0; y < bdh; y++)
setTimeout('rrw(' + (bdh - 1 - y) + ')', Math.floor(y * ms / 2));
setTimeout('fbd()', Math.floor(bdh * ms / 2));
gmm = 0;
function rrw( // reduce row
y // row: int
for (var x = 0; x < bdw; x++)
var g = ln[y][x]; // gem
if (!g)
s(g.g, 0.5, 0.5);
function fmv( // find moves
) // : boolean
for (var y = 0; y < bdh; y++)
for (var x = 0; x < bdw - 3; x++)
var t = tgm(x, y); // type
if (tgm(x + 1, y) == t && (tgm(x + 3, y) == t || tgm(x + 2, y - 1) == t || tgm(x + 2, y + 1) == t))
return 1;
for (var x = bdw - 1; x >= 3; x--)
var t = tgm(x, y); // type
if (tgm(x - 1, y) == t && (tgm(x - 3, y) == t || tgm(x - 2, y - 1) == t || tgm(x - 2, y + 1) == t))
return 1;
for (var x = 0; x < bdw; x++)
for (var y = 0; y < bdh - 3; y++)
var t = tgm(x, y); // type
if (tgm(x, y + 1) == t && (tgm(x, y + 3) == t || tgm(x - 1, y + 2) == t || tgm(x + 1, y + 2) == t))
return 1;
for (var y = bdh - 1; y >= 3; y--)
var t = tgm(x, y); // type
if (tgm(x, y - 1) == t && (tgm(x, y - 3) == t || tgm(x - 1, y - 2) == t || tgm(x + 1, y - 2) == t))
return 1;
return 0;
function fbd() // fill board
nm = 0;
function tgm( // type of gem
x, y // position: int int
) // : int
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= bdw || y >= bdh)
return ln[y][x].t;
function snl() // show next level
lf = 1;
ld1 = ld;
ld = 0.02;
cl = 1;
sr += slu;
srt.innerHTML = sr;
var t = c('lvu', '', '', sn); // text
t.innerHTML = 'LEVEL UP!<br/>' + slu;
//window.ShowAdvertTime(8, 100 , 18 , 43 , 3000);
function bnl() // build next level
ld = ld1 + ldi;
lvt.innerHTML = lv;
function rgm( // return gems
x1, y1, // position of gem 1: int, int
x2, y2 // position of gem 2: int, int
egm(x1, y1, x2, y2); = 'none';
sla = 0;
gmm = 0;
/*function ssr() // save score
w = c('ssr', '', '', sn), // window
i = c('ssri', 'iframe', '', w), // iframe
b = c('ssrc', '', '', w); // button
i.setAttribute('src', 'congrats.html');
i.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no');
b.setAttribute('onclick', 'd(o(\'ssr\'))');
//window.ShowAdvert(8, 100 , 235 , 43);
saveScore = true;
function pc( // press cursor
e // event: MouseEvent
if (gmm)
if (go)
if (!e)
e = window.event;
var ci = cie(e); // cursor information
if (ci.x >= bdx && ci.y >= bdy && ci.x < bdx + gmw * bdw && ci.y < bdy + gmh * bdh)
var x = Math.floor((ci.x - bdx) / gmw);
var y = Math.floor((ci.y - bdy) / gmh);
if (sla && x == slx && y == sly)
{ = 'none';
sla = 0;
if (sla && ((Math.abs(x - slx) == 1 && y == sly) || (Math.abs(y - sly) == 1 && x == slx)))
sgm(x, y, slx, sly);
slx = x;
sly = y; = (slx * gmw + slx0) + 'px'; = (sly * gmh + sly0) + 'px'; = '';
sla = 1;
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.preventDefault)
if (e.stopPropagation)
function mc( // move cursor
e // event: MouseEvent
if (gmm)
if (go)
if (!e)
e = window.event;
var ci = cie(e); // cursor information
function rc( // release cursor
e // event: MouseEvent
if (gmm)
if (go)
if (!e)
e = window.event;
var ci = cie(e); // cursor information
if (ci.x >= bdx && ci.y >= bdy && ci.x < bdx + gmw * bdw && ci.y < bdy + gmh * bdh)
var x = Math.floor((ci.x - bdx) / gmw);
var y = Math.floor((ci.y - bdy) / gmh);
if (sla && ((Math.abs(x - slx) == 1 && y == sly) || (Math.abs(y - sly) == 1 && x == slx)))
sgm(x, y, slx, sly);
function o( // object
i // identity: string
) // : object
return document.getElementById(i);
function c( // create
i, // identity: string
t, // type: string
c, // class: string
p // parent: object
) // : object
if (!t)
t = 'div';
if (!p)
p = document.body;
var o = document.createElement(t); // object
if (i)
o.setAttribute('id', i);
sc(c, o);
return o;
function sc( // set class
c, // class: string
o // object: object
if (!c || !o)
if (navigator.appName.indexOf('Microsoft') != -1)
o.setAttribute('className', c);
o.setAttribute('class', c);
function d( // destroy
o // object: object
//window.ShowAdvert(8, 100 , 18 , 43);
saveScore = false;
if (o && o.parentNode)
function ae( // add event
f, // function: function
e, // event: string
o, // object: object
ae, // adjust event: boolean
c // capture: boolean
if (!o)
o = document.body;
if (o.attachEvent)
o.attachEvent((ae ? 'on' : '')+e, f);
o.addEventListener(e, f, c);
function cie( // cursor information on event
e // event: MouseEvent
) // : {o: object, x: int, y: int}
if (!e)
e = window.event;
if (e.changedTouches)
e = e.changedTouches[0];
var i = {}; // information
// Get object.
i.o = || e.srcElement || e.currentTarget || e.relatedTarget || e.originalTarget || e.toElement || e.fromElement; // object
// Get position.
if (e.pageX != null)
i.x = e.pageX;
i.y = e.pageY;
i.x = e.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
i.y = e.clientY+document.body.scrollTop+document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return i;
function ssp( // set style with prefixes
o, // object: object
p, // prefixes: array (string)
s, // style: string
v // value: string
if (!o)
for (var i in p) // index[p[i]+s] = v;
function s( // scale
o, // object: object
xs, ys // scale: float, float
if (!o)
return; = 'scale('+xs+','+ys+')';
ssp(o, ['webkit', 'Moz', 'O', 'ms'], 'Transform', 'scale('+xs+','+ys+')');
function removeAdvFS()
<script type="text/javascript">
var advertsAmount = 11;
// Shows an advert
var ShowAdvert = function (adtype, posx, posy, quadrantY) {
//var realY = GetPositionYForQuadrant(quadrantY);
//$("#advert" + adtype).css("top", realY + "px");
$("#advert" + adtype).css("top", posy);
//$("#advert" + adtype).css("left", posx);
$("#advert" + adtype).show();
// Shows an advert for a limited period of time
var ShowAdvertTime = function (adtype, posx, posy, quadrantY, showtime) {
//var realY = GetPositionYForQuadrant(quadrantY);
//$("#advert" + adtype).css("top", realY);
$("#advert" + adtype).css("top", posy);
//$("#advert" + adtype).css("left", posx);
$("#advert" + adtype).show();
setTimeout("HideAdvert(" + adtype + ")", showtime);
var ShowAdvertFullScreen = function(posx, posy, showtimeSeconds){
showtimeSeconds = showtimeSeconds*1000;
$("#advertFS").css("top", posy);
$("#advertFS").css("left", posx);
setTimeout(function () {
// Hides all advert banners
var HideAllAdverts = function () {
/*for (i = 1; i <= advertsAmount; i++) {
// Hides all advert banners, except the specified as a parameter
var HideAllAdvertsExcept = function (adtype) {
for (i = 1; i <= advertsAmount; i++) {
if (i != adtype){
// Hides an advert
var HideAdvert = function (adtype) {
$("#advert" + adtype).hide();
// For internal use, do not call it directyly
var GetPositionYForQuadrant = function (quadrant) {
if (quadrant != 0) {
var totalQuadrants = 50;
var height = window.innerHeight;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i))) {
height = height - 7;
var quadrantHeight = height / totalQuadrants;
return quadrant * quadrantHeight;
else {
return 0;
<body onLoad="i()">
<form id="mg" action="" target="_blank"></form>
<div class="advert" id="advertFS">
<script type="text/javascript">
var useragent = navigator.userAgent;
useragent = useragent.toLowerCase();
if (useragent.indexOf('iphone') != -1) {
document.getElementById('advertFS').innerHTML = '<a href="" target="new"><img src=""></a>';
document.getElementById('advertFS').innerHTML = '<a href="" target="new"><img src=""></a>';
//other device
document.getElementById('advertFS').innerHTML = '<a href="" target="new"><img src=""></a>';
<!--a href="" target="new"><img src=""-->
<!-- Mirrored from by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2013], Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:30:21 GMT -->
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