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Created June 20, 2022 19:10
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Test this:

# Specify pour point
x, y = -97.294167, 32.73750

# Delineate the catchment
grid.catchment(data='dir', x=x, y=y, dirmap=dirmap, out_name='catch',
               recursionlimit=15000, xytype='label', nodata_out=0)

# Clip to catchment

yi_s = np.random.randint(0, grid.shape[0], size=10)
xi_s = np.random.randint(0, grid.shape[1], size=10)
xs, ys = grid.affine * (xi_s, yi_s)

z0 = np.zeros(grid.shape)
i = 0

for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
    i += 1
    c = grid.catchment(x, y, data='dir', dirmap=dirmap, xytype='label', inplace=False)
    z0 += i * (c != 0).astype(int)

grid.accumulation(data='dir', dirmap=dirmap, out_name='acc', apply_mask=False)

xy = np.column_stack([xs, ys])
new_xy = grid.snap_to_mask(grid.acc > 50, xy, return_dist=False)
new_xs, new_ys = new_xy[:,0], new_xy[:,1]

z1 = np.zeros(grid.shape)
i = 0

for x, y in zip(new_xs, new_ys):
    i += 1
    c = grid.catchment(x, y, data='dir', dirmap=dirmap, xytype='label', inplace=False)
    z1 += i * (c != 0).astype(int)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))

z0[z0 == 0] = np.nan
z1[z1 == 0] = np.nan

ax[0].imshow(z0, extent=grid.extent, zorder=1, cmap='plasma')
ax[0].scatter(xy[:,0], xy[:,1], marker='x', c='k', zorder=2)
ax[0].set_title('Catchments at original coordinates')

ax[1].imshow(z1, extent=grid.extent, zorder=1, cmap='plasma')
ax[1].scatter(new_xy[:,0], new_xy[:,1], marker='x', c='k', zorder=2)
ax[1].set_title('Catchments at snapped coordinates')


fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8))

plt.scatter(xs, ys, marker='x', c='b', s=100, label='original')
plt.scatter(new_xs, new_ys, marker='x', c='r', s=100, label='snapped')
plt.imshow(np.where(grid.acc > 50, 1, np.nan), extent=grid.extent, cmap='bone', zorder=1, alpha=0.5)
plt.title('Original vs. snapped coordinates')


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