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Specify and Create Multiple Credential Objects
TechNet Contribution: Specify and Create Multiple Credential Objects
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Downloaded: 461 times (as of 05/21/2020)
This advanced function will allow a user to specify and then create multiple credential objects. Creating additional
credential objects allows a user the ability to use different credentials for various purposes while working in the Windows
PowerShell console, or ISE. More information, including a walkthrough of the function's development, can be found here:
Although this advanced function has only been tested on Windows 8.1, I suspect it should work on most other Windows
Operating System versions running, at minimum, PowerShell 2.0.
Update: Version 2.0 was uploaded on May 27, 2016. Read here: for more information.
Function New-TMMultiCred {
Prompts user to create credentials objects.
Prompts user to create credentials objects based on the number specified by the Set parameter.
This mandatory parameter specifies how many credential objects to create between 1 and 10.
This parameter specifies that the Get-Credential GUI not be displayed to collect the username and password. Instead, it's collected at the command line.
PS > New-TMMultiCred -Set 1
Prompts a user to create one credential object and stores it in $CredSet1. This example will use the Get-Credential GUI.
PS > New-TMMultiCred 2
Prompts a user to create two credential objects and stores them in $CredSet1 and $CredSet2. This example will use the Get-Credential GUI.
PS > New-TMMultiCred 3 -NoGui -Verbose
Prompts a user to create three credential objects and stores them in $CredSet1, $CredSet2, and $CredSet3 without using the Get-Credential GUI. Additionally, this will write verbose information.
NAME: New-TMMultiCred
AUTHOR: Tommy Maynard
- Added the NoGui parameter and code to handle creating credential objects without the use of the Get-Credential GUI.
- Changed to use objects as output, instead of writing statements using Write-Output.
- Added End block, and Added verbose statements to Begin and End blocks.
- Remove existing $CredSet* variables when they exist (completed in Begin block).
- Edited comment-based help: changed some previous help, and added some additional information.
LASTEDIT: 5/26/2016
Param (
Begin {
Write-Verbose -Message "Removing any previously created credential object variables."
If (Get-Variable -Name CredSet* -Scope Global) {Remove-Variable -Name CredSet* -Scope Global}
Write-Verbose -Message "Beginning to create $Set credential objects."
} #End Begin.
Process {
$Object = @()
For ($i = 1; $i -le $Set; $i++) {
# Create Credential Objects based on number of sets to be created.
## Don't use Get-Credential GUI.
If ($NoGui) {
Write-Verbose -Message "Prompting for credentials for `$CredSet$($i)."
$User = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Username'
$Pass = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Password' -AsSecureString
try {
Set-Variable -Name CredSet$($i) -Value (New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($User, $Pass)) -Scope Global
} catch {
Write-Verbose -Message "Username or password wasn't entered."
Write-Warning -Message "No credential object was created for set $($i)."
## Use Get-Credential GUI.
} Else {
try {
Write-Verbose -Message "Prompting for credentials for `$CredSet$($i)."
Set-Variable -Name CredSet$($i) -Value (Get-Credential -Credential $null) -Scope Global
} catch {
Write-Verbose -Message 'User canceled prompt for credentials.'
Write-Warning -Message "No credential object was created for set $($i)."
# Create object and append to object variable.
If (Get-Variable -Name CredSet$($i) -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$Object += [pscustomobject]@{
'CredSet' = [string]$i
'Variable' = "`$Credset$i"
'UserName' = (Get-Variable -Name CredSet$($i) -ValueOnly).Username
'Password' = (Get-Variable -Name CredSet$($i) -ValueOnly).Password
} # End For.
Write-Verbose -Message 'Writing output information.'
} #End Process.
End {
Write-Verbose -Message "Completed creating $Set credential objects."
} # End End.
} #End Function: New-TMMultiCred.
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