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Last active May 25, 2016 08:38
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Deploy your site with git
# Deploy your site with git
This gist assumes:
* you have a local git repo
* with an online remote repository (github / bitbucket etc)
* and a cloud server (Rackspace cloud / Amazon EC2 etc)
* your (PHP) scripts are served from /var/www/html/
* your webpages are executed by apache
* apache's home directory is /var/www/
* ***(this describes a pretty standard apache setup on Redhat / Ubuntu / CentOS / Amazon AMI etc)***
***you should be able to do the same with Java, Perl, RoR, JSP etc. however you'll need to recreate the (rather simple) PHP script***
# 1 - On your local machine
*Here we add the deployment script and push it to the origin, the deployment script runs git commands to PULL from the origin thus updating your server*
## Grab a deployment script for your site
See [deploy.php](#file_deploy.php)
## Add, commit and push this to github
git add deploy.php
git commit -m 'Added the git deployment script'
git push -u origin master
# 2 - On your server
*Here we install and setup git on the server, we also create an SSH key so the server can talk to the origin without using passwords etc*
## Install git...
After you've installed git, make sure it's a relatively new version - old scripts quickly become problematic as github / bitbucket / whatever will have the latests and greatest, if you don't have a recent version you'll need to figure out how to upgrade it :-)
git --version
### ...on CentOS 5.6
# Add a nice repo
rpm -Uvh
# Install git
yum install --enablerepo=webtatic git-all
### ...using generic yum
sudo yum install git-core
## Setup git
git config --global "Server"
git config --global ""
## Create an ssh directory for the apache user
sudo mkdir /var/www/.ssh
sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/.ssh/
## Generate a deploy key for apache user
sudo -Hu apache ssh-keygen -t rsa # choose "no passphrase"
sudo cat /var/www/.ssh/
# 3 - On your origin (github / bitbucket)
*Here we add the SSH key to the origin to allow your server to talk without passwords. In the case of GitHub we also setup a post-receive hook which will automatically call the deploy URL thus triggering a PULL request from the server to the origin*
## GitHub instructions
### Add the SSH key to your user
1. Create a new key
1. Paste the deploy key you generated on the server
### Set up service hook
1. Select the **Post-Receive URL** service hook
1. Enter the URL to your deployment script -
1. Click **Update Settings**
## Bitbucket instructions
### Add the SSH key to your account
1. Create a new key
1. Paste the deploy key you generated on the server
### Set up service hook
1. Go to: Repo > Admin > Services
1. Select "POST"
1. Add the URL to your deployment script -
1. Save
***Thanks to DrewAPicture in the comments for this one***
# 4 - On the Server
*Here we clone the origin repo into a chmodded /var/www/html folder*
## Pull from origin
sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html
sudo -Hu apache git clone /var/www/html
# Rejoice!
Now you're ready to go :-)
## Some notes
* Navigate the the deployment script to trigger a pull and see the output:
* ***this is useful for debugging too ;-)***
* When you push to GitHub your site will automatically ping the above url (and pull your code)
* When you push to Bitbucket you will need to manually ping the above url
* It would be trivial to setup another repo on your server for different branches (develop, release-candidate etc) - repeat most of the steps but checkout a branch after pulling the repo down
## Sources
* [Build auto-deploy with php and git(hub) on an EC2 Amazon AMI instance]( - who in turn referenced:
* [ec2-webapp /](
* [How to deploy your code from GitHub automatically](
* Used for automatically deploying websites via github or bitbucket, more deets here:
// The commands
$commands = array(
'echo $PWD',
'git reset --hard HEAD',
'git pull origin dev',
'git status',
'git submodule init',
'git submodule update',
'git submodule status'
// Run the commands for output
$output = '';
foreach($commands AS $command){
// Run it
$tmp = shell_exec($command);
// Output
$output .= "<span style=\"color: #6BE234;\">\$</span> <span style=\"color: #729FCF;\">{$command}\n</span>";
$output .= htmlentities(trim($tmp)) . "\n";
// Make it pretty for manual user access (and why not?)
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<body style="background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold; padding: 0 10px;">
. ____ . ____________________________
|/ \| | |
[| <span style="color: #FF0000;">&hearts; &hearts;</span> |] | Git Deployment Script v0.1 |
|___==___| / &copy; oodavid 2012 |
<?php echo $output; ?>
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