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Created July 21, 2018 13:19
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Creates a toy topology graph using gremlin. Set the number of instances for each component by supplying an integer as the 1st argument when you call the script.
import sys
from tests.local.graph_connect import graph_client
g = graph_client.graph_traversal
parallelism = int(sys.argv[1])
components = {"Sp" : parallelism, "A" : parallelism, "B" : parallelism,
"C" : parallelism}
task_id = 0
# Create all the nodes
print("Creating nodes")
for component, parallelism in components.items():
print(f"Adding nodes for component {component}")
for _ in range(parallelism):
print(f"Creating node: {task_id}")
(g.addV("instance").property("component", component)
.property("task_id", task_id)
task_id += 1
# Create all the connections
print("Creating edges")
order = list(components.keys())
for i, source_component in enumerate(order):
if i == (len(order) - 1):
print(f"Connecting instances of component {source_component}")
destination_component = order[i+1]
sources = (g.V().hasLabel("instance")
.has("component", source_component)
destinations = (g.V().hasLabel("instance")
.has("component", destination_component)
for j, source in enumerate(sources):
print(f"Connecting source vertex {j+1} of {len(sources)}")
for destination in destinations:
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