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Created December 25, 2018 01:16
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package org.mccandless.minotaur
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import scala.collection.mutable
class Day17Spec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
type Board = mutable.Seq[mutable.Seq[Char]]
val clay: Char = '#'
val sand: Char = '.'
val spring: Char = '+'
val flowingWater: Char = '|'
val stillWater: Char = '~'
def parseRow(clays: Seq[Clay], y: Int, minX: Int, maxX: Int): mutable.Seq[Char] = {
var row: mutable.Seq[Char] = mutable.ListBuffer.empty
for {
x <- minX to maxX
} {
val c: Char = if (clays.exists(c => c.x.contains(x) && c.y.contains(y))) clay
else if (y == 0 && x == 500) spring
else sand
row = row :+ c
def parseSingle(s: String): Int = s.drop(2).toInt
def parseRange(s: String): Seq[Int] = {
val sComponents: Seq[String] = s.drop(2).split("\\.\\.")
require(sComponents.length == 2)
val start: Int = sComponents.head.toInt
val end: Int = sComponents.tail.head.toInt
start to end
def parseInput(filename: String): Board = {
val lines: Seq[String] = io.Source.fromResource(filename).getLines.toSeq
val veins: Seq[Clay] = { l: String =>
val components: Seq[String] = l.split(", ").toSeq
val x: Seq[Int] = if (components.head.startsWith("x")) Seq(parseSingle(components.head)) else parseRange(components.tail.head)
val y: Seq[Int] = if (components.head.startsWith("y")) Seq(parseSingle(components.head)) else parseRange(components.tail.head)
Clay(x, y)
val minX: Int =
val maxX: Int =
val minY: Int =
val maxY: Int =
var board: Board = mutable.ListBuffer.empty
for {
row <- minY - 4 to maxY
} board = board :+ parseRow(veins, row, minX - 5, maxX + 5)
def isInBounds(board: Board, row: Int, col: Int): Boolean = {
0 <= row && row < board.length && 0 <= col && col < board(row).length
def releaseWater(board: Board): Board = {
val sources: Seq[(Int, Int)] = for {
row <- board.indices
col <- board(row).indices
if board(row)(col) == spring
} yield (row, col)
sources foreach { source =>
var s: List[(Int, Int)] = (source._1 + 1, source._2) :: Nil
var discovered: Set[(Int, Int)] = Set.empty
var oldScore: Int = 0
while(s.nonEmpty && score(board) != oldScore) {
val v = s.head
val (row, col) = v
s = s.tail
if (!discovered.contains(v)) { //} && row.until(board.length).forall(!discovered.contains(_, col))) {
discovered += v
oldScore = score(board)
if (board(row)(col) != spring) {
if (row < board.length - 1 && (board(row + 3)(col) == clay || board(row + 1)(col) == stillWater))
board(row)(col) = stillWater
board(row)(col) = flowingWater
// add outgoing edges
val left = (row, col - 1)
val right = (row, col + 1)
val down = (row + 1, col)
if (isInBounds(board, right._1, right._2) && board(right._1)(right._2) == sand) {
if (right._1 == board.length - 1 || (right._1 + 1 until board.length).forall(discovered.contains(_, right._2)))
discovered += right
s = right :: s
if (isInBounds(board, left._1, left._2) && board(left._1)(left._2) == sand) {
if (left._1 == board.length -1 || (left._1 + 1 until board.length).forall(discovered.contains(_, left._2)))
discovered += left
s = left :: s
if (isInBounds(board, down._1, down._2) && board(down._1)(down._2) == sand) s = down :: s
// we have visited this node before, so just check to see if we need to update its flowing state
else {
* @param board
* @param yMin
* @param yMax
* @return number of squares currently reached by water
def score(board: Board): Int = {
val rowScores: Seq[Int] = for {
row <- board.indices
} yield board(row).count(p => p == spring || p == flowingWater || p == stillWater)
def printState(board: Board): Unit = {
for {
row <- board.indices
col <- board(row).indices
} {
if (col == board(row).length - 1) {
"day 17" should "solve" in {
var board: Board = this.parseInput("day17_small.txt")
board = releaseWater(board)
// print(score(board))
// printState(board)
case class Clay(x: Seq[Int], y: Seq[Int]) {
require(x.length == 1 || y.length == 1)
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