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Last active February 20, 2024 15:53
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Translating Jupyter notebook using Google Translate


  • Lots of jupyter notebooks for machine learning tutorials are available in English
  • Draft machine translations of markdown cells help self motivated learners, who are non-native English speakers, to reach more resources


generate translated notebook

$ ./ en ja source.ipynb translated.ipynb

generate html

$ jupyter nbconvert --to html translated.ipynb

Note: Jupyter custom themes would be used. $ jt -r if you would like to use the default theme.


  • translate markdown cells
  • specify source/target langs
  • import successfully into Google Colab
    • delete unnecessary metadata
  • translate @title of source code cells
  • rendering html using nbconvert
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8
import requests
import json
import time
import mistune # markdown > html
#import tomd # html > markdown
import modified_tomd
import re
google_apikey = "<YOUR API KEY>"
args = sys.argv
source_lang = args[1] # e.g. en
target_lang = args[2] # e.g. ja
filename = args[3] # e.g. source.ipynb
filename_translated = args[4] # e.g. target_ja.ipynb
def google_translate(original_text):
google_translate_url = "" + google_apikey
payload = {
"q": original_text,
"source": source_lang,
"target": target_lang,
"format": "html"
json_data = json.dumps(payload).encode("utf-8")
headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
r =, headers=headers, data=json_data)
translated = r.json()
return translated
# read ipynb and parse JSON
with open(filename, "r") as f:
notebook = json.load(f)
# insert translated cells
new_notebook = notebook.copy()
cells = notebook["cells"].copy()
new_cells = cells.copy()
offset = 1
for index, cell in enumerate(cells):
print("===index: " + str(index) + " offset: " + str(offset) + "===")
if cell["cell_type"] == "markdown":
print("cell: " + str(cell["source"]))
original_text = "\n".join(cell["source"])
original_html = mistune.markdown(original_text)
r = google_translate(original_html)
translated_html = r["data"]["translations"][0]["translatedText"]
# translated_md = tomd.convert(translated_html)
translated_md = modified_tomd.Tomd(translated_html).markdown
# new_source_list = translated_md.split("\n")
new_source_list = re.findall(".*\n", translated_md)
new_cell = { 'cell_type': 'markdown', 'source': new_source_list }
new_cells.insert(index + offset, new_cell)
offset = offset + 1
new_notebook["cells"] = new_cells
# delete meta data
for index in range(0,len(new_notebook["cells"])):
new_notebook["cells"][index]["metadata"] = {}
new_notebook["metadata"] = {}
# write .ipynb file
with open(filename_translated, "w") as f:
json.dump(new_notebook, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
# by gaojiuli, GNU General Public License v3.0
# coding: utf-8
import re
import os
import warnings
__all__ = ['Tomd', 'convert']
'h1': ('\n# ', '\n'),
'h2': ('\n## ', '\n'),
'h3': ('\n### ', '\n'),
'h4': ('\n#### ', '\n'),
'h5': ('\n##### ', '\n'),
'h6': ('\n###### ', '\n'),
'code': ('`', '`'),
'ul': ('', ''),
'ol': ('', ''),
'li': ('- ', '\n'), # modified here
'blockquote': ('\n> ', '\n'),
'em': ('*', '*'),
'strong': ('**', '**'),
'block_code': ('\n```\n', '\n```\n'),
'span': ('', ''),
'p': ('\n', '\n'),
'p_with_out_class': ('\n', '\n'),
'inline_p': ('', ''),
'inline_p_with_out_class': ('', ''),
'b': ('**', '**'),
'i': ('*', '*'),
'del': ('~~', '~~'),
'hr': ('\n---', '\n\n'),
'thead': ('\n', '|------\n'),
'tbody': ('\n', '\n'),
'td': ('|', ''),
'th': ('|', ''),
'tr': ('', '\n'),
'table': ('', '\n'),
'e_p': ('', '\n')
'h1': '<h1.*?>(.*?)</h1>',
'h2': '<h2.*?>(.*?)</h2>',
'h3': '<h3.*?>(.*?)</h3>',
'h4': '<h4.*?>(.*?)</h4>',
'h5': '<h5.*?>(.*?)</h5>',
'h6': '<h6.*?>(.*?)</h6>',
'hr': '<hr/>',
'blockquote': '<blockquote.*?>(.*?)</blockquote>',
'ul': '<ul.*?>(.*?)</ul>',
'ol': '<ol.*?>(.*?)</ol>',
'block_code': '<pre.*?><code.*?>(.*?)</code></pre>',
'p': '<p\s.*?>(.*?)</p>',
'p_with_out_class': '<p>(.*?)</p>',
'thead': '<thead.*?>(.*?)</thead>',
'tr': '<tr.*?>(.*?)</tr>'
'td': '<td.*?>((.|\n)*?)</td>', # td element may span lines
'tr': '<tr.*?>((.|\n)*?)</tr>',
'th': '<th.*?>(.*?)</th>',
'b': '<b.*?>(.*?)</b>',
'i': '<i.*?>(.*?)</i>',
'del': '<del.*?>(.*?)</del>',
'inline_p': '<p\s.*?>(.*?)</p>',
'inline_p_with_out_class': '<p>(.*?)</p>',
'code': '<code.*?>(.*?)</code>',
'span': '<span.*?>(.*?)</span>',
'ul': '<ul.*?>(.*?)</ul>',
'ol': '<ol.*?>(.*?)</ol>',
'li': '<li.*?>(.*?)</li>',
'img': '<img.*?src="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</img>',
'img_single': '<img.*?src="(.*?)".*?/>',
'img_single_no_close': '<img.*?src="(.*?)".*?>',
'a': '<a.*?href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a>',
'em': '<em.*?>(.*?)</em>',
'strong': '<strong.*?>(\s*)(.*?)(\s*)</strong>',
'tbody': '<tbody.*?>((.|\n)*)</tbody>',
DELETE_ELEMENTS = ['<span.*?>', '</span>', '<div.*?>', '</div>', '<br clear="none"/>', '<center.*?>', '</center>']
class Element:
def __init__(self, start_pos, end_pos, content, tag, folder, is_block=False):
self.start_pos = start_pos
self.end_pos = end_pos
self.content = content
self._elements = []
self.is_block = is_block
self.tag = tag
self.folder = folder
self._result = None
if self.is_block:
def __str__(self):
wrapper = MARKDOWN.get(self.tag)
self._result = '{}{}{}'.format(wrapper[0], self.content, wrapper[1])
return self._result
def parse_inline(self):
self.content = self.content.replace('\r', '') # windows \r character
self.content = self.content.replace('\xc2\xa0', ' ') # no break space
self.content = self.content.replace('&quot;', '\"') # html quote mark
for m in re.finditer("<img(.*?)en_todo.*?>", self.content):
# remove img and change to [ ] and [x]
# evernote specific parsing
imgSrc ='src=".*?"',
imgLoc =[5:-1] # remove source and " "
imgLoc = imgLoc.replace('\\', '/') # \\ folder slash rotate
if os.stat(self.folder + "/" + imgLoc).st_size < 250:
self.content = self.content.replace(, "[ ] ")
self.content = self.content.replace(, "[x] ")
if "e_" in self.tag: # evernote-specific parsing
for m in re.finditer(BlOCK_ELEMENTS['table'], self.content, re.I | re.S | re.M):
# hmm can there only be one table?
inner = Element(start_pos=m.start(),
tag='table', folder=self.folder,
self.content = inner.content
return # no need for further parsing ?
# if no table, parse as usual
self.content = self.content.replace('<hr/>', '\n---\n')
self.content = self.content.replace('<br/>', '')
if self.tag == "table": # for removing tbody
self.content = re.sub(INLINE_ELEMENTS['tbody'], '\g<1>', self.content)
pattern = INLINE_ELEMENTS[tag]
if tag == 'a':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '[\g<2>](\g<1>)', self.content)
elif tag == 'img':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '![\g<2>](\g<1>)', self.content)
elif tag == 'img_single':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '![](\g<1>)', self.content)
elif tag == 'img_single_no_close':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '![](\g<1>)', self.content)
elif self.tag == 'ul' and tag == 'li':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '- \g<1>\n', self.content)
elif self.tag == 'ol' and tag == 'li':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '1. \g<1>\n', self.content)
elif self.tag == 'thead' and tag == 'tr':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '\g<1>\n', self.content.replace('\n', ''))
elif self.tag == 'tr' and tag == 'th':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '|\g<1>', self.content.replace('\n', ''))
elif self.tag == 'tr' and tag == 'td':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '|\g<1>|', self.content.replace('\n', ''))
self.content = self.content.replace("||", "|") # end of column also needs a pipe
elif self.tag == 'table' and tag == 'td':
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '|\g<1>|', self.content)
self.content = self.content.replace("||", "|") # end of column also needs a pipe
self.content = self.content.replace('|\n\n', '|\n') # replace double new line
wrapper = MARKDOWN.get(tag)
if tag == "strong":
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '{}\g<2>{}'.format(wrapper[0], wrapper[1]), self.content)
self.content = re.sub(pattern, '{}\g<1>{}'.format(wrapper[0], wrapper[1]), self.content)
if self.tag == "e_p" and self.content[-1:] != '\n' and len(self.content) > 2:
# focusing on div, add new line if not there (and if content is long enough)
self.content += '\n'
def construct_table(self):
# this function, after self.content has gained | for table entries,
# adds the |---| in markdown to create a proper table
temp = self.content.split('\n', 3)
for elt in temp:
if elt != "":
count = elt.count("|") # count number of pipes
pipe = "\n|" # beginning \n for safety
for i in range(count - 1):
pipe += "---|"
pipe += "\n"
self.content = pipe + pipe + self.content + "\n" # TODO: column titles?
self.content = self.content.replace('|\n\n', '|\n') # replace double new line
self.content = self.content.replace("<br/>\n", "<br/>") # end of column also needs a pipe
class Tomd:
def __init__(self, html='', folder='', file='', options=None):
self.html = html # actual data
self.folder = folder
self.file = file
self.options = options # haven't been implemented yet
self._markdown = self.convert(self.html, self.options)
def convert(self, html="", options=None):
if html == "":
html = self.html
# main function here
elements = []
for tag, pattern in BlOCK_ELEMENTS.items():
for m in re.finditer(pattern, html, re.I | re.S | re.M):
# now m contains the pattern without the tag
element = Element(start_pos=m.start(),
can_append = True
for e in elements:
if e.start_pos < m.start() and e.end_pos > m.end():
can_append = False
elif e.start_pos > m.start() and e.end_pos < m.end():
if can_append:
elements.sort(key=lambda element: element.start_pos)
self._markdown = ''.join([str(e) for e in elements])
for index, element in enumerate(DELETE_ELEMENTS):
self._markdown = re.sub(element, '', self._markdown)
return self._markdown
def markdown(self):
self.convert(self.html, self.options)
return self._markdown
def export(self, folder=False):
if len(self.file) < 1:
warnings.warn("file not specified, renamed to")
file = ""
file = self.file.replace('.html', '.md') # rename to md
if len(self.folder) < 2:
warnings.warn("folder not specified, will save to pwd")
elif not folder:
file = self.folder + '/' + file
else: # if folder is specified
file = folder + '/' + file
f = open(file, 'w')
_inst = Tomd()
convert = _inst.convert
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*_ja.ipynb' -print0 | while read -r -d '' file; do jupyter nbconvert --to html $file; done
#! /bin/bash
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*_ja.ipynb' -print0 | while read -r -d '' file; do jupyter nbconvert --to markdown $file; done
#! /bin/bash
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.ipynb' -print0 | while read -r -d '' file; do ./ en ja $file ${file%%.ipynb}_ja.ipynb; done
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Thanks a lot for this, very useful! @jmfontana to make this work you need a google API key. This is in principle not for free, but you can set up a trial for 3 months...

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