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Last active April 12, 2020 22:55
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runtime unstable
$ time ./bin/opencv_test_cudaimgproc --gtest_filter=*LBGR2Lab/* --gtest_repeat=1000 | grep -e OK -e FAILED |  cut -f 1 -d \( | sort | uniq -c
     14  1 FAILED TEST
    132  2 FAILED TESTS
    389  3 FAILED TESTS
    464  4 FAILED TESTS
     14 [  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
    132 [  FAILED  ] 2 tests, listed below:
    389 [  FAILED  ] 3 tests, listed below:
    464 [  FAILED  ] 4 tests, listed below:
   1562 [  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/10, where GetParam
   1594 [  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/11, where GetParam
   1716 [  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/4, where GetParam
   1730 [  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/5, where GetParam
   1000 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/0
   1000 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/1
    219 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/10
    203 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/11
   1000 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/2
   1000 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/3
    142 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/4
    135 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/5
   1000 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/6
   1000 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/7
   1000 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/8
   1000 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/9

real    0m24.093s
user    0m12.850s
sys     0m6.370s
  • Test of 4,5,10 and 11 from CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab changes behvior based on runtime.
  • It has non-deterministic behavior
  • Same for CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LRGB2Lab and CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGRA2Lab4
  • The test CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LRGBA2Lab4 doesn't exist, so anything from LBGR to Lab space has some non-deterministic behavior

basic information

$ ./bin/opencv_test_cudaimgproc --gtest_filter=slkfjdsl

Available options besides google test option:
Usage: opencv_test_cudaimgproc [params]

        --cuda_device (value:-1)
                CUDA device on which tests will be executed (-1 means all devices)
        -h, --help (value:false)
                Print help info

Run tests on all supported CUDA devices

[ GPU INFO ]    Run on OS Linux x64.
*** CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking) ***

Device count: 1

Device 0: "NVIDIA Tegra X1"
  CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version          8.0 / 8.0
  CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number:    5.3
  Total amount of global memory:                 3994 MBytes (4188004352 bytes)
  GPU Clock Speed:                               0.07 GHz
  Max Texture Dimension Size (x,y,z)             1D=(65536), 2D=(65536,65536), 3D=(4096,4096,4096)
  Max Layered Texture Size (dim) x layers        1D=(16384) x 2048, 2D=(16384,16384) x 2048
  Total amount of constant memory:               65536 bytes
  Total amount of shared memory per block:       49152 bytes
  Total number of registers available per block: 32768
  Warp size:                                     32
  Maximum number of threads per block:           1024
  Maximum sizes of each dimension of a block:    1024 x 1024 x 64
  Maximum sizes of each dimension of a grid:     2147483647 x 65535 x 65535
  Maximum memory pitch:                          2147483647 bytes
  Texture alignment:                             512 bytes
  Concurrent copy and execution:                 Yes with 1 copy engine(s)
  Run time limit on kernels:                     Yes
  Integrated GPU sharing Host Memory:            Yes
  Support host page-locked memory mapping:       Yes
  Concurrent kernel execution:                   Yes
  Alignment requirement for Surfaces:            Yes
  Device has ECC support enabled:                No
  Device is using TCC driver mode:               No
  Device supports Unified Addressing (UVA):      Yes
  Device PCI Bus ID / PCI location ID:           0 / 0
  Compute Mode:
      Default (multiple host threads can use ::cudaSetDevice() with device simultaneously)

deviceQuery, CUDA Driver = CUDART, CUDA Driver Version  = 8.0, CUDA Runtime Version = 8.0, NumDevs = 1

OpenCV version: 3.4.10-dev
OpenCV VCS version: 3.4.10-38-g43ff8f8
Build type: Release
Compiler: /usr/bin/c++  (ver 5.4.0)
Parallel framework: pthreads (nthreads=4)
CPU features: NEON? FP16?
OpenCL is disabled
TEST: Skip tests with tags: 'mem_6gb', 'verylong'
Note: Google Test filter = slkfjdsl
[==========] Running 0 tests from 0 test cases.
[==========] 0 tests from 0 test cases ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.


#define CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(name, scn, dcn, sRGB, blueIdx) \
    template <typename SrcDepth> struct name ## _func : cv::cudev::color_cvt_detail::RGB2Lab<SrcDepth, scn, dcn, sRGB, blueIdx> \
    { \

CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(RGB_to_Lab, 3, 3, true, 2)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(RGBA_to_Lab, 4, 3, true, 2)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(RGB_to_Lab4, 3, 4, true, 2)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(RGBA_to_Lab4, 4, 4, true, 2)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(BGR_to_Lab, 3, 3, true, 0)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(BGRA_to_Lab, 4, 3, true, 0)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(BGR_to_Lab4, 3, 4, true, 0)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(BGRA_to_Lab4, 4, 4, true, 0)

CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(LRGB_to_Lab, 3, 3, false, 2)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(LRGBA_to_Lab, 4, 3, false, 2)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(LRGB_to_Lab4, 3, 4, false, 2)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(LRGBA_to_Lab4, 4, 4, false, 2)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(LBGR_to_Lab, 3, 3, false, 0)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(LBGRA_to_Lab, 4, 3, false, 0)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(LBGR_to_Lab4, 3, 4, false, 0)
CV_CUDEV_RGB2Lab_INST(LBGRA_to_Lab4, 4, 4, false, 0)
  • This call arrives here
    • scn = 3 or 4
    • dcn = 3 or 4
    • srgb = false
    • blueIdx = 0 or 2
    template <int scn, int dcn, bool srgb, int blueIdx> struct RGB2Lab<float, scn, dcn, srgb, blueIdx>
            : unary_function<typename MakeVec<float, scn>::type, typename MakeVec<float, dcn>::type>
        __device__ typename MakeVec<float, dcn>::type operator ()(const typename MakeVec<float, scn>::type& src) const
            const float _1_3 = 1.0f / 3.0f;
            const float _a = 16.0f / 116.0f;

            float B = blueIdx == 0 ? src.x : src.z;
            float G = src.y;
            float R = blueIdx == 0 ? src.z : src.x;

            if (srgb)
                B = splineInterpolate(B * GAMMA_TAB_SIZE, c_sRGBGammaTab, GAMMA_TAB_SIZE);
                G = splineInterpolate(G * GAMMA_TAB_SIZE, c_sRGBGammaTab, GAMMA_TAB_SIZE);
                R = splineInterpolate(R * GAMMA_TAB_SIZE, c_sRGBGammaTab, GAMMA_TAB_SIZE);

            float X = B * 0.189828f + G * 0.376219f + R * 0.433953f;
            float Y = B * 0.072169f + G * 0.715160f + R * 0.212671f;
            float Z = B * 0.872766f + G * 0.109477f + R * 0.017758f;

            float FX = X > 0.008856f ? ::powf(X, _1_3) : (7.787f * X + _a);
            float FY = Y > 0.008856f ? ::powf(Y, _1_3) : (7.787f * Y + _a);
            float FZ = Z > 0.008856f ? ::powf(Z, _1_3) : (7.787f * Z + _a);

            float L = Y > 0.008856f ? (116.f * FY - 16.f) : (903.3f * Y);
            float a = 500.f * (FX - FY);
            float b = 200.f * (FY - FZ);

            typename MakeVec<float, dcn>::type dst;

            dst.x = L;
            dst.y = a;
            dst.z = b;

            return dst;
  • Actually, the test it self is deteministic. The seed of the test when using gtest_repeat provided different input.
  • The actualy cause is a rounding error
$ for i in `seq 1 100` ; do  ./bin/opencv_test_cudaimgproc --gtest_filter=*LBGR2Lab/* ;done | grep -e OK -e FAILED |  cut -f 1 -d \( | sort | uniq -c
    100  2 FAILED TESTS
    100 [  FAILED  ] 2 tests, listed below:
    200 [  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/4, where GetParam
    200 [  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/5, where GetParam
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/0
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/1
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/10
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/11
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/2
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/3
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/6
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/7
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/8
    100 [       OK ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/9
$ for i in `seq 1 100` ; do  ./bin/opencv_test_cudaimgproc --gtest_filter=*LBGR2Lab/11 ;done | grep -e OK -e FAILED |  cut -f 1 -d \( | sort | uniq -c
    100  1 FAILED TEST
    100 [  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
    200 [  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/11, where GetParam
$ for i in `seq 1 100` ; do  ./bin/opencv_test_cudaimgproc --gtest_filter=*LBGR2Lab/10 ;done | grep -e OK -e FAILED |  cut -f 1 -d \( | sort | uniq -c
    100  1 FAILED TEST
    100 [  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
    200 [  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.LBGR2Lab/10, where GetParam
$ for i in `seq -w 0 99` ; do md5sum cpu-$i.bmp gpu-$i.bmp; done
623f27c7611dda15a5a5aad8aabf8062 cpu-00.bmp
f806f7f854bd94829bcada44c2970df9 gpu-00.bmp
c025123dcc83b2ca76b39328159e2c1d cpu-01.bmp
df5e4bf72434c49823145c3fea753e60 gpu-01.bmp
b7afd43a4fb1b2ca2fd9a45ecedef82a cpu-02.bmp
7d23a3803554c5b1ed8397f43c898d2c gpu-02.bmp
4f7f50ee3b1694346c1859dd0f11d8c4 cpu-03.bmp
6a73859a5f84ca53ade4af1eb31dacb9 gpu-03.bmp
5af4a68eee540c45ca6903d422504662 cpu-04.bmp
764c90cf18fedb0da5db87882c8a50e6 gpu-04.bmp
aea745f01d423780ba6bc2956858aa6d cpu-05.bmp
598c3e86f3426ff76e08be187f119e9d gpu-05.bmp
11004bee974673d4a2eb8a9d44b61c2e cpu-06.bmp
7de7c0b01ecc2630de1e9c81ac2a299b gpu-06.bmp
4f28727cb6ad79250fe03a47232bce6b cpu-07.bmp
7c6f77f24b0dcea0134f1fc6d1c02d62 gpu-07.bmp
3ac2e8ee3db33ae7ba194b52a2ffa07a cpu-08.bmp
ba49ee968a0abebcdffa5d0283b2cd3c gpu-08.bmp
ceb04dd1c7d26827d7faacbcef354f16 cpu-09.bmp
9d2633c044f21e57e66504840c4565ee gpu-09.bmp
0c1a9cc107d37f689e2635a7b921d1f3 cpu-10.bmp
c38f0df462b1487731d81d9d5ffcc1c2 gpu-10.bmp
cf1e574f2745d0ae8802f2ac38b0d5d1 cpu-11.bmp
be0156f744e5b3b880af7c50491fb9f4 gpu-11.bmp
3cbed1d082659ca4f4fa53376ff83363 cpu-12.bmp
d1cc820c07e8bdfabe4cff007bd789ef gpu-12.bmp
f8402f39afb93b820b8b884be290e54d cpu-13.bmp
c1c25e10b54c6d342774d89f47ae7078 gpu-13.bmp
ca8b39fe0c0c78edcebb1fc94603fe4d cpu-14.bmp
a35622f86190f4aad81876bcc7417ae2 gpu-14.bmp
a3a7b3b616c281dddc38dd0c4883ac71 cpu-15.bmp
9a72c122d4658096529be6aa718302b6 gpu-15.bmp
4501700b7170eecb69a7bcffe7bd2d06 cpu-16.bmp
9afe4afe685bc81457638c4637db326c gpu-16.bmp
94600e6f44547e1b9c5919cc9848885e cpu-17.bmp
8d544e2f0488c887b42906ee62f11735 gpu-17.bmp
3491643edfdde337da45f622cf33715d cpu-18.bmp
8f91a418635d708e77246c7dddf99bb4 gpu-18.bmp
52f5eff1bc1795669f629b512c6f09f6 cpu-19.bmp
32f97ea8bb738db4593851029254f773 gpu-19.bmp
a3e277f8912fe1aced20ecd9254f7e91 cpu-20.bmp
1022b36a6904c5348cfbd051f364313e gpu-20.bmp
e23391aeac6b99aa23a4f730b819e044 cpu-21.bmp
31201ad8e1163fa8f9091b3ba832a114 gpu-21.bmp
f12b921d902eee2127aafaf3467a2f3f cpu-22.bmp
16a03a722edfec4ab07f121a5880adad gpu-22.bmp
6ec8e22dacc45400f947b32e1c8755be cpu-23.bmp
fa335c9abcbe9f3c95cc12216fdb96c3 gpu-23.bmp
a64d20399ea1e98f357ad087f264e925 cpu-24.bmp
e06727dfd18b4cba60d6ca6a4f534e0b gpu-24.bmp
710c239dc2fe25d9f318584297f26740 cpu-25.bmp
b9bd9a8daefdaa5361592e43e76ce22b gpu-25.bmp
2639450d951e699f43e82051cdef86db cpu-26.bmp
f7e58aad30907b55a4c1d2d532196e9a gpu-26.bmp
86cd3d7023a034b5f90f7ad75ee8f6f9 cpu-27.bmp
85ccd883aeeef09a4d8e2f1bbdb4b45d gpu-27.bmp
b809b047045d70c808ec6592a4a975f9 cpu-28.bmp
5ff5875fa418ed5039dc80f4065e0453 gpu-28.bmp
46a47a40fff93349ab8413ae7f5030e6 cpu-29.bmp
f20ad9531cf3fa50f91994a8e5b917b1 gpu-29.bmp
8b2dd1d9bca8299e70b66d161bcd340a cpu-30.bmp
e458457cdd8ae894cb9c93f33ed728f4 gpu-30.bmp
06892ee38ab5fddcc0420eda9c6bdde0 cpu-31.bmp
f9d33b8138e9ed4382659fcaebfee37e gpu-31.bmp
25f65106020bd494f96f10de40486fec cpu-32.bmp
baaad093aed467dcc847083ca0cbaeed gpu-32.bmp
77dd4f1b4eee16fe762916916997422e cpu-33.bmp
fabc8f90f4407d1a5fe7c802699bf7fc gpu-33.bmp
b18b62deffad052a1bfb6bd2cfeb254f cpu-34.bmp
9f5089117d43b47c299b6c315f24544b gpu-34.bmp
d062ca9b670d9385a5af205c17fcfba7 cpu-35.bmp
ed50776afe7d5f27c52e104c1ffba122 gpu-35.bmp
cb7b87bab7f3c1e11c22559d4109c0c2 cpu-36.bmp
f4d304dd04f25838c0057dc69bdab042 gpu-36.bmp
03110a54aab90b75dce6966ac048da08 cpu-37.bmp
02db2ab1f0be5764dd3996d3a85a41e5 gpu-37.bmp
96b40ade62cfc5fd2dd7c3220bcb7078 cpu-38.bmp
b2b5d410ae55e6440c0fd850a4c69a4e gpu-38.bmp
7e67c85f038e4e095f240b03cec6d8e3 cpu-39.bmp
7844f8bb759d6d0096ed77ad390f2672 gpu-39.bmp
d6fd90ba4d1edca15f9cbe739fc7f1a4 cpu-40.bmp
1cab65e827c03aa9f4ecabb740d62bed gpu-40.bmp
d70dcc79a4149fa0dbeee4c544484542 cpu-41.bmp
6a244e4619bdd3f015b27ae8232c17d7 gpu-41.bmp
db854d0a17f8f46ed67262de2afeab01 cpu-42.bmp
28d72483be817d450aa97f74f692902e gpu-42.bmp
638776726318c16142e4f238abca07cc cpu-43.bmp
d81d0868848956b13dc6e0f535bbfbb6 gpu-43.bmp
93095eeff184b2cb7295cbae63a2377a cpu-44.bmp
df1d9f3217eba74e038ff28f4d4e6774 gpu-44.bmp
c222785affc2ac38d9e05666c81fb8db cpu-45.bmp
2ceca1d2c54afa581b0c341671114745 gpu-45.bmp
f1ad02c7ddc6465969dc62417aafe679 cpu-46.bmp
2b6cdf0064f4ec964f56edfce9b8b60d gpu-46.bmp
bfe2818eb16ec7e3c50c01bc43a3a6fd cpu-47.bmp
595e0be83ff50f2be5d038026855407b gpu-47.bmp
b33a94dcf9a9be91022dcff617b3bcf2 cpu-48.bmp
ccbf4717c04753ed7835d5e26db6baa2 gpu-48.bmp
0131369148fdf26b8906ab1d9eea54d4 cpu-49.bmp
8d68a87fd786c82fb6ae379faa70e6ec gpu-49.bmp
80fe5eca676bd66d2227c822ea3935cf cpu-50.bmp
92ae51ce2fabf47a446cb86647527c9a gpu-50.bmp
27be24a823608ad570b36bdb015b3326 cpu-51.bmp
8ea46516139f4b9a06b6532df1af4173 gpu-51.bmp
7be7557184d64a283c74031a92ed7a84 cpu-52.bmp
f835e919fd5a04bf398dff9bc911643e gpu-52.bmp
84e922624563abdabdeb93a02553bdd5 cpu-53.bmp
bde3373fc1faa748f96751c499156bbe gpu-53.bmp
6539aef688b04ac75745d85d6fcfacea cpu-54.bmp
a803cb03d89d915943a3ea54ae472a8f gpu-54.bmp
39a48ce6d7606b0726df3d01e32e3179 cpu-55.bmp
8e84c3d5e0e6bfe23d7c203bb5e92e96 gpu-55.bmp
baca21d88092915448cae4c2cf030f14 cpu-56.bmp
c712071ef82286a5d534fe0339ca4a4a gpu-56.bmp
a101da5cc449f05c3c1b81f6b26941c1 cpu-57.bmp
b9b8401614b6775fa5ea746db8b0e34b gpu-57.bmp
cb69fa8bf5f4c115569b0865ddaa0f52 cpu-58.bmp
d0af88d3917fd660db2ce27f728e7250 gpu-58.bmp
6de696ac0c3c22ed127096bf8c058ff2 cpu-59.bmp
afcc407e1393fe5b5081b45a05985c4b gpu-59.bmp
a6e92fb1186fe7754f95d545df5003aa cpu-60.bmp
9d5beb3af5516d18dbe4ceda7e62e6ac gpu-60.bmp
8a26c5543b4e7a9c8109a9457d72a97f cpu-61.bmp
ade88ff436587e3c6997861ccf64567b gpu-61.bmp
c7d98ce0e13b42a212f6608b5fc9fbed cpu-62.bmp
f215438818294e00fb499bcb7667ffbe gpu-62.bmp
b6c50f62d5c4a495c6eca10685211c2c cpu-63.bmp
0c18d557d4048e177bd6c0896a2dd3cf gpu-63.bmp
6d25a64a61ab7e124a0d8bbb97d1d443 cpu-64.bmp
433fd737d1cd65a4605d36641d2e9c9d gpu-64.bmp
f5f2885255bd0049d433977db340e400 cpu-65.bmp
2546157cb62d2cdd7547a322fb05a945 gpu-65.bmp
1f7722e4b52bd51298984325670fcb39 cpu-66.bmp
8dc0449e28e05ca6ff8eb7a83f44f878 gpu-66.bmp
0abe25d2f9b6188d178a73b93b757b67 cpu-67.bmp
b7c11b67cbacfc289c1ab212a236bb30 gpu-67.bmp
4b4c9f6518eade87bbcbf76e637e36e3 cpu-68.bmp
c13136fd993c0c5d3fcd3ac4daa9fc74 gpu-68.bmp
88e15685c1fcd87ca0160b722233fedb cpu-69.bmp
6661fa520559b913e5b3688c4eb39c0c gpu-69.bmp
d58f62a7b8e9db1619c2e589705a66ae cpu-70.bmp
07bad29f3926da1c24b92a614cb51f71 gpu-70.bmp
51e312b09194298633615b16ee8d9112 cpu-71.bmp
6bb782ed2bc013b8d071585f77f51519 gpu-71.bmp
f4d979a1b568dc128cf7eff12424858a cpu-72.bmp
59613cbb46dbb65167b81ceff606b2af gpu-72.bmp
747aa1e39c2a87ba25bd04f5e10b7bb4 cpu-73.bmp
7cff38749e23043b31abebbd02d9abae gpu-73.bmp
160f831899c14247cd497efd29ae5bc8 cpu-74.bmp
c6145730d04f3467701b76c4c65faa11 gpu-74.bmp
46abf1d986c756f9baafe1c2966e44fd cpu-75.bmp
68501a00927e098b7630d475efafdf5f gpu-75.bmp
7bdd4444a8b597690f2493d3abffb1cd cpu-76.bmp
ea453059be7b0666189e97e6bc8c1456 gpu-76.bmp
e7f5c223c059f61ea9f0a95e2e039c19 cpu-77.bmp
bb862d3369d07a8fcbab15367d475adc gpu-77.bmp
5108245d4faa62221dc75c229f5ed295 cpu-78.bmp
341b98fca7bd449ac14e90a47edae285 gpu-78.bmp
ed99c84e052b29535e4b611949b62f0b cpu-79.bmp
46ad85db8e00bce77dc09d9148299a5d gpu-79.bmp
63bcae3d035bca935d17e6dbebfe234c cpu-80.bmp
cd7c25c646681e52fdf4e85bc4d6c8c3 gpu-80.bmp
2e0599f8e766d51798f1d1af32310ac4 cpu-81.bmp
65bb0e7156c814e316a635eb56850e02 gpu-81.bmp
46c6fc974c499a2bfa5dd6d832aafe87 cpu-82.bmp
7af4a530a7946e8ef86e6f6caab24c47 gpu-82.bmp
4164d5e267e95d53927a7b4185e73dfe cpu-83.bmp
ce862857a5aa7c7890b2151bef3ece77 gpu-83.bmp
9d84b9297816b9051fd6a0e89ee21e93 cpu-84.bmp
b76478a374e49bb901a5df8de194edd0 gpu-84.bmp
cb37d49db68bc3a73fcdff9460569178 cpu-85.bmp
6885373713efb3a23308950ddee5d42a gpu-85.bmp
4d0a79e43ef6fffdaaeab42411e5cedc cpu-86.bmp
2a8a784781302dfb3998d0240a40b796 gpu-86.bmp
761f656537965b470e77927be9946a82 cpu-87.bmp
2da9d118d6528b632077110bcdbd3879 gpu-87.bmp
00a49e8741f0feecce6f82933c66d516 cpu-88.bmp
6cb14126815bdea7611d82eb4de0cb1c gpu-88.bmp
e29a4e151cca48777f0685dbb1d00a99 cpu-89.bmp
14f84225159cde40838107aadf2d1613 gpu-89.bmp
ae50d9a6c6713a7c38028858d2a7046d cpu-90.bmp
41bc3b88aa724aa1f5bf9988cd796f1d gpu-90.bmp
0286e758338b8c7d0f8584893a5916af cpu-91.bmp
03d05f333e42a2fd9e884a6c1dde4a26 gpu-91.bmp
7c8c371c25573e83f9b48f71eb8edcb4 cpu-92.bmp
756dc36b7553ee1a3b02b78c38b0e426 gpu-92.bmp
c1aa6b82a50021518d4487da4718c520 cpu-93.bmp
77ae59b2db254ae17fd2260af398b21a gpu-93.bmp
3b915219849d182b69ae5f6d32276ba1 cpu-94.bmp
ea437ec0cfb5e0ae5e60fc471f0c87bc gpu-94.bmp
8f552a6552826d2c46fb659433a18e50 cpu-95.bmp
a2f471cea46c58cedf635951f29780f8 gpu-95.bmp
49c39b5f19afc5f45e3e6773120c1257 cpu-96.bmp
ac0f755c9fc44343d6439516f588bdf4 gpu-96.bmp
e2976a7e711514e1d1e09e9672488960 cpu-97.bmp
ef330dec4a5c4e15a1ac65548247633e gpu-97.bmp
3213e1304a296a0b4cfdf7bc3071c03d cpu-98.bmp
1a727beed5f35abbd09db9286eb1b6c6 gpu-98.bmp
b166da3c669735570578df26e35528a4 cpu-99.bmp
2664b746ca515e8de9d90d3f3757a480 gpu-99.bmp

Remaining test failure All Luv color space

The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (47, 13), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (47, 13) evaluates to (0, 2, 0), "dst" at (47, 13) evaluates to (0, 2, 9), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2BGR/0, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 128x128, CV_8U, whole matrix) (9 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1961: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (79, 91), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (79, 91) evaluates to (0, 2, 0), "dst" at (79, 91) evaluates to (0, 2, 9), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2BGR/0, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 128x128, CV_8U, whole matrix) (10 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1997: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (9, 77), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (9, 77) evaluates to (0, 2, 0, 255), "dst" at (9, 77) evaluates to (0, 2, 9, 255), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2BGRA/0, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 128x128, CV_8U, whole matrix) (10 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1978: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (48, 92), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (48, 92) evaluates to (0, 2, 0), "dst" at (48, 92) evaluates to (9, 2, 0), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2RGB/7, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 113x113, CV_8U, sub matrix) (8 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1978: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (107, 63), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (107, 63) evaluates to (0, 2, 0), "dst" at (107, 63) evaluates to (9, 2, 0), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2RGB/1, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 128x128, CV_8U, sub matrix) (34 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1997: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (52, 13), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (52, 13) evaluates to (0, 2, 0, 255), "dst" at (52, 13) evaluates to (0, 2, 9, 255), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2BGRA/6, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 113x113, CV_8U, whole matrix) (30 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1997: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (20, 76), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (20, 76) evaluates to (0, 2, 0, 255), "dst" at (20, 76) evaluates to (0, 2, 9, 255), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2BGRA/6, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 113x113, CV_8U, whole matrix) (8 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1997: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (92, 33), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (92, 33) evaluates to (0, 2, 0, 255), "dst" at (92, 33) evaluates to (0, 2, 9, 255), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2BGRA/6, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 113x113, CV_8U, whole matrix) (8 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1978: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (22, 37), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (22, 37) evaluates to (0, 2, 0), "dst" at (22, 37) evaluates to (9, 2, 0), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2RGB/1, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 128x128, CV_8U, sub matrix) (11 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1978: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (57, 18), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (57, 18) evaluates to (0, 2, 0), "dst" at (57, 18) evaluates to (9, 2, 0), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2RGB/1, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 128x128, CV_8U, sub matrix) (12 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1961: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (42, 8), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (42, 8) evaluates to (0, 2, 0), "dst" at (42, 8) evaluates to (0, 2, 9), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2BGR/0, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 128x128, CV_8U, whole matrix) (9 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1978: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (42, 15), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (42, 15) evaluates to (0, 2, 0), "dst" at (42, 15) evaluates to (9, 2, 0), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2RGB/7, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 113x113, CV_8U, sub matrix) (8 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1961: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (83, 28), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (83, 28) evaluates to (0, 2, 0), "dst" at (83, 28) evaluates to (0, 2, 9), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2BGR/6, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 113x113, CV_8U, whole matrix) (7 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1997: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (0, 52), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (0, 52) evaluates to (0, 2, 0, 255), "dst" at (0, 52) evaluates to (0, 2, 9, 255), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
[  FAILED  ] CUDA_ImgProc/CvtColor.Luv2BGRA/7, where GetParam() = (NVIDIA Tegra X1, 113x113, CV_8U, sub matrix) (8 ms)
/home/ubuntu/opencv-fork/modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_color.cpp:1997: Failure
The max difference between matrices "dst_gold" and "dst" is 9 at (71, 103), which exceeds "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4", where "dst_gold" at (71, 103) evaluates to (0, 2, 0, 255), "dst" at (71, 103) evaluates to (0, 2, 9, 255), "depth == 0 ? 2 : 1e-4" evaluates to 2
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