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Last active July 20, 2022 13:42
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Using Twitter Scrooge with Mill
import scalalib._
import mill._
import mill.define.Sources
import mill.api.PathRef
import $ivy.`com.twitter::scrooge-generator:19.11.0`
object example extends Cross[ExampleModule]("2.12.8")
class ExampleModule(val crossScalaVersion: String) extends CrossSbtModule {
// Must match the version from scrooge-generator imported above
val scroogeVersion = "19.11.0"
// The structure loosely follows that of albeit with a lot of inlining
override def generatedSources = T { super.generatedSources() :+ compileScrooge() }
def scroogeSources: Sources = T.sources {
millSourcePath / 'src / 'main / 'thrift
def compileScrooge: T[PathRef] = T {
val dest = T.ctx().dest
def compileDir(inputDir: os.Path) {
// ls throws if the path doesn't exist
if (inputDir.toIO.exists) {
val thriftPaths = os.walk(inputDir).filter(_.last.matches(".*\\.thrift")).map(_.toIO.getCanonicalPath)
com.twitter.scrooge.Main.main(Array("-d", dest.toIO.getCanonicalPath, "-l", "scala", "--finagle") ++ thriftPaths)
def ivyDeps = Agg(
// Sample directory structure:
// example/src/main/thrift/Example.thrift:
// namespace java com.example
// struct Example {
// 1: optional string example
// }
// example/src/main/scala/com/example/Main.scala:
// package com.example
// object Main {
// def main(args: Array[String]) {
// println(com.twitter.scrooge.BinaryThriftStructSerializer(Example).toString(Example(Some("mill-scrooge"))))
// }
// }
// Then running mill will yield
// % mill 'example[2.12.8].run'
// [41/41] example[2.12.8].run
// CwABAAAADG1pbGwtc2Nyb29nZQA=
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