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Created October 26, 2017 05:32
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Resume Parser legacy code
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
A utility to make handling many resumes easier by automatically pulling contact information, required skills and
custom text fields. These results are then surfaced as a convenient summary CSV.
This file was written by:
import argparse
import csv
import functools
import glob
import logging
import os
import re
import pandas as pd
from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter
from pdfminer.layout import LAParams
from pdfminer.pdfinterp import PDFResourceManager, PDFPageInterpreter
from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage
from cStringIO import StringIO
__author__ = 'bjherger'
__license__ = ''
__version__ = '2.0'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Development'
__maintainer__ = 'bjherger'
def main():
Main method for ResumeParser. This utility will:
- Read in `data_path` and `output_path` from command line arguments
- Create a list of documents to scan
- Read the text from those documents
- Pull out desired information (e.g. contact info, skills, custom text fields)
- Output summary CSV
:return: None
:rtype: None
"""'Begin Main')
# Parse command line arguments'Parsing input arguments')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Script to parse PDF resumes, and create a csv file containing contact info '
'and required fields')
parser.add_argument('--data_path', help='Path to folder containing documents ending in .pdf',
parser.add_argument('--output_path', help='Path to place output .csv file',
args = parser.parse_args()'Command line arguments: %s', vars(args))
# Create resume resume_df
resume_df = create_resume_df(args.data_path)
# Output to CSV
resume_df.to_csv(args.output_path, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, encoding='utf-8')'End Main')
def convert_pdf_to_txt(input_pdf_path):
A utility function to convert a machine-readable PDF to raw text.
This code is largely borrowed from existing solutions, and does not match the style of the rest of this repo.
:param input_pdf_path: Path to the .pdf file which should be converted
:type input_pdf_path: str
:return: The text contents of the pdf
:rtype: str
logging.debug('Converting pdf to txt: ' + str(input_pdf_path))
# Setup pdf reader
rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()
retstr = StringIO()
codec = 'utf-8'
laparams = LAParams()
device = TextConverter(rsrcmgr, retstr, codec=codec, laparams=laparams)
interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)
password = ""
maxpages = 0
caching = True
pagenos = set()
# Iterate through pages
path_open = file(input_pdf_path, 'rb')
for page in PDFPage.get_pages(path_open, pagenos, maxpages=maxpages, password=password,
caching=caching, check_extractable=True):
# Get full string from PDF
full_string = retstr.getvalue()
# Normalize a bit, removing line breaks
full_string = full_string.replace("\r", "\n")
full_string = full_string.replace("\n", " ")
# Remove awkward LaTeX bullet characters
full_string = re.sub(r"\(cid:\d{0,2}\)", " ", full_string)
return full_string.decode('ascii', errors='ignore')
except Exception, exception_instance:
logging.error('Error in file: ' + input_pdf_path + str(exception_instance))
return ''
def check_phone_number(string_to_search):
Find first phone number in the string_to_search
:param string_to_search: A string to check for a phone number in
:type string_to_search: str
:return: A string containing the first phone number, or None if no phone number is found.
:rtype: str
regular_expression = re.compile(r"\(?" # open parenthesis
r"(\d{3})?" # area code
r"\)?" # close parenthesis
r"[\s\.-]{0,2}?" # area code, phone separator
r"(\d{3})" # 3 digit exchange
r"[\s\.-]{0,2}" # separator bbetween 3 digit exchange, 4 digit local
r"(\d{4})", # 4 digit local
result =, string_to_search)
if result:
result = result.groups()
result = "-".join(result)
return result
except Exception, exception_instance:
logging.error('Issue parsing phone number: ' + string_to_search + str(exception_instance))
return None
def check_email(string_to_search):
Find first email address in the string_to_search
:param string_to_search: A string to check for an email address in
:type string_to_search: str
:return: A string containing the first email address, or None if no email address is found.
:rtype: str
regular_expression = re.compile(r"[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}", re.IGNORECASE)
result =, string_to_search)
if result:
result =
return result
except Exception, exception_instance:
logging.error('Issue parsing email number: ' + string_to_search + str(exception_instance))
return None
def check_address(string_to_search):
Find first physical address in the string_to_search
:param string_to_search: A string to check for a physical address in
:type string_to_search: str
:return: A string containing the first address, or None if no physical address is found.
:rtype: str
regular_expression = re.compile(r"[0-9]+ [a-z0-9,\.# ]+\bCA\b", re.IGNORECASE)
result =, string_to_search)
if result:
result =
return result
except Exception, exception_instance:
logging.error('Issue parsing email number: ' + string_to_search + str(exception_instance))
return None
def term_count(string_to_search, term):
A utility function which counts the number of times `term` occurs in `string_to_search`
:param string_to_search: A string which may or may not contain the term.
:type string_to_search: str
:param term: The term to search for the number of occurrences for
:type term: str
:return: The number of times the `term` occurs in the `string_to_search`
:rtype: int
regular_expression = re.compile(term, re.IGNORECASE)
result = re.findall(regular_expression, string_to_search)
return len(result)
except Exception, exception_instance:
logging.error('Issue parsing term: ' + str(term) + ' from string: ' + str(
string_to_search) + ': ' + str(exception_instance))
return 0
def term_match(string_to_search, term):
A utility function which return the first match to the `regex_pattern` in the `string_to_search`
:param string_to_search: A string which may or may not contain the term.
:type string_to_search: str
:param term: The term to search for the number of occurrences for
:type term: str
:return: The first match of the `regex_pattern` in the `string_to_search`
:rtype: str
regular_expression = re.compile(term, re.IGNORECASE)
result = re.findall(regular_expression, string_to_search)
return result[0]
except Exception, exception_instance:
logging.error('Issue parsing term: ' + str(term) + ' from string: ' +
str(string_to_search) + ': ' + str(exception_instance))
return None
def create_resume_df(data_path):
This function creates a Pandas DF with one row for every input resume, and columns including the resumes's
file path and raw text.
This is achieved through the following steps:
- Create a list of documents to scan
- Read the text from those documents
- Pull out desired information (e.g. contact info, skills, custom text fields)
:param data_path: Path to a folder containing resumes. Any files ending in .pdf in this folder will be treated as a
:type data_path: str
:return: A Pandas DF with one row for every input resume, and columns including the resumes's
file path and raw text
:rtype: pd.DataFrame
# Create a list of documents to scan'Searching path: ' + str(data_path))
# Find all files in the data_path which end in `.pdf`. These will all be treated as resumes
path_glob = os.path.join(data_path, '*.pdf')
# Create list of files
file_list = glob.glob(path_glob)'Iterating through file_list: ' + str(file_list))
resume_summary_df = pd.DataFrame()
# Store metadata, raw text, and word count
resume_summary_df["file_path"] = file_list
resume_summary_df["raw_text"] = resume_summary_df["file_path"].apply(convert_pdf_to_txt)
resume_summary_df["num_words"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(lambda x: len(x.split()))
# Scrape contact information
resume_summary_df["phone_number"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(check_phone_number)
resume_summary_df["area_code"] = resume_summary_df["phone_number"].apply(functools.partial(term_match, term=r"\d{3}"))
resume_summary_df["email"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(check_email)
resume_summary_df["email_domain"] = resume_summary_df["email"].apply(functools.partial(term_match, term=r"@(.+)"))
resume_summary_df["address"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(check_address)
resume_summary_df["linkedin"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"linkedin"))
resume_summary_df["github"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"github"))
# Scrape education information
resume_summary_df["phd"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"ph.?d.?"))
# Scrape skill information
resume_summary_df["java_count"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"java"))
resume_summary_df["python_count"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"python"))
resume_summary_df["R_count"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r" R[ ,]"))
resume_summary_df["latex_count"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"latex"))
resume_summary_df["stata_count"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"stata"))
resume_summary_df["CS_count"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"computer science"))
resume_summary_df["mysql_count"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"mysql"))
resume_summary_df["ms_office"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"microsoft office"))
resume_summary_df["analytics"] = resume_summary_df["raw_text"].apply(functools.partial(term_count, term=r"analytics"))
# Return enriched DF
return resume_summary_df
if __name__ == '__main__':
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