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Last active September 4, 2022 12:51
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from gistools import *

shinjuku = (35.70078, 139.71475)
tsukuba = (36.10377, 140.08786)

shinjuku_mesh = coord2mesh(*shinjuku)
tsukuba_coord, _ = mesh2coord(coord2mesh(*tsukuba))
dist = haversine_distance(shinjuku, tsukuba)
theta = math.degrees(azimuth(shinjuku, tsukuba))

    "新宿 基準地域メッシュ:\t%s\n筑波 緯度経度:\t%s\n距離 [km]:\t%.2f\n角度 [°]:\t%.2f\n"
    % (shinjuku_mesh, tsukuba_coord, dist, theta)
新宿 基準地域メッシュ:  53394547
筑波 緯度経度:  (36.1, 140.0875)
距離 [km]:      56.07
角度 [°]:       36.76
def calc_real_scale(
    code: str, distance
    mesh = Mesh.from_code(code)
    lat, lng = mesh.latitude, mesh.longitude
    h, w = mesh.height, mesh.width

    width = distance((lat, lng), (lat, lng + w))
    height = distance((lat, lng), (lat + h, lng))
    return width, height

w, h = calc_real_scale("39272554", lambert_andoyer_distance)
print("那覇\n横 [km]:\t%.3f\n縦 [km]:\t%.3f\n面積 [km^2]:\t%.3f" % (w, h, w * h))

w, h = calc_real_scale("64414277", lambert_andoyer_distance)
print("札幌\n横 [km]:\t%.3f\n縦 [km]:\t%.3f\n面積 [km^2]:\t%.3f" % (w, h, w * h))
横 [km]:	1.249
縦 [km]:	0.923
面積 [km^2]:	1.153
横 [km]:	1.018
縦 [km]:	0.926
面積 [km^2]:	0.943
from __future__ import annotations
import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable
class Coordinate:
latitude: float
longitude: float
def __iter__(self):
return iter((self.latitude, self.longitude))
class Mesh(Coordinate):
code: str
scale: int = 1
def __iter__(self):
return iter(
def from_code(cls, code: str):
(lat, lng), scale = mesh2coord(code)
return cls(latitude=lat, longitude=lng, code=code, scale=scale)
def width(self):
return 1 / self.scale
def height(self):
return 2 / 3 / self.scale
def center(self):
return self.latitude + self.height / 2, self.longitude + self.width / 2
def coordinates(self, lnglat: bool = True):
s = slice(None, None, 1 if lnglat else -1)
return [
[self.longitude, self.latitude][s],
[self.longitude + self.width, self.latitude][s],
[self.longitude + self.width, self.latitude + self.height][s],
[self.longitude, self.latitude + self.height][s],
[self.longitude, self.latitude][s],
def coord2mesh(latitude: float, longitude: float, key: int = 3):
a, _ = divmod(latitude * 60, 40)
c, _ = divmod(_, 5)
e, _ = divmod(_ * 60, 30)
i, _ = divmod(_, 30 / 2)
k, _ = divmod(_, 30 / 4)
m, _ = divmod(_, 30 / 8)
b, _ = divmod(longitude - 100, 1)
d, _ = divmod(_ * 60, 7.5)
f, _ = divmod(_ * 60, 45)
j, _ = divmod(_, 45 / 2)
l, _ = divmod(_, 45 / 4)
n, _ = divmod(_, 45 / 8)
# fmt:off
code = "%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d" % (a, b, c, d, e, f, (i * 2) + (j + 1), (k * 2) + (l + 1), (m * 2) + (n + 1))
# fmt: on
thd = {
1: 4, # 80km
2: 6, # 10km
3: 8, #  1km
4: 9, #  500m
5: 10, # 250m
6: 11, # 125m
}.get(key, None)
return code[:thd]
# def coord2mesh(latitude: float, longitude: float, key: int = 3):
# lat, lng = latitude, longitude
# code = ""
# if 0 < key: # 80km メッシュ
# a, lat = divmod(lat * 60, 40)
# b, lng = divmod(lng - 100, 1)
# code += "%d%d" % (a, b)
# if 1 < key: # 10km メッシュ
# a, lat = divmod(lat, 5)
# b, lng = divmod(lng * 60, 7.5)
# code += "%d%d" % (a, b)
# if 2 < key: # 1km メッシュ
# a, lat = divmod(lat * 60, 30)
# b, lng = divmod(lng * 60, 45)
# code += "%d%d" % (a, b)
# for i in range(key - 3): # 1/2**(1+i) km メッシュ
# scale = 2 ** (1 + i)
# a, lat = divmod(lat, 30 / scale)
# b, lng = divmod(lng, 45 / scale)
# code += "%d" % ((a * 2) + (b + 1))
# return code, (lat, lng)
def mesh2coord(code: str, center: bool = False):
lat, lng, scale = 0, 100, 1
len_ = len(code)
if len_ < 4:
raise ValueError
if 3 < len_:
lat += int(code[0:2]) * 2 / 3 / scale
lng += int(code[2:4]) / scale
if 5 < len_:
scale *= 8
lat += int(code[4:5]) * 2 / 3 / scale
lng += int(code[5:6]) / scale
if 7 < len_:
scale *= 10
lat += int(code[6:7]) * 2 / 3 / scale
lng += int(code[7:8]) / scale
for rune in code[8:]:
scale *= 2
lat += (int(rune) in (3, 4)) * 2 / 3 / scale
lng += (int(rune) in (2, 4)) / scale
if center:
lat += 1 / 3 / scale
lng += 1 / scale / 2
return (lat, lng), scale
def azimuth(from_: tuple[float, float], to_: tuple[float, float]):
from_ : (lat, lng)
to_ : (lat, lng)
returns : radian
(y1, x1), (y2, x2) = map(math.radians, from_), map(math.radians, to_)
dx = x2 - x1
s, c = math.sin, math.cos
theta = math.atan2(c(y1) * math.tan(y2) - s(y1) * c(dx), s(dx))
return math.pi / 2 - theta
def haversine_distance(from_: tuple[float, float], to_: tuple[float, float]):
from_ : (lat, lng)
to_ : (lat, lng)
returns : distance [km]
(y1, x1), (y2, x2) = map(math.radians, from_), map(math.radians, to_)
dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
s, c = math.sin, math.cos
dist = math.asin(math.sqrt(s(dy / 2) ** 2 + c(y1) * c(y2) * s(dx / 2) ** 2))
r = 6378.137
return dist * 2 * r
def lambert_andoyer_distance(from_: tuple[float, float], to_: tuple[float, float]):
from_ : (lat, lng)
to_ : (lat, lng)
returns : distance [km]
(y1, x1), (y2, x2) = map(math.radians, from_), map(math.radians, to_)
a = 6378.140
b = 6356.755
f = 1 - b / a
s, c = math.sin, math.cos
pa = math.atan(b / a * math.tan(y1))
pb = math.atan(b / a * math.tan(y2))
xx = math.acos(s(pa) * s(pb) + c(pa) * c(pb) * c(x1 - x2))
c1 = (s(xx) - xx) * (s(pa) + s(pb)) ** 2 / c(xx / 2) ** 2
c2 = (s(xx) + xx) * (s(pa) - s(pb)) ** 2 / s(xx / 2) ** 2
dr = f / 8 * (c1 - c2)
return a * (xx + dr)
if __name__ == "__main__":
shinjuku = (35.70078, 139.71475)
tsukuba = (36.10377, 140.08786)
shinjuku_mesh = coord2mesh(*shinjuku)
assert shinjuku_mesh == "53394547"
tsukuba_coord, _ = mesh2coord(coord2mesh(*tsukuba))
assert tsukuba_coord == (36.1, 140.0875)
dist = haversine_distance(shinjuku, tsukuba)
assert round(dist, 2) == 56.07
theta = math.degrees(azimuth(shinjuku, tsukuba))
assert round(theta, 2) == 36.76
assert round(math.degrees(azimuth(tsukuba, shinjuku)), 2) == 216.98
"新宿 基準地域メッシュ:\t%s\n筑波 緯度経度:\t%s\n距離 [km]:\t%.2f\n角度 [°]:\t%.2f\n"
% (shinjuku_mesh, tsukuba_coord, dist, theta)
# 新宿 基準地域メッシュ: 53394547
# 筑波 緯度経度: (36.1, 140.0875)
# 距離 [km]: 56.07
# 角度 [°]: 36.76
def calc_real_scale(
code: str, distance: Callable[[tuple[float, float], tuple[float, float]], float]
mesh = Mesh.from_code(code)
lat, lng = mesh.latitude, mesh.longitude
h, w = mesh.height, mesh.width
width = distance((lat, lng), (lat, lng + w))
height = distance((lat, lng), (lat + h, lng))
return width, height
w, h = calc_real_scale("39272554", lambert_andoyer_distance)
assert (round(w, 3) == 1.249) & (round(h, 3) == 0.923)
print("那覇\n横 [km]:\t%.3f\n縦 [km]:\t%.3f\n面積 [km^2]:\t%.3f" % (w, h, w * h))
w, h = calc_real_scale("64414277", lambert_andoyer_distance)
assert (round(w, 3) == 1.018) & (round(h, 3) == 0.926)
print("札幌\n横 [km]:\t%.3f\n縦 [km]:\t%.3f\n面積 [km^2]:\t%.3f" % (w, h, w * h))
# 那覇
# 横 [km]: 1.249
# 縦 [km]: 0.923
# 面積 [km^2]: 1.153
# 札幌
# 横 [km]: 1.018
# 縦 [km]: 0.926
# 面積 [km^2]: 0.943
import re
import warnings
from typing import Tuple
Latitude = float
Longitude = float
Coordinate = Tuple[Latitude, Longitude]
def valid_coordinate_jp(p: Coordinate):
lat, lon = p
lat_is_valid = 20 <= lat <= 46
lon_is_valid = 122 <= lon <= 154
return lat_is_valid & lon_is_valid
def _coord2code(p: Coordinate, key="1km"):
self = _coord2code
if key == "80km":
lat, lon = p
a, c = divmod(lat * 60, 40)
b, d = divmod(lon - 100, 1)
return (a, b), (c, d)
elif key == "10km":
codes, (c, d) = self(p, key="80km")
a, c = divmod(c, 5)
b, d = divmod(d * 60, 7.5)
codes += (a, b)
return codes, (c, d)
elif key == "1km":
codes, (c, d) = self(p, key="10km")
a, c = divmod(c * 60, 30)
b, d = divmod(d * 60, 45)
codes += (a, b)
return codes, (c, d)
elif key == "500m":
codes, (c, d) = self(p, key="1km")
a, c = divmod(c, 15)
b, d = divmod(d, 22.5)
codes += ((a * 2) + (b + 1),)
return codes, (c, d)
elif key == "250m":
codes, (c, d) = self(p, key="500m")
a, c = divmod(c, 7.5)
b, d = divmod(d, 11.25)
codes += ((a * 2) + (b + 1),)
return codes, (c, d)
elif key == "125m":
codes, (c, d) = self(p, key="250m")
a, c = divmod(c, 3.75)
b, d = divmod(d, 5.625)
codes += ((a * 2) + (b + 1),)
return codes, (c, d)
elif key == "5km":
codes, (c, d) = self(p, key="10km")
a, c = divmod(c, 2.5)
b, d = divmod(d, 3.75)
codes += ((a * 2) + (b + 1),)
return codes, (c, d)
elif key == "2km":
codes, (c, d) = self(p, key="10km")
a, c = divmod(c, 1)
b, d = divmod(d, 1.5)
codes += (a * 2, b * 2, 5)
return codes, (c, d)
raise ValueError("key: %s is not defined." % key)
def coord2code(p: Coordinate, key="1km"):
codes, _ = _coord2code(p=p, key=key)
return "".join(map(str, map(int, codes)))
def to_mesh(latitude: float, longitude: float):
a, c = divmod(latitude * 60, 40)
b, d = divmod(longitude - 100, 1)
e, g = divmod(c, 5)
f, h = divmod(d * 60, 7.5)
i, _ = divmod(g * 60, 30)
j, _ = divmod(h * 60, 45)
return "".join(map(str, map(int, (a, b, e, f, i, j))))
class MeshCode:
regex = r"~"
parent = None
scale = 1
def __init__(self, code: str):
self.code = code
assert self.match(self.code)
self.latitude, self.longitude = self.code2coord(code)
def width(self):
return 1 / self.scale
def height(self):
return 2 / 3 / self.scale
def center(self):
return self.latitude + self.height / 2, self.longitude + self.width / 2
def coordinates(self):
return [
[self.latitude, self.longitude],
[self.latitude, self.longitude + self.width],
[self.latitude + self.height, self.longitude + self.width],
[self.latitude + self.height, self.longitude],
[self.latitude, self.longitude],
def match(cls, code: str):
return re.match(cls.regex, code) is not None
def _coord2code(cls, codes:Tuple[float], lat:Latitude, lon:Longitude):
return (), (lat, lon - 100)
def _coord2code_(cls, p:Coordinate):
if cls.parent is None:
codes, (lat, lon) = cls._coord2code((), *p)
codes, (lat, lon) = cls.parent._coord2code_(p)
codes, (lat, lon) = cls._coord2code(codes, lat, lon)
return codes, (lat, lon)
def coord2code(cls, p:Coordinate):
codes, _ = cls._coord2code_(p)
code = "".join(map(str, map(int, codes)))
return code
def from_coord(cls, p:Coordinate):
code = cls.coord2code(p)
return cls(code)
def _code2coord(cls, code: str):
return (0, 100)
def code2coord(cls, code: str):
if cls.parent is None:
return cls._code2coord(code)
plat, plon = cls.parent.code2coord(code)
lat, lon = cls._code2coord(code)
return (lat + plat, lon + plon)
class MeshCode80km(MeshCode):
regex = r"^([3-6][0-9])(2[2-9]|[3-4][0-9]|5[0-5])$"
parent = MeshCode
scale = 1
def _coord2code(cls, codes, lat, lon):
a, c = divmod(lat * 60, 40)
b, d = divmod(lon, 1)
codes += (a, b)
return codes, (round(c, 10), round(d, 10))
def _code2coord(cls, code:str):
lat, lon = map(float, (code[0:2], code[2:4]))
return lat * 2 / 3, lon
class MeshCode10km(MeshCode):
regex = r"^([3-6][0-9])(2[2-9]|[3-4][0-9]|5[0-5])[0-7]{2}$"
parent = MeshCode80km
scale = 8
def _coord2code(cls, codes, lat, lon):
a, c = divmod(lat, 5)
b, d = divmod(lon * 60, 7.5)
codes += (a, b)
return codes, (round(c, 10), round(d, 10))
def _code2coord(cls, code):
lat, lon = map(float, (code[4:5], code[5:6]))
return lat * 2 / 3 / 8, lon / 8
class MeshCode5km(MeshCode):
regex = r"^([3-6][0-9])(2[2-9]|[3-4][0-9]|5[0-5])[0-7]{2}[1-4]$"
parent = MeshCode10km
scale = 16
def _coord2code(cls, codes, lat, lon):
a, c = divmod(lat, 2.5)
b, d = divmod(lon, 3.75)
codes += ((a * 2) + (b + 1),)
return codes, (round(c, 10), round(d, 10))
def _code2coord(cls, code):
lat, lon = divmod(int(code[6:7]) - 1, 2)
return lat * 2 / 3 / 16, lon / 16
class MeshCode2km(MeshCode):
regex = r"^([3-6][0-9])(2[2-9]|[3-4][0-9]|5[0-5])[0-7]{2}[02468]{2}5$"
parent = MeshCode10km
scale = 40
def _coord2code(cls, codes, lat, lon):
a, c = divmod(lat, 1)
b, d = divmod(lon, 1.5)
codes += (a * 2, b * 2, 5)
return codes, (round(c, 10), round(d, 10))
def _code2coord(cls, code):
lat, lon = map(float, (code[6:7], code[7:8]))
return lat * 2 / 3 / 80, lon / 80
class MeshCode1km(MeshCode):
regex = r"^([3-6][0-9])(2[2-9]|[3-4][0-9]|5[0-5])[0-7]{2}\d{2}$"
parent = MeshCode10km
scale = 80
def _coord2code(cls, codes, lat, lon):
a, c = divmod(lat * 60, 30)
b, d = divmod(lon * 60, 45)
codes += (a, b)
return codes, (round(c, 10), round(d, 10))
def _code2coord(cls, code):
lat, lon = map(float, (code[6:7], code[7:8]))
return lat * 2 / 3 / 80, lon / 80
class MeshCode500m(MeshCode):
regex = r"^([3-6][0-9])(2[2-9]|[3-4][0-9]|5[0-5])[0-7]{2}\d{2}[1-4]$"
parent = MeshCode1km
scale = 160
def _coord2code(cls, codes, lat, lon):
a, c = divmod(lat, 15)
b, d = divmod(lon, 22.5)
codes += ((a * 2) + (b + 1),)
return codes, (round(c, 10), round(d, 10))
def _code2coord(cls, code):
lat, lon = divmod(int(code[8:9]) - 1, 2)
return lat * 2 / 3 / 160, lon / 160
class MeshCode250m(MeshCode):
regex = r"^([3-6][0-9])(2[2-9]|[3-4][0-9]|5[0-5])[0-7]{2}\d{2}[1-4]{2}$"
parent = MeshCode500m
scale = 320
def _coord2code(cls, codes, lat, lon):
a, c = divmod(lat, 7.5)
b, d = divmod(lon, 11.25)
codes += ((a * 2) + (b + 1),)
return codes, (round(c, 10), round(d, 10))
def _code2coord(cls, code):
lat, lon = divmod(int(code[9:10]) - 1, 2)
return lat * 2 / 3 / 320, lon / 320
class MeshCode125m(MeshCode):
regex = r"^([3-6][0-9])(2[2-9]|[3-4][0-9]|5[0-5])[0-7]{2}\d{2}[1-4]{3}$"
parent = MeshCode250m
scale = 640
def _coord2code(cls, codes, lat, lon):
a, c = divmod(lat, 3.75)
b, d = divmod(lon, 5.625)
codes += ((a * 2) + (b + 1),)
return codes, (round(c, 10), round(d, 10))
def _code2coord(cls, code):
lat, lon = divmod(int(code[10:11]) - 1, 2)
return lat * 2 / 3 / 640, lon / 640
if __name__ == "__main__":
import pandas as pd
# fmt: off
df = pd.DataFrame(
["稚内", 45.41715379, 141.67690228, "6841", "684115", "68411504", "684115041", "6841150411", "68411504112", "6841151", "684115045"],
["沖ノ鳥島", 20.425550297436146, 136.081078346884, "3036", "303650", "30365016", "303650161", "3036501612", "30365016122", "3036502", "303650065"],
["南鳥島", 24.286699972409636, 153.98078108610335, "3653", "365337", "36533748", "365337481", "3653374814", "36533748144", "3653372", "365337485"],
["与那国島", 24.450187920552747, 122.93420216940896, "3622", "362257", "36225744", "362257442", "3622574421", "36225744212", "3622571", "362257445"],
["福岡", 33.58972334954021, 130.4207522946408, "5030", "503033", "50303303", "503033034", "5030330343", "50303303432", "5030331", "503033025"],
["大阪", 34.702475212431786, 135.4959362881235, "5235", "523503", "52350349", "523503492", "5235034923", "52350349232", "5235032", "523503485"],
["東京", 35.68121852142085, 139.76670013272258, "5339", "533946", "53394611", "533946113", "5339461132", "53394611323", "5339461", "533946005"],
["青森", 40.828881020977185, 140.73419079481246, "6140", "614015", "61401598", "614015982", "6140159823", "61401598234", "6140154", "614015885"],
["札幌", 43.06866073331351, 141.3507799065603, "6441", "644142", "64414288", "644142881", "6441428811", "64414288113", "6441424", "644142885"],
["金沢", 36.57804475344767, 136.64795535242703, "5436", "543665", "54366591", "543665912", "5436659124", "54366591241", "5436653", "543665805"],
["浮動小数Error", 20.425, 136.075, "3036", "303650", "30365016", "303650161", "3036501611", "30365016111", "3036502", "303650065"],
columns=["place", "lat", "lon", "80km", "10km", "1km", "500m", "250m", "125m", "5km", "2km"],
for _, row in df.iterrows():
for key, m in zip(
["80km", "10km", "1km", "500m", "250m", "125m", "5km", "2km"],
[MeshCode80km, MeshCode10km, MeshCode1km, MeshCode500m, MeshCode250m, MeshCode125m, MeshCode5km, MeshCode2km]
# fmt: on
p0 = row[['lat', 'lon']]
code = m.coord2code(p0)
assert row[key] == code, '%s key="%s": expected="%s" got="%s"' % (row['place'], key, row[key], code)
p1 = m.code2coord(code)
code2 = m.coord2code(p1)
p2 = m.code2coord(code2)
assert code == code2
assert p1== p2
from setuptools import setup
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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