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Created December 16, 2019 07:18
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package main
import (
const (
// 淘汰率, 交差率, 突然変異率
selectionRate, crossRate, mutateRate = 0.2, 0.2, 0.05
// Gene : 遺伝子情報
type Gene struct {
gene []int // 遺伝子配列
nOnes int // ターゲットの数
func main() {
// 遺伝子長, 集団の大きさ
nGene, nIndividual := 50, 100
population := createPopulation(nGene, nIndividual)
for i := 0; ; i++ {
population = changeGeneration(population)
fmt.Println(population[0].gene, population[0].nOnes)
if population[0].nOnes == nGene {
fmt.Println(i+1, "世代")
func changeGeneration(gs []Gene) []Gene {
var nextGeneration []Gene
// 選択, 淘汰
elites := gs[:int((1-selectionRate)*float64(len(gs)))]
for {
pos := rand.Intn(len(elites))
switch n := rand.Float64(); {
case n < mutateRate:
// 突然変異
nextGeneration = append(nextGeneration, mutate(elites[pos]))
case n > 1-crossRate:
// 交差
nextGeneration = append(nextGeneration, crossing(elites[pos], elites[rand.Intn(len(elites))]))
// コピー
nextGeneration = append(nextGeneration, elites[pos])
if len(nextGeneration) == len(gs) {
return nextGeneration
func createPopulation(nGene, nIndividual int) []Gene {
var population []Gene
for i := 0; i < nIndividual; i++ {
gene := make([]int, nGene)
for j := 0; j < nGene; j++ {
gene[j] = rand.Intn(2)
population = append(population, Gene{gene: gene, nOnes: countOnes(gene)})
return population
func countOnes(gene []int) int {
var ans int
for i := 0; i < len(gene); i++ {
ans += gene[i]
return ans
// 破壊的ソート
func sortGenes(gs []Gene) {
sort.SliceStable(gs, func(i, j int) bool {
return gs[i].nOnes > gs[j].nOnes
func mutate(g Gene) Gene {
position := rand.Intn(len(g.gene))
if g.gene[position] == 0 {
g.gene[position] = 1
} else {
g.gene[position] = 0
g.nOnes = countOnes(g.gene)
return g
func crossing(parent1, parent2 Gene) Gene {
var child1 []int
// 二点交差
splitR := rand.Intn(len(parent1.gene)-1) + 1
splitL := rand.Intn(splitR)
child1 = append(child1, parent1.gene[:splitL]...)
child1 = append(child1, parent2.gene[splitL:splitR]...)
child1 = append(child1, parent1.gene[splitR:]...)
return Gene{gene: child1, nOnes: countOnes(child1)}
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