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Best practice of recursive variant type in C++17

Best practice of recursive variant type in C++17


Consider about making ADT for describing simple abstract syntax tree(AST) like below in haskell.

data Expr =  FloatLit Float |
             Symbol String |
             Let (String,Expr,Expr) |
             App (Expr,[Expr]) |
             Lambda ([String], Expr)
#include <type_traits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <numeric>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <variant>
#include <memory>
template <typename T>
struct Box {
// construct from an existing object
Box() = delete;
Box(T rt) : t(std::make_shared<T>(std::move(rt))) {}
template <class U>
using enabler = std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<std::decay_t<U>, T>>;
template <typename U, enabler<U>>
Box(U&& rt) : t(std::make_shared<U>(std::forward<U>(rt))) {}
// cast back to wrapped type
operator T&() { return *t; }
operator const T&() const { return *t; }
T& getraw() const { return *t; }
// store the value
std::shared_ptr<T> t;
template <class... Ts>
struct overloaded : Ts... {
using Ts::operator()...;
template <class... Ts>
overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>;
#include <iostream>
namespace ast{
//declare non-recursive nodes first
struct NumberLit{
float v;
struct Symbol{
std::string v;
// pur forward declarations for recursive nodes
struct App;
struct Let;
struct Lambda;
// declare main variant
using Expr = std::variant<NumberLit,Symbol,Box<App>,Box<Let>,Box<Lambda>>;
struct App{
Expr callee;
std::list<Expr> arg;
struct Let{
std::string name;
Expr expr;
Expr newenv_expr;
struct Lambda{
std::list<std::string> ids;
Expr expr;
std::string toString(std::string const& s){
return s;
std::string toString(float f){
return std::to_string(f);
template<template<class...> class C,typename T>
std::string toStringList(C<T>const& list){
return std::accumulate(list.cbegin(),list.cend(),T{},[](auto const& a,auto const& b)->std::string{
return toString(a) + " " + toString(b); });
template<template<class...> class C,typename T>
std::string toStringList(C<Box<T>>const& list){
C<std::string> res;
auto c = std::transform(list.cbegin(),list.cend(),std::back_inserter(res),[](auto& a){return toString(a);});
return std::accumulate(res.cbegin(),res.cend(),std::string{},[](auto const& a,auto const& b)->std::string{
return a + " " + b; });
std::string toString(ast::Expr const& expr){
return std::visit(overloaded_rec{
[](ast::App const& node){ return "(app " + toString(node.callee) + " " + toStringList(node.arg)+ ")";
[](ast::Let const& node){ return "(let " + + " "\
+ toString(node.expr) + " "\
+ toString(node.newenv_expr)+ ")";
[](ast::Lambda const& node){ return "(lambda " + toStringList(node.ids) + " " + toString(node.expr) + ")"; },
[](ast::NumberLit const& node){ return toString(node.v);},
[](ast::Symbol const& node){ return node.v;}
#include "recvariant.hpp"
#include "ast.hpp"
int main(){
using namespace ast;
auto example = Expr{
Let{ "adder",
Expr{Lambda{{"x","y"}, Expr{App{Expr{Symbol{"add"}},{Expr{Symbol{"x"}},Expr{Symbol{"y"}}}}}}},
std::cout << ast::toString(example);

metaprogramming solution with a higher kind type

template <typename Expr,typename... T>
using ExprBase = std::variant<FloatLit, 

//because "using" cannot handle recursive type, we declare prototype as struct and make alias to it through using

struct ExprProto{
    using type = ExprBase<Box<ExprProto>>;
using Expr = ExprProto::type;

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