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Created September 10, 2011 14:31
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Python backup script
#!/usr/bin/env python
Create an archive which will be suitable for rsyncing to a remote backup.
- will not copy data unnecessarily for common operations such as
renaming a file or reorganising the directory structure.
(assumes large files are generally going to be immutable, e.g. audio/video)
- doesn't try to do anything fancy with permissions etc.
just a simple copy of each file it can read.
- will do some basic file-level de-duplication.
Usage: source-paths-file destination-path [exclude-patterns-file] [--purge]
source-directories-file should be a text file with paths to be backed up, one per line.
exclude-patterns-file is an optional text file of (python) regular expressions
used to exclude matching files from the backup.
--purge will allow space to be recovered by deleting blobs from the backup that
are not referenced by any files in the manifest.
from path import path # available from
import hashlib, re, sys, string, datetime, subprocess
def backup(sources, excludes, dest, purge=False):
"""Backup the directories in sources to the destination.
exclude any files that match the patterns in the exclude list.
store files with names based on a hash of their contents.
write a manifest mapping the hash to the original file path.
if purge is True, blobs will be removed from the dest folders
if they are no longer used by any files in the manifest."""
manifest = {} # filename --> hash
collision_check = {} # hash --> filename,
# all files with the same hash will have the same contents, so only need one name
dest = path(dest)
exclude = make_predicate(excludes)
for source in map(path, sources):
print "Backing up %s (%s)..." % (source,
for fn in source.walkfiles(errors='warn'):
if exclude(str(fn)):
hsh = file_hash(fn)
except Exception, e:
if hsh in collision_check:
if not files_identical(fn, collision_check[hsh]):
print fn, collision_check[hsh]
raise Exception, 'Hash collision!!! Aborting backup'
blob_path = dest / hsh[:2] / hsh
if not blob_path.exists():
if not blob_path.parent.exists():
# no point copying attrs, as there could be multiple files using this blob
#fn.copy(blob_path)['cp', fn, blob_path])
except Exception, e:
print 'Error copying file, skipping.\n%s\n%s\n' % (fn, e)
manifest[str(fn)] = hsh
collision_check[hsh] = fn
print "Writing manifest..."
(dest / "manifest").write_lines("%s\t%s" % (hsh, fn)
for fn, hsh in sorted(manifest.items()))
# remove unreferenced blobs
if purge:
for d in dest.dirs():
for f in d.files():
if not in collision_check:
print "Done (%s)" % (
def file_hash(fn):
"""sha256 hash of file contents."""
#return file_hash_py(fn).hexdigest()
return subprocess.check_output(["sha256sum", fn]).split()[0]
def file_hash_py(fileobj):
"""sha256 hash of file contents, without reading entire file into memory."""
hsh = hashlib.sha256()
with'rb') as f:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
return hsh
def files_identical(f1, f2):
"""check if files are really the same."""
#return files_identical_py(f1, f2)
return['cmp', '-s', f1, f2]) == 0
def files_identical_py(f1, f2):
"""check if files are really the same."""
# if they are equal, then adding an extra character to both will generate the same hash
# if they are different, then the extra character will generate two different hashes this time
hsh1, hsh2 = file_hash_py(f1), file_hash_py(f2)
hsh1.update('0') ; hsh2.update('0')
return hsh1.hexdigest() == hsh2.hexdigest()
def make_predicate(tests):
"""return function that tests a filename against a list of regular expressions and returns True if any match."""
tests = map(re.compile, tests)
def _inner(fn):
for test in tests:
return True
return False
return _inner
def restore(manifest, dest, subset=None):
"""Restore all files to their original names in the given target directory.
optionally restoring only the subset that match the given list of regular expressions."""
dest = path(dest)
manifest = path(manifest)
if subset:
matches = make_predicate(subset)
matches = lambda fn: True
for line in manifest.lines():
hsh, fn = line.strip().split("\t")
if matches(fn):
fn = dest / fn
if not fn.parent.exists():
hsh = manifest.parent / hsh[:2] / hsh
if __name__ == "__main__":
if '--purge' in sys.argv:
purge = True
purge = False
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
excludes = filter(None, map(string.strip, path(sys.argv.pop()).lines()))
excludes = []
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
raise Exception, 'Invalid arguments.'
dest = sys.argv.pop()
sources = filter(None, map(string.strip, path(sys.argv.pop()).lines()))
backup(sources, excludes, dest, purge=purge)
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