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Created May 2, 2011 02:11
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Python script to add an OSD to a video based on ArduPilotMega log file
#!/usr/bin/env python
# add OSD from ArduPilotMega log file to a video
import sys
from path import path
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from math import sin, cos, radians
# STEP 1: use mplayer to extract jpgs and wav
# mplayer ../Videos/SUNP2002.AVI -nosound -vo jpeg:outdir=img -ss 00:06:00
# mplayer -vo null -vc null -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=temp.wav ../Videos/SUNP2002.AVI -ss 00:06:00
# STEP 2: synchronise the video and APM log file
# avi_gps_delta = timedelta(hours=1,minutes=6,seconds=9) # estimate based on filming clock on gps
avi_gps_delta = timedelta(hours=1,minutes=6,seconds=6) # estimate based on landing from gps log and video
movie_start = datetime(2011,4,11,11,33,21)-avi_gps_delta # local time
frame_offset = 8 # get seconds to click over at the same frame in the video
# frame_rate = 30.0 # stated
# frame_rate = 31.0 # mplayer
frame_rate = 28.48 # elapsed time from timestamps divided by number of frames
frame_jpgs = sorted(path("img").files("*.jpg"))
frames = [(movie_start+timedelta(microseconds=1000000 * int(round(4*(i-frame_offset)/frame_rate))/4.0),f) for (i,f) in enumerate(frame_jpgs)]
if "--test" in sys.argv:
frames = frames[:int(frame_rate*2)]
log_dict = {}
att_dict = {}
ts = None
mode = "MOD:Manual"
for l in path("../Logs/11-04-11_19.log").lines():
if l[:4]=="GPS:":
log = map(lambda f:float(f.replace(",","")),l.strip().split(" ")[1:])
ts = datetime(2011,4,11,10,0,0)+timedelta(microseconds=1000*log[0])
log_dict[ts] = log
if l[:4]=="ATT:" and ts is not None:
att_dict[ts] = map(lambda f:float(f.replace(",","")),l.strip().split(" ")[1:])+[mode,]
if l[:4]=="MOD:":
mode = l.strip()
colour = 0xffffff
bg = 0x000000
center = 360
def text(draw, x,y, s):
draw.text( (x-1, y-1), s, fill=bg )
draw.text( (x-1, y+1), s, fill=bg )
draw.text( (x+1, y-1), s, fill=bg )
draw.text( (x+1, y+1), s, fill=bg )
draw.text( (x, y), s, fill=colour )
min_alt = None
max_alt = None
for (i,(ts,jpg)) in enumerate(frames):
print i,"/",len(frames)
gps = log_dict[ts]
alt, speed, heading = gps[6:9]
# fudge alt so it's above ground level
alt -= 47
img =
d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
# time
text(d, 630, 440, ts.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))
# speed
text(d, 10, 10, str(int(speed))+" km/h")
# heading
text(d, center-10, 10, str(int(heading))+chr(176))
d.polygon([(center-5,25),(center,30),(center+5,25)], outline=colour)
d.line([(center-100,35),(center+100,35)], fill=colour)
for c,b in [("W",-90),("N",0),("E",90),("S",180),("W",270),("N",360),("E",450)]:
x = center + (b - int(heading))
if x > (center-100) and x < (center+100):
# alt
d.line([(10,35),(10,470)], fill=colour)
if min_alt is not None:
min_alt = min(min_alt,alt)
y = 470 - 2*int(min_alt)
d.polygon([(20,y),(15,y),(20,y+5)], outline=colour)
text(d, 25, y+5, str(int(min_alt))+" m")
min_alt = alt
if max_alt is not None:
max_alt = max(max_alt,alt)
y = 470 - 2*int(max_alt)
d.polygon([(20,y-5),(15,y),(20,y)], outline=colour)
text(d, 25, y-10, str(int(max_alt))+" m")
max_alt = alt
y = 470 - 2*int(alt)
text(d, 25, y-5, str(int(alt))+" m")
d.polygon([(20,y-5),(15,y),(20,y+5)], outline=colour)
# horizon
roll, pitch, yaw = map(lambda v:int(v/100.0), att_dict[ts][:3])
y = 240+90*sin(radians(pitch))
d.line( [(center-100*cos(radians(roll)), y+100*sin(radians(roll))),
(center+100*cos(radians(roll)), y-100*sin(radians(roll)))],
fill=colour )
d.line( [(center,230),(center,250)], fill=colour )
d.line( [(center-10,240),(center+10,240)], fill=colour )
# mode
mode = att_dict[ts][3]
del d"img/","out/"), "JPEG")
# LASTLY: use mencoder to convert frames back to a video (fps derived from audio duration / number of frames)
# mencoder mf://out/*.jpg -mf fps=28.23 -o osd.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=1:vbitrate=2800 -oac mp3lame -audiofile temp.wav
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