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Created May 6, 2019 08:12
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{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Monad ((>=>))
-- Initial style
data Console a = GetLine String (String -> Console a)
| PutLine String (Console a)
| Done a
instance Functor Console where
fmap f (Done x) = Done (f x)
fmap f (GetLine msg k) = GetLine msg (fmap f . k)
fmap f (PutLine line k) = PutLine line (fmap f k)
instance Applicative Console where
pure = Done
(<*>) :: Console (a -> b) -> Console a -> Console b
(Done f) <*> (Done x) = Done (f x)
(Done f) <*> (GetLine msg k) = GetLine msg (fmap f . k)
(Done f) <*> (PutLine msg k) = PutLine msg (f <$> k)
(GetLine msg k) <*> x = GetLine msg (\res -> k res <*> x)
(PutLine msg f) <*> x = PutLine msg (f <*> x)
instance Monad Console where
return = Done
(GetLine msg k) >>= f = GetLine msg (k >=> f)
(PutLine line k) >>= f = PutLine line (k >>= f)
(Done x) >>= f = f x
consoleGet :: String -> Console String
consoleGet msg = GetLine msg return
consolePut :: String -> Console ()
consolePut line = PutLine line (return ())
runConsole :: Console a -> IO a
runConsole (Done x) = return x
runConsole (GetLine msg k) = do putStrLn msg
l <- getLine
runConsole (k l)
runConsole (PutLine line k) = do putStrLn line
runConsole k
-- Free monad
data ConsoleF r = GetLine String (String -> r)
| PutLine String r
instance Functor ConsoleF where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> ConsoleF a -> ConsoleF b
fmap f (GetLine msg next) = GetLine msg (f . next)
fmap f (PutLine line next) = PutLine line (f next)
data Free f a = Free (f (Free f a)) | Pure a
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Free f a -> Free f b
fmap f (Pure x) = Pure (f x)
fmap f (Free x) = Free (fmap (fmap f) x)
instance Functor f => Applicative (Free f) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) :: Free f (a -> b) -> Free f a -> Free f b
Pure f <*> Pure x = Pure (f x)
Pure f <*> Free x = Free $ fmap (fmap f) x
Free f <*> x = Free $ fmap (<*> x) f
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return = Pure
(>>=) :: Free f a -> (a -> Free f b) -> Free f b
Pure x >>= f = f x
Free x >>= f = Free (fmap (>>= f) x)
liftF :: Functor f => f a -> Free f a
liftF = Free . fmap return
type Console = Free ConsoleF
consoleGet :: String -> Console String
consoleGet msg = liftF (GetLine msg id)
consolePut :: String -> Console ()
consolePut msg = liftF (PutLine msg ())
-- runConsole :: Console a -> IO a
-- runConsole (Pure x) = return x
-- runConsole (Free (GetLine msg k)) = do putStr msg
-- putStr " "
-- l <- getLine
-- runConsole (k l)
-- runConsole (Free (PutLine msg k)) = do putStrLn msg
-- runConsole k
foldFree :: Monad m => (forall r. f r -> m r) -> Free f a -> m a
foldFree _ (Pure x) = return x
foldFree interpret (Free x) = do
x' <- interpret x
foldFree interpret x'
interpret :: ConsoleF a -> IO a
interpret (GetLine msg k) = do putStr msg
putStr " "
l <- getLine
return (k l)
interpret (PutLine msg k) = do putStrLn msg
return k
runConsole = foldFree interpret
-- Operational Style
data Console a where
GetLine :: String -> Console String
PutLine :: String -> Console ()
Done :: a -> Console a
Bind :: Console a -> (a -> Console b) -> Console b
instance Functor Console where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Console a -> Console b
fmap f x = x >>= return . f
instance Applicative Console where
pure = Done
(<*>) :: Console (a -> b) -> Console a -> Console b
f <*> x = do f' <- f
x' <- x
return $ f' x'
instance Monad Console where
return = Done
(>>=) = Bind
consoleGet :: String -> Console String
consoleGet = GetLine
consolePut :: String -> Console ()
consolePut = PutLine
runConsole :: Console a -> IO a
runConsole (GetLine msg) = putStr msg >> putStr " " >> getLine
runConsole (PutLine msg) = putStrLn msg
runConsole (Done x) = return x
runConsole (Bind x f) = runConsole x >>= runConsole . f
-- Freer monad
data ConsoleI a where
GetLine :: String -> ConsoleI String
PutLine :: String -> ConsoleI ()
data Freer instr a where
Pure :: a -> Freer instr a
Impure :: instr a -> (a -> Freer instr b) -> Freer instr b
instance Functor (Freer instr) where
fmap f x = x >>= return . f
instance Applicative (Freer instr) where
pure = Pure
f <*> x = do f' <- f
x' <- x
return $ f' x'
instance Monad (Freer instr) where
return = Pure
Pure x >>= f = f x
Impure x k >>= f = Impure x (k >=> f)
type Console = Freer ConsoleI
consoleGet :: String -> Console String
consoleGet msg = Impure (GetLine msg) return
consolePut :: String -> Console ()
consolePut msg = Impure (PutLine msg) (\_ -> return ())
foldFreer :: Monad m => (forall r. instr r -> m r) -> Freer instr a -> m a
foldFreer _ (Pure a) = return a
foldFreer interpret (Impure instr k) = interpret instr >>= foldFreer interpret . k
interpret :: ConsoleI a -> IO a
interpret (GetLine msg) = putStr msg >> putStr " " >> getLine
interpret (PutLine msg) = putStrLn msg
runConsole :: Console a -> IO a
runConsole = foldFreer interpret
-- Coyoneda
data ConsoleI a where
GetLine :: String -> ConsoleI String
PutLine :: String -> ConsoleI ()
data Free f a = Free (f (Free f a)) | Pure a
instance Functor f => Functor (Free f) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Free f a -> Free f b
fmap f (Pure x) = Pure (f x)
fmap f (Free x) = Free (fmap (fmap f) x)
instance Functor f => Applicative (Free f) where
pure = Pure
(<*>) :: Free f (a -> b) -> Free f a -> Free f b
Pure f <*> Pure x = Pure (f x)
Pure f <*> Free x = Free $ fmap (fmap f) x
Free f <*> x = Free $ fmap (<*> x) f
instance Functor f => Monad (Free f) where
return = Pure
(>>=) :: Free f a -> (a -> Free f b) -> Free f b
Pure x >>= f = f x
Free x >>= f = Free (fmap (>>= f) x)
data Coyoneda f a where
Coyoneda :: (b -> a) -> f b -> Coyoneda f a
instance Functor (Coyoneda f) where
fmap h (Coyoneda g x) = Coyoneda (h . g) x
type Freer f = Free (Coyoneda f)
type Console = Freer ConsoleI
consoleGet :: String -> Console String
consoleGet msg = Free (Coyoneda return (GetLine msg))
consolePut :: String -> Console ()
consolePut msg = Free (Coyoneda return (PutLine msg))
foldFreer :: Monad m => (forall r. instr r -> m r) -> Freer instr a -> m a
foldFreer _ (Pure x) = return x
foldFreer interpret (Free (Coyoneda k x)) = interpret x >>= foldFreer interpret . k
interpret :: ConsoleI a -> IO a
interpret (GetLine msg) = putStr msg >> putStr " " >> getLine
interpret (PutLine msg) = putStrLn msg
runConsole :: Console a -> IO a
runConsole = foldFreer interpret
logic :: Console ()
logic = do
consolePut "Welcome"
name <- consoleGet "Enter name: "
consolePut ("Hello " ++ name)
return ()
main :: IO ()
main = runConsole logic
-- main = return ()
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