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Last active April 8, 2018 11:58
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Tennis Scoring Kata in Idris [WIP]
%default total
data Player = P1 | P2
-- How can we prove that it's not the same player?
otherPlayer : Player -> Player
otherPlayer P1 = P2
otherPlayer P2 = P1
data PointValue = Love | Fifteen | Thirty | Forty
-- Maybe this should also take a proof that the input is not Forty?
nextPointValue : (input : PointValue) -> PointValue
nextPointValue Love = Fifteen
nextPointValue Fifteen = Thirty
nextPointValue Thirty = Forty
nextPointValue Forty = Forty -- Ouch!
data Point : (player : Player) -> (value : PointValue) -> (otherPlayer : PointValue) -> Type where
NewGame : Point P1 Love Love
MkPoint : (player : Player)
-> (prev : Point _ _ _)
-> Point player (nextPointValue (playerPointValue player prev)) (playerPointValue (otherPlayer player) prev)
playerPointValue : (player : Player) -> (Point pointPlayer pointValue otherPlayerValue) -> PointValue
-- Can this be done with just 2 lines?
playerPointValue P1 _ {pointPlayer = P1} {pointValue} = pointValue
playerPointValue P2 _ {pointPlayer = P2} {pointValue} = pointValue
playerPointValue P1 _ {pointPlayer = P2} {otherPlayerValue}= otherPlayerValue
playerPointValue P2 _ {pointPlayer = P1} {otherPlayerValue} = otherPlayerValue
data Deuce : Type where
-- Can this be encoded with one constructor?
MkDeuceSamePlayer : (player : Player) -> (prev : Point player Thirty Forty) -> Deuce
-- How to ensure player and otherPlayer are not the same - add a proof maybe?
MkDeuceOtherPlayer : (player : Player) -> (prev : Point notSamePlayer Forty Thirty) -> Deuce
MkDeuceFromAdvantage : (player : Player) -> (prev : Advantage notSamePlayer) -> Deuce
data Advantage : (player : Player) -> Type where
MkAdvantage : (player : Player) -> (prev : Deuce) -> Advantage player
data Game : (player : Player) -> Type where
MkGameFromForty : (player : Player) -> (prev : Point player Forty _) -> Game player
MkGameFromAdvantage : (player : Player) -> (prev : Advantage player) -> Game player
-- Implementation time
interface Score s where
NextType : (player : Player) -> (prev : s) -> Type
score : (player : Player) -> (prev : s) -> NextType player prev
Score (Point pointPlayer pointValue pointOtherValue) where
NextType player prev = Point player (nextPointValue (playerPointValue player prev)) (playerPointValue (otherPlayer player) prev)
score = MkPoint
-- The big challenge
scoreGame : List Player -> Game player
scoreGame xs = ?score_rhs
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