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Last active August 19, 2020 08:36
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Nearest implementation with index
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, box
def _expand(geom, amt=0.5):
bounds = geom.bounds
d = math.sqrt(2 * (amt ** 2))
while True:
yield box(*bounds)
bounds = (bounds[0] - d, bounds[1] - d, bounds[2] + d, bounds[3] + d)
def _min_distance(geometry, options):
distances = [geometry.distance(g) for g in options]
minimum_distance = min(distances)
for opt, dist in zip(options, distances):
if dist == minimum_distance:
yield opt
def nearest(tree, query):
for idx, bnds in enumerate(_expand(query)):
print(f"search {idx + 1} with bounds {bnds}")
results = tree.query(bnds)
if results:
return list(_min_distance(query, results))
def main():
keys = [Point(2.5, 4), Point(0.0, 1.5)]
tree = STRtree(keys)
search = LineString([Point(1, 1), Point(3, 3)])
nearest_geoms = nearest(tree, search)
print([g.wkt for g in nearest_geoms])
search2 = LineString([Point(3, 1), Point(0, 4)])
nearest_geoms = nearest(tree, search2)
print([g.wkt for g in nearest_geoms])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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