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sizes=[]{sizes << _2 while sizes.size <= [_1, 0x10ffff].min };
BITCHUNKS = sizes.each_slice(2048).map do |seg|
next seg.first if seg.uniq.size == 1
seg.each_slice(64).map do |sub|
next sub.first if sub.uniq.size == 1
s = { _1 == -1 ? 3 : _1 }.reverse.join
num = s.to_i(4)
tompng / chudnovsky.rb
Last active April 5, 2024 04:26 — forked from fetburner/chudnovsky.rb
def series(l, r)
if r - l <= 1
p = (2 * r - 1) * (6 * r - 5) * (6 * r - 1)
q = r * r * r * 10939058860032000
a = (r % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1) * (13591409 + 545140134 * r)
[p, q, a * p]
m = (l + r) / 2
p0, q0, t0 = series(l, m)
tompng / get_cchars.rb
Last active April 3, 2024 08:55
cchars memo for reline
0x40067412, # M2 Mac
2, # docker rubyfarm? something is wrong
# unknown, found in github search
('T'.ord << 8) | 2,
('t'.ord << 8) | 18
cchars = "\0" * 256
STDIN.ioctl(TIOCGETC, cchars)
tompng / fibo.rb
Last active March 29, 2024 15:00
recursive fibonacci with complex
def fibo_c(n)
return 1 if n == 0
# => [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]
class Integer
def self.isqrt(n)
return 0 if n == 0
return 1 if n < 4
shift = [n.bit_length / 4, 1].max
x = Integer.isqrt(n >> (shift * 2))
x = (x << (shift - 1)) + (n >> (shift + 1)) / x
xx = x * x
while xx > n
xx -= 2 * x - 1
def big_divmod(numerator, denominator)
numerator_bits = numerator.bit_length
denominator_bits = denominator.bit_length
inv = 1
accuracy_bits = 1
target_bits = [numerator_bits - denominator_bits]
while target_bits[0] > 1
target_bits.unshift (target_bits[0] * 4 + 1)/ 7
accuracy_bits = target_bits.shift
tompng / integer_dup.rb
Last active February 28, 2024 04:54
def string_radix(s)
if s.match?(/0x/i)
[16, 2]
elsif s.match?(/0o/i)
[8, 2]
elsif s.match?(/0b/i)
[2, 2]
elsif s.start_with?('0')
[8, 0]
def sum_reg(a, b, fallback = nil)
fragments = (0..18).map do |sum|
fragments << ".*-.{#{fallback}}" if fallback
S = '9876543210___________0123456789-0123456789'
tompng / line_editor_buffer.svg
Last active February 24, 2024 17:31
reline line_editor readme svg
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
tompng / reline_debug_visualizer.rb
Last active February 9, 2024 19:10
Minimal terminal emulator that only supports Reline's escape sequences
require 'pty'
require 'io/console'
if ARGV.empty?
puts <<~EOS
Reline Visualizer (Minimal terminal emulator that only supports Reline's escape sequences)
Usage: ruby #{__FILE__} <command>'
ruby #{__FILE__} irb
ruby #{__FILE__} bash
ruby #{__FILE__} zsh
ruby #{__FILE__} ruby -I path/to/reline/lib -I path/to/irb/lib path/to/irb/exe/irb