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Created January 25, 2012 00:52
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# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
from twisted.application.service import ServiceMaker
TwistedNames = ServiceMaker(
"Twisted DNS Server",
"A domain name server.",
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Lookup a name using multiple resolvers.
Future Plans: This needs someway to specify which resolver answered
the query, or someway to specify (authority|ttl|cache behavior|more?)
@author: Jp Calderone
from twisted.internet import defer, interfaces
from twisted.names import dns
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.names import common
class FailureHandler:
def __init__(self, resolver, query, timeout):
self.resolver = resolver
self.query = query
self.timeout = timeout
def __call__(self, failure):
# AuthoritativeDomainErrors should halt resolution attempts
failure.trap(dns.DomainError, defer.TimeoutError, NotImplementedError)
return self.resolver(self.query, self.timeout)
class ResolverChain(common.ResolverBase):
"""Lookup an address using multiple C{IResolver}s"""
def __init__(self, resolvers):
self.resolvers = resolvers
def _lookup(self, name, cls, type, timeout):
q = dns.Query(name, type, cls)
if name.endswith("") or name.endswith(""):
d = self.resolvers[0].query(q, timeout)
d = self.resolvers[1].query(q, timeout)
return d
def lookupAllRecords(self, name, timeout = None):
if name.endswith("") or name.endswith(""):
d = self.resolvers[0].lookupAllRecords(name, timeout)
d = self.resolvers[1].lookupAllRecords(name, timeout)
return d
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Domain Name Server
import os, traceback
from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.names import dns
from twisted.application import internet, service
from twisted.names import server
from twisted.names import authority
from twisted.names import secondary
class Options(usage.Options):
optParameters = [
["interface", "i", "", "The interface to which to bind"],
["port", "p", "53", "The port on which to listen"],
["resolv-conf", None, None,
"Override location of resolv.conf (implies --recursive)"],
["hosts-file", None, None, "Perform lookups with a hosts file"],
optFlags = [
["cache", "c", "Enable record caching"],
["recursive", "r", "Perform recursive lookups"],
["verbose", "v", "Log verbosely"],
compData = usage.Completions(
optActions={"interface" : usage.CompleteNetInterfaces()}
zones = None
zonefiles = None
def __init__(self):
self['verbose'] = 0
self.bindfiles = []
self.zonefiles = []
self.secondaries = []
def opt_pyzone(self, filename):
"""Specify the filename of a Python syntax zone definition"""
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise usage.UsageError(filename + ": No such file")
def opt_bindzone(self, filename):
"""Specify the filename of a BIND9 syntax zone definition"""
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise usage.UsageError(filename + ": No such file")
def opt_secondary(self, ip_domain):
"""Act as secondary for the specified domain, performing
zone transfers from the specified IP (IP/domain)
args = ip_domain.split('/', 1)
if len(args) != 2:
raise usage.UsageError("Argument must be of the form IP/domain")
self.secondaries.append((args[0], [args[1]]))
def opt_verbose(self):
"""Increment verbosity level"""
self['verbose'] += 1
def postOptions(self):
if self['resolv-conf']:
self['recursive'] = True
self.svcs = []
self.zones = []
for f in self.zonefiles:
except Exception, e:
raise usage.UsageError("Invalid syntax in " + f)
for f in self.bindfiles:
except Exception, e:
raise usage.UsageError("Invalid syntax in " + f)
for f in self.secondaries:
self['port'] = int(self['port'])
except ValueError:
raise usage.UsageError("Invalid port: %r" % (self['port'],))
def makeService(config):
from twisted.names import client, cache, hosts
ca, cl = [], []
servers = [('',53),('',53)]
servers = [('',53),('',53)]
resolve_conf = "/tmp/resolve.conf"
cl = [ResolverChain([client.Resolver(servers=servers), client.createResolver(resolvconf=resolve_conf)])]
f = server.DNSServerFactory(config.zones, ca, cl, config['verbose'])
p = dns.DNSDatagramProtocol(f)
f.noisy = 0
ret = service.MultiService()
for (klass, arg) in [(internet.TCPServer, f), (internet.UDPServer, p)]:
s = klass(config['port'], arg, interface=config['interface'])
for svc in config.svcs:
return ret
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