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Last active August 14, 2022 20:57
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Applescript for automatically starting standup
on run argv
# Set variables
set chrome to "Google Chrome"
set zoom to ""
set wait to 0.5
set initialWindow to "Zoom - Pro Account" # If you're not using Zoom Pro you will need to change this
tell application chrome
if it is running then
delay 1
end if
end tell
# Tell Chrome and Zoom to stop running if they're already open
tell application zoom
if it is running then
delay 1
end if
end tell
# Launch Chrome
tell application chrome to activate
# Check Chrome has started
tell application "System Events"
repeat until visible of process chrome is false
log "waiting for chrome process"
delay wait
set visible of process chrome to false
end repeat
# Wait for Chrome tab to load
set visible of process chrome to true
tell process chrome
# Wait until Clubhouse tab is loaded
repeat until name of window 1 contains "Taco Standup"
log "waiting for clubhouse to load"
delay wait
end repeat
end tell
end tell
# Toggle Clubhouse's fullscreen mode
tell application chrome to activate
tell application "System Events"
tell application chrome
delay 5
keystroke "f"
end tell
end tell
# Launch
tell application zoom to activate
# Wait for Zoom's create meeting window to open
tell application "System Events"
repeat until visible of process zoom is false
log "waiting for zoom process"
delay wait
set visible of process zoom to false
end repeat
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process zoom
repeat until window initialWindow exists
log "waiting for create meeting window"
delay wait
end repeat
# Click the start video button
click button "Start with video" of group 0 of group 0 of group 0 of window initialWindow
# Set the name of the window so we can access it as it may not always be window 2
set videoWindow to "Zoom"
# Make sure the correct Zoom window is active
repeat until window "Zoom" exists
log "waiting for video window"
delay wait
activate window
end repeat
# Check the record button has loaded
repeat until button "Record" of front window exists
log "waiting for the record button"
delay wait
end repeat
# Zoom now changes the window name so we need to update it so we can target it again
tell window videoWindow
# Start recording in the cloud, not locally
keystroke "C" using {command down, shift down}
# Click the share screen button to open the dialog
keystroke "S" using {command down, shift down}
end tell
set shareWin to "Select a window or an application that you want to share"
repeat until window shareWin exists
log "waiting for video share screen window"
delay wait
end repeat
# Choose which window to share
tell window shareWin
tell scroll area 1
tell UI element 1
click button 1
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end run
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