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Last active May 31, 2016 12:36
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## Makefile to build PhD thesis
### T. Ravalde (
### Last edited: 2016/05/31
### Adapted from Keiran Healy (
## Put this Makefile in your project directory
## - Change/add the paths to at the top of the file as needed (e.g. line 37)
## - Change the hostname (line 40) to the name of the machine most commonly used to build the thesis
## Usage
## - `make thesis` will build the entire thesis (based on the contents of main.tex)
## - `make chapter` will build a preview version of the most recently edited chapter
## - `make clean` will remove all the .pdf files and other filetypes in your working directory. Make sure you do not have files in these formats that you want to keep!
## - Haven't yet tested the wordcount (`count`) feature
## - Haven't fully tested `make chapter` (e.g. with nomenclature dependencies etc.)
### Setup
## Extensions for files in working directory
RMDEXT = Rmd # for all Rmarkdown files
MEXT = md # (e.g. md, markdown, mdown) for all markdown files
TEXEXT = tex # for all tex files
## Variables for files in working directory
SRC_RMD = $(wildcard *.$(RMDEXT)) # for all Rmarkdown files
SRC_MD = $(wildcard *.$(MEXT)) # for all markdown files
SRC_TEX = $(wildcard *.$(TEXEXT)) # for all tex files
## Working bibliography file
## Machine most commonly used to build the thesis
### Dependencies
### Rules
md: update clean $(MDS)
tex: update clean $(MDS) $(TEXS)
chapter: update clean $(MDS) $(TEXS) chapter-xelatex
count: $(COUNTS)
thesis: update clean $(MDS) $(TEXS) combo
### Commands
## Build thesis
combo: *.tex
latexmk -xelatex "-interaction=nonstopmode" main.tex
## Whenever running on Tom's machine, update to latest dependencies for paper and toolchain
if [ `hostname` = $(HOST) ] ; \
then \
cp /home/tr608/ImpCol/PhD/my-refs.bib . ; \
# inkscape -D -z --file=metab.svg --export-pdf=metab.pdf --export-latex ; \
# cp /home/tr608/.pandoc/templates/chapter.xelatex . ; \
## Knit Rmarkdown to markdown %.Rmd
./knit.R $<
## Convert to tex using pandoc and build a standalone preview version of edited chapter
pandoc --chapters --natbib -o $@ $<
cat chapter.prepend $@ chapter.append > preview.tex
## Complile the preview chapter
xelatex preview.tex
## Run texcount on tex files
%.count: %.tex
texcount -sub=section $< > $@
rm -f *.aux *.log *.out *.spl *.bbl *.blg *.fls *fdb_latexmk
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