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Last active January 10, 2020 23:11
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Helpers to write Luftdaten CSVs to your InfluxDB

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Write Luftdaten CSV to a InfluxDB

Helpers to write CSV files from to your InfluxDb.

You can use this to fill up your local InfluxDB with previous data or fill data gaps in your influxdb.

How does it work

  • get the relevant CSVs from
  • delete all lines that you already have in your DB (you must keep the csv header line)
  • export settings as environment vars in case they differ from the defaults (INFLUXDB_HOST, INFLUXDB_PORT, INFLUXDB_DATABASE, SENSOR_ID)
  • run cat file1.csv [file2.csv ...] | ./ | ./

I should advise you to backup the DB first 😛

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# TODO: explain usage
set -e
curl --include -X POST \
"http://${HOST}:${PORT}/write?db=${DATABASE}&precision=${PRECISION}" \
--data-binary @${SRC_FILE}
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" Converts CSV exports from to InfluxDB LineProtocol
Note: timestamps are in seconds, therefore precision "s" needs to be set
when writing, see
Please set
in your environment
CSV file spec:
Semiconlos are used as delimiters. First line are the header columns.
Generally the column name is used as a DB field name, but there are some legacy
exceptions like "temperature" instead of "Temp" as listed in the following table.
| DB Field name | DB field | CSV Column | CSV Format
| none | time | Time | 2017/05/19 00:00:11 (UTC)
| ? | ? | durP1 |
| ? | ? | ratioP1 |
| ? | ? | P1 |
| ? | ? | durP2 |
| ? | ? | ratioP2 |
| ? | ? | P2 |
| SDS_P1 | field | SDS_P1 | 10.36
| SDS_P2 | field | SDS_P2 | 9.50
| PMS_P1 | field | PMS_P1 |
| PMS_P2 | field | PMS_P2 |
| temperature | field | Temp | 16.00
| humidity | field | Humidity | 79.00
| BMP_temperature | field | BMP_temperature |
| BMP_pressure | field | BMP_pressure |
| BME280_temperature | field | BME280_temperature |
| BME280_humidity | field | BME280_humidity |
| BME280_pressure | field | BME280_pressure |
| samples | field | Samples | 828799
| min_micro | field | Min_cycle | 172
| max_micro | field | Max_cycle | 25198
| signal | field | Signal | -91
| node | tag | N/A filename? | e.g. esp8266-16229960
import os
import sys
import csv
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def get_timestamp(timestr):
"""Converts CSV time value to a UTC timestamp in seconds"""
naive_dt = datetime.strptime(timestr, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
utc = (naive_dt - datetime(1970, 1, 1)) / timedelta(seconds=1)
return int(utc)
SENSOR_ID = os.environ.get("SENSOR_ID", "16229960")
DATABASE = os.environ.get("INFLUXDB_DATABASE", "sensors")
NODE = "esp8266-" + SENSOR_ID
"Humidity": "humidity",
"Max_cycle": "max_micro",
"Samples": "samples",
"Min_cycle": "min_micro",
"Signal": "signal",
"Temp": "temperature",
READER = csv.DictReader(sys.stdin, delimiter=";")
for row in READER:
# error out on legacy format until it's clear what that format is
if row["Time"] == "time":
raise Exception(
"Looks like a legacy format not supported yet. Send the file to the author please."
# catch multiple column headers
if row["Time"] == "Time":
measurements = []
for header, value in row.items():
if header == "Time" or not value:
measurements.append("{0}={1}".format(NAME_MAP.get(header, header), value))
values = {
"database": DATABASE,
"node": NODE,
"measurements": ",".join(measurements),
"time": get_timestamp(row["Time"]),
print("{database},node={node} {measurements} {time}".format(**values))
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tomru commented Jan 10, 2020

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