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Last active March 13, 2023 10:24
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Extracting RDF subgraphs using SPARQL
# this query extracts a subgraph from the selected subject (level 1) and two child levels
PREFIX aekos: <>
PREFIX some_dataset: <>
?s1 ?p1 ?o1 .
?s1 ?pv1 ?v1 .
?s2 ?p2 ?o2 .
?s2 ?pv2 ?v2 .
?s3 ?p3 ?o3 .
?s3 ?pv3 ?v3 .
FROM wadec_ravensthorpe:
# level 1
?s1 ?p1 ?o1 FILTER (?s1 = some_dataset:ENTITY-123) . # identify starting subject
?s1 ?pv1 ?v1 .
BIND (?o1 as ?s2) . # rename binding for readability
# level 2
?s2 ?p2 ?o2 . # get links to other subjects
?s2 ?pv2 ?v2 . # get primitives
BIND (?o2 as ?s3) .
# level 3
?s3 ?p3 ?o3 .
?s3 ?pv3 ?v3 .
# this query extracts a subgraph from the selected subject (level 1) until no more paths can be traversed
# BEWARE: you're traversing a *graph*, not a tree, so if you have cycles then this query will never finish.
PREFIX aekos: <>
PREFIX some_dataset: <>
?s1 ?p1 ?o1 .
?sN ?pN ?oN .
FROM some_dataset:
?s1 ?p1 ?o1 . # level 1
values ?s1 {
some_dataset:ENTITY-123 # identify starting subject
BIND (?o1 as ?s2) . # rename binding for readability
?s2 (!<urn:nothing>)+ [] . # any length property path where the property != "something it will never equal" (i.e. find everything)
?sN ?pN ?oN . # bind everything
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