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Last active May 5, 2017 22:34
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An alpha of a export.socrata() function for the RSocrata package. See
install_github("Chicago/RSocrata" ref = "issue124") # RSocrata 1.7.2-7 or above
#' Exports CSVs from Socrata data portals
#' Input the URL of a data portal (e.g., "") and
#' will download all CSV files (no other files supported) and saved in
#' a single directory named after the root URL (e.g., "").
#' Downloaded files are compressed to GZip format and timestamped so the download
#' time is saved. No data is saved within the R workspace.
#' @param url - the base URL of a domain (e.g., "")
#' @return a Gzipped file with the four-by-four and timestamp of when the download began in filename
#' @author Tom Schenk Jr \email{}
#' @export
export.socrata <- function(url) {
dir.create(basename(url), showWarnings = FALSE) # Create directory based on URL
ls <- ls.socrata(url = url)
for (i in 1:dim(ls)[1]) {
# Track timestamp before download
downloadTime <- Sys.time()
downloadTz <- Sys.timezone()
# Download data
downloadUrl <- ls$distribution[[i]]$downloadURL[1] # Currently grabs CSV, which is the first element
d <- read.socrata(downloadUrl)
# Construct the filename output
downloadTimeChr <- gsub('\\s+','_',downloadTime) # Remove spaces and replaces with underscore
downloadTimeChr <- gsub(':', '', downloadTimeChr) # Removes colon from timestamp to be valid filename
filename <- httr::parse_url(ls$identifier[i])
filename$path <- substr(filename$path, 11, 19)
filename <- paste0(filename$hostname, "/", filename$path, "_", downloadTimeChr, ".", default_format, ".gz")
# Write file
write.csv(d, file = gzfile(filename))
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I needed to add a comma to Line 2--here is the line with the comma added:

install_github("Chicago/RSocrata", ref = "issue124") # RSocrata 1.7.2-7 or above

Then I tried to download Cook County's Data Portal (I figure it will take less time than the City's). I am getting this error. I haven't looked into what's happening yet.

> test <- export.socrata("")
Error in validateUrl(url, app_token) : 
  rows.csv is not a valid Socrata dataset unique identifier.

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I was able to get this up and running (not sure what I did to get the error reported above). I let it run for a while and it downloaded readable files from and It errored out when it hit a PDF file on the Cook County data portal.

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I've now moved this code over to it's own branch. Can continue the discussion in the corresponding issue.

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