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Created November 19, 2012 01:56
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Chicago Data Visualization reshape Tutorial Script
# Install reshape package. You will be asked to pick a server.
# We're going to also use ggplot2, so let's install that as well:
install.packages(c("reshape","ggplot2")) # In R, c() concatenates inputs as a vector
# You will always need to load the libraries after installing the package.
# First, we're going to work with the "mtcars" data set.
str(mtcars) # Explore the data structure.
rownames(mtcars) # Each row does have a car make/model.
## Reshape was inspired by other base R functions that summarize data. Let's explore these first.
# summary() is the most basic data summary
# The apply() function will summarize columns or rows.
apply(mtcars, 2, mean) # Average by column, other common named functions are median, sd, length.
apply(mtcars, 2, stats::quantile)
apply(mtcars, 2, function(x) x^2) # Can define your own function.
apply(mtcars, 1, mean) # Average by row, but this doesn't make sense -- why not?
# The by() function allows you to create summary data by su
by(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, mean) # What is the average mpg by the number of car cylinders.
by(mtcars[ ,c(1,3:5)], mtcars$cyl, mean) # Average mpg, disp, hp, and drat by number of cylinders.
# The by() function is a simplification of tapply()
tapply(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$cyl, mean)
# The table() function provides a simple count of elements.
table(mtcars$cyl, table$gear) # 2 x 2 table.
## Reshape involves two steps, one to "melt" the data. Let's ask the question, how does the car shape and performance vary with cylinders?
# Melt the data
mtcars.melt <- melt(mtcars, id.var="cyl")
# Inspect molten data
## Each row of data is transformed into multiple rows, each row represents a variable for each observed car cylinder.
## Now we can cast the data into a reshaped table.
cast(mtcars.melt, cyl ~ variable, mean) # Average for all variables for each cylinder.
cast(mtcars.melt, cyl ~ variable, sd) # Standard deviation
cast(mtcars.melt, cyl ~ variable, stats::quantile) # Quantiles
## Let's ask a slightly different question: What is the relationship between the cylinders and horsepower?
# All of these are equivalent
mtcars.hp.melt <- melt(mtcars, measure.var="hp")
mtcars.hp.melt <- melt(mtcars, id.var = -4)
mtcars.hp.melt <- melt(mtcars, id.var=c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb"))
# Again cast the data to reshape
cast(mtcars.hp.melt, cyl ~ variable, mean) # hp is our melted variable
# Sometimes it's handy to store the casted data.
mtcars.hp.cast.mean <- cast(mtcars.hp.melt, cyl ~ variable, mean) # Mean <- cast(mtcars.hp.melt, cyl ~ variable, sd) # Standard Deviation
mtcars.hp.cast.length <- cast(mtcars.hp.melt, cyl ~ variable, length) # Length
# Now we can combine them into one summary table
mtcars.hp.cyl.descriptives <- data.frame(mtcars.hp.cast.mean,[ ,2], mtcars.hp.cast.length[ ,3])
names(mtcars.hp.cyl.descriptives) <- c("Cylinders", "Average Horsepower", "Horsepower Standard Deviation", "Number of cars")
# An easier way to do this is in the casting
cast(mtcars.hp.melt, cyl ~ variable, c(mean, sd, length))
# Now we can plot it as well
plot(mtcars.hp.cyl.descriptives$Cylinders, mtcars.hp.cyl.descriptives$"Number of cars") # Better to just use ggplot, but it shows how to do it.
## Which organization had the most FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests from the Law department?
# Read data from City of Chicago
foia <- read.csv("")
# Quickest way to answer our question is the table function
table(foia$ORGANIZATION) # But this can be used for plotting.
# Cast to make into a proper table
foia.melt <- melt(foia, id.var="ORGANIZATION")
foia.cast <- cast(foia.melt, ORGANIZATION ~ variable, length) # The "." summarizes all variables instead of listing each column.
# Now we can graph it.
names(foia.cast)[2] <- "Requests"
ggplot(foia.cast) + geom_bar(aes(x=ORGANIZATION, y=Requests))
# A little messy, so let's order them
foia.cast[order(foia.cast$Requests), ] # Oops, reverse order
foia.cast.order <- foia.cast[order(-foia.cast$Requests), ]
foia.cast.order.topfive <- foia.cast.order[1:5, ]
ggplot(foia.cast.order.topfive) + geom_bar(aes(x=ORGANIZATION, y=Requests)) # Plot the top 5 requesting agencies.
## But what are the total number of requests?
# Quickest answer is:
nrow(foia) # But doesn't show any of the organizations.
cast(foia.melt, ORGANIZATION ~ variable, length, margins="grand_row") # Same answer
## So, I'm lazy and I hate all of these columns. Four of them display the exact same data. Let's fix that.
cast(foia.melt, ORGANIZATION ~ ., function(x) length(x)/4, margins="grand_row")
## What aspects of student and school district characteristics correlate to test scores?
# Load data
ed <- read.csv("")
# Inspect data
# Melt data
ed.melt <- melt(ed, measure.var(c("read", "write", "math", "science", "socst"))
# Cast data showing relationship between females and test scores
ed.cast <- cast(ed.melt, female ~ variable, mean)
cast(ed.melt, female + race ~ variable, mean) # Add race variable
cast(ed.melt, female + race ~ ses + variable, mean) # Add socio-economic status
# This is getting to be pretty high dimension, so let's make a list
cast(ed.melt, female ~ race | variable, mean)
# We can make a heatmap showing test scores for each student.
ggplot(ed.melt, aes(x = variable, y=id)) + geom_tile(aes(fill=value, color="white") + scale_fill_gradient(low="white", high="steelblue")
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Pegasus3 commented Jul 3, 2023

Tom, I thought reshape is a base R command so why do I need to install a package?
Or is this an old requirement which is no longer valid? Thank you.

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