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Last active August 7, 2017 03:07
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  • Save tomshanley/0f40165daa73e996aa9f671c11103ad3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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SVG gradient angle in different view boxes
license: mit
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="triangleEquations.js"></script>
body {
margin: 0;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
background: DarkSlateBlue;
g.tick > line {
stroke: lightgrey;
g.tick > text {
fill: lightgrey;
let width = 100;
let height = 300;
let gradientAngleDegrees = 30;
let gradientAngle = 30 * (Math.PI/180);
const gradientColours = [
{ "offset": "0%", "stopColor": "yellow" },
{ "offset": "19%", "stopColor": "yellow" },
{ "offset": "20%","stopColor": "MediumVioletRed" },
{ "offset": "69%","stopColor": "MediumVioletRed" },
{ "offset": "70%", "stopColor": "Indigo" },
{ "offset": "100%", "stopColor": "Indigo" }
const margin = { "top": 50, "right": 50, "bottom": 50, "left": 50 };
let svg ="body")
.attr("width", 500 + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", 500 + + margin.bottom);
let defs = svg.append("defs");
let offset = 0;
let series = [1,2,3];
let g = svg.append("g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (d * 120) +"," + (d * offset + 10) + ")");
let rectHeight = (height * d/3);
let bottom = (height * d/3) + (height * (3 - d)/3);
let x1 = width;
let y1 = bottom;
let x2 = -(oppositeSin(gradientAngle, height));
let y2 = height - (adjacentCos(gradientAngle, height));
let gradient = defs.append("linearGradient")
.attr("id", "gradient" + d)
.attr("x1", 0)
.attr("y1", 0)
.attr("x2", 1)
.attr("y2", 0)
.attr("gradientUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
.attr("offset", function (d) { return d.offset; })
.attr("stop-color", function (d) { return d.stopColor; });
let rect = g.append("rect")
.attr("x", 0)
.attr("y", height - rectHeight)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", rectHeight)
.style("fill", "url(#gradient" + d + ")")
//.attr("transform", "skewY(-45)")
//returns the length of the opposite side to the angle, using the adjacent side's length
function oppositeTan(angle, adjacent) {
return Math.tan(angle) * adjacent;
//returns the length of the adjacent side to the angle, using the hypotenuse's length
function adjacentCos(angle, hypotenuse) {
return Math.cos(angle) * hypotenuse;
//returns the length of the opposite side to the angle, using the adjacent's length
function oppositeTan(angle, adjacent) {
return Math.tan(angle) * adjacent;
//returns the length of the adjacent side to the angle, using the opposite's length
function adjacentTan(angle, opposite) {
return opposite / Math.tan(angle);
//returns the length of the opposite side to the angle, using the hypotenuse's length
function oppositeSin(angle, hypotenuse) {
return Math.sin(angle) * hypotenuse;
//returns the length of the unknown side of a triangle, using the other two sides' lengths
function triangleSide(sideA, sideB) {
var hypothenuse, shorterSide;
if (sideA > sideB) {
hypothenuse = sideA;
shorterSide = sideB;
} else {
hypothenuse = sideB;
shorterSide = sideA;
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(hypothenuse, 2) - Math.pow(shorterSide, 2))
//returns the length of the hypotenuse, using the other two sides' lengths
function triangleHypotenuse(sideA, sideB) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sideA, 2) + Math.pow(sideB, 2))
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