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Created January 25, 2024 17:22
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Retrieve sample attributes from EBI's ENA repository in JSON format
#' Query ENA's REST API for information about records
#' @param accessions Character vector of one or more ENA record identifiers
#' @return An `xml_document` object
get_records <- function(accessions) {
r <- httr::GET(
url = glue::glue(
"{glue::glue_collapse(accessions, sep = ',')}"),
httr::content(r, as = "parsed", type = "text/xml",
encoding = "UTF-8")
# return a list of JSON strings with sample attributes
sample_ids <- c("SAMN12207420", "SAMN08358280", "SAMN06470116")
json <- lapply(setNames(sample_ids, sample_ids), \(sample_id) {
# retrieve the record in XML format
get_records(sample_id) |>
# extract the attributes
xml2::xml_find_all(xpath = "//SAMPLE_ATTRIBUTES") |>
xml2::as_list() |>
# convert into JSON
jsonlite::toJSON(auto_unbox = TRUE, pretty = TRUE)
json[[2]] # second sample
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