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Created October 16, 2019 19:18
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title: "Anova in R"
author: "Thomas Sandmann"
date: "10/15/2019"
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```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
```{r echo=FALSE}
packages_used <- c("emmeans")
for (package in packages_used) {
if (!requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)) {
# Introduction
The R programming language offers many different ways to fit common
models and perform statisticalt testing.
This document uses updated examples from the
[R Companion for the Handbook of Biological Statistics](
Because the
R package is no longer maintained and has been replaced with the
R package, the latter will be used throughout.
## Example dataset
In the following example, the effects of drug treatments `D1` and `D2` were
assayed under two different conditions `C1` and `C2`. All four combinations
were tested and were recorded in the `treatment` column of a data table:
dataset <- data.frame(
drug = rep(c("D1", "D1", "D2", "D2"), each = 3),
condition = rep(c("C1", "C2", "C1", "C2"), each = 3),
treatment = rep(c("D1:C1", "D1:C2", "D2:C1", "D2:C2"), each = 3),
response = c(1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7,
2.5, 2.6, 2.8),
batch = factor(rep(c(1, 2, 3 ), 4))
In this dataset, we have separate `drug` and `treatment` columns. But in
addition, we have also combined these two factors into a grouping variable
called `treatment`. This will simplify how we can specify comparisons between
the groups (see below).
We can explicitly specify the order of the `treatment` covariate. (Otherwise R
will use alphabetical order.)
dataset$treatment <- factor(
x = dataset$treatment,
levels = c("D1:C1", "D1:C2", "D2:C1", "D2:C2"))
boxplot(response ~ drug + condition, data = dataset,
ylab = "Response", xlab = "Treatment")
A visual inspection of the dataset shows that there seem to be differences
between all four treatments (= drug x condition combinations.)
In addition to `drug`, `condition` and the combined `treatment` column,
the dataset also contains the `batch` column. It is not of biological interest,
but corresponds to a nuisance variable. It is important to *adjust for* its
influence,, but it will not be part of the comparisons we want to examine
(see below).
R's `lm()` function can fit many different types of linear models, including
those with categorical predictor variables (like an ANOVA).
The following command fits a linear model taking into account
- the effect of the `drug` treatment (`D2` vs `D1`)
- the effect of the `condition` (`C2` vs `C1`)
- the statistical interaction between `drug` and `condition`, (denoted with the
- the effect of the batches
Unless otherwise specified, R will consider the level of each categorical
variable in alphabetical order, e.g. it will consider `D1` the baseline for the
`drug` covariate, `C1` the baseline for the `condition` covariate and `1`
the baseline for the `batch`.
fit1 = lm(response ~ drug + condition + drug:condition + batch, data = dataset)
The `fit1` object contains the mean and standard errors for each of the
treatment groups, but it does not perform statistical testing, e.g. it does
*not* return p-values.
To perform a statistical test, we can pass the `fit1` object to the `anova()`
The output of the `anova()` function shows that there are indeed differences
between the experimental groups:
- there is a significant `drug` effect
- there is a significant effect of the `condition`
- there is a significant `batch` effect
- but there is no evidence for a drug:condition interaction, e.g. the effect of
the drug treatment (`D1` vs `D2`) is not significantly differenct between
conditions (`C1` and `C2`).
This gives us a high level overview, but which of the groups are actually
significantly different *from each other*?
### Contrasts
#### Recoding the groups of interest
In addition to the `drug` and `condition` columns in our dataset, we also have
a combined `treatment` variable, which defines the four drug x condition
Because our biological questions are about differences between these groups,
we fit the linear model again, this time using the `treatment` column.
fit2 = lm(response ~ treatment + batch, data = dataset)
As before, we can use the `anova()` function to ask whether there is evidence
that one or more of the four `treatment` groups are different from each other:
To extract statistics about the *individual treatment groups* (and the
differences between them) from the `fit2` object, we make use functions from
the `emmeans` R package.
For example, the `emmeans` function can return the estimated `mean`, the
standard error (`SE`) and the confidence intervals over all `treatment`
conditions from the linear model:
group_means = emmeans(fit2, "treatment")
**Note:** The model we fit also included the `batch` covariate, but because
we only want to *adjust* for it, e.g. it is *not* part of the scientific
question we want to ask, it is not specified in the call to `emmeans()`. (The
output of the `emmeans()` call reminds us that the results are averaged over the
levels of the batch covariate).
But what about the *differences* between the groups? In statistics, they are
usually referred to as `contrasts`. Depending on your questions of interest,
you might be interested in
- pairwise differences between all conditions
- the differences between each condition and a specific control group
- a custom set of differences
All of the above can be extracted from the `group_means` object we created
above using the `contrast` function.
#### Pairs
To get statistics on *all* possible pairs, choose the `pairwise` method:
contrast(group_means, method = "pairwise", adjust = "tukey")
The `estimate` column shows the difference between the estimated means of
each pair, and the `SE` provides the standard error of this estimate. As
expected, the statistical confirms that all pairwise comparisons are
statistically significant.
When we conduct multiple tests, we need to adjust for the number of
analyses. By default, the `contrast()` function uses Tukey's method for p-value
**Note:** The `batch` covariate does not feature in the comparisons, because
we did not specify it when we created the `group_means` object with the
`emmeans()` function earlier.
#### Treatment vs control
In the example dataset, we have an explicit `Control` treatment. If you are
interested in testing for differences between each of the other groups and this
reference, you can use the `trt.vs.ctrl` contrast.
contrast(group_means, method = "trt.vs.ctrl")
The default multiplicity adjustment for `treatment vs control` analysis
method is `dunnettx`, a close approximation to the Dunnett adjustment.
**But how does R which of the conditions is the reference?**
When we defined the dataset, we carefully specified the `treatment` column as
a factor and defined its `levels`.
By default, *first* level is used as the reference. If you want to compare to
a different reference group, let's say `D2:C1`, you can specify it in the
`contrast()` call:
contrast(group_means, method = "trt.vs.ctrl", ref = "D2:C1")
#### Custom contrasts
Usually, experiments are designed to answer specific questions. To define your
own comparisons, you can specify the comparisons manually.
Is there a significant difference conditions `D1:C2` and `D2:C2`?
Let's plot the estimated means and their confidence intervals.
plot(group_means, CIs = TRUE)
This plot shows each treatment group on the y-axis and its estimated mean on the
x-axis. Groups `D1:C2` and `D2:C2` are spaced relatively far apart, but is that
difference significant?
**Note:** You can see more information on plotting the output of the `emmeans()`
function by consulting the help page:
```{r eval=FALSE}
Another way of asking whether the `D1:C2` and `D2:C2` conditions are different
from each other is to examine whether the absolute *difference* between them
is larger than zero.
Let's take another look at the estimated means we stored in the
`group_means` object:
There are five rows, one for each condition. To compare `D1:C2` and `D2:C2`,
we need to calculate the difference between the second (`D1:C2`) and the fourth
row (`D2:C2`).
We can specify the comparison of interest using a *vector* of `0`, `1` and `-1`.
For example, the following vector
c(0, -1, 0, 1),$treatment
- ignores the first and third rows, because they are set to `0`.
- pulls out the second and fourth rows, which we want to compare, because they
are set to `1` or `-1`.
- the sign (`1` or `-1`) defines how difference should be calculated; here, we
subtract the second row (`D1:C2`) from the fourth row (`D2:C2`).
We can use this vectors to communicate the comparison of interest to the
`contrast()` function which comparison:
contrast(group_means, method = list(
"D2:C2 - D1:C2" = c(0, -1, 0, 1)
**Note:** Because we only specified a single comparison, no multiple testing
correction is applied.
To test multiple custom comparisons, we can include them all in the same list:
contrast(group_means, method = list(
"D2:C2 - D1:C2" = c(0, -1, 0, 1),
"D2:C1 - D1:C1" = c(-1, 0, 1, 0)
), adjust = "none")
#### Interactions
The same vector notation can also be used to test for interactions, e.g.
*differences between comparisons*.
For example, we might want to ask whether the `drug` treatment (`D1` vs `D2`)
has different effects under the two different `conditions` (`C1` and `C2`).
First, we specify two comparisons to calculate the drug effects, separately
for each condition. Then, we compare these differences by subtracting them
from each other:
comparisons <- list(
"D2:C1 - D1:C1" = c(-1, 0, 1, 0), # drug 2 vs drug 1 in condition 1
"D2:C2 - D1:C2" = c(0, -1, 0, 1), # drug 2 vs drug 1 in condition 2
"(D2:C2 - D1:C2)-(D2:C2 - D1:C2)" = c(-1, 0, 1, 0) - c(0, -1, 0, 1)
Each of these comparisons corresponds to a linear combination of the estimated
effects. Let's add the names of the treatment groups to clarify:
lapply(comparisons, function(x) {
We can now pass the list of comparisons to the `contrast()` function.
**Note:** Here, we choose not to adjust for multiple testing to compare the
results to those obtained with the `anova()` function earlier. Especially when
you define *many* different contrasts, you should specify `adjust = "sidak"`
contrast(group_means, method = comparisons, adjust = "none")
As expected, the drug has significant effects under both conditions, with an
estimated shift in means of `0.4` in condition 1 and `0.4333` in condition 2,
e.g. the drug has slightly stronger effect in condition 2 (+ `0.0333`) - but
that difference is not statistically significant. In other words, there is
no significant evidence that the drug has *different* effects under the two
conditions. (The interaction p-value matches that obatined by the
`anova(fit1)` call we started off with, see above.)
#### Additional information
For more information on available types of pre-defined contrasts and their
associated methods of multiple testing adjustment, please consult the manual:
```{r eval=FALSE}
[^1]: A number of multiple testing methods have been defined for different
use cases. As a rule of thumb, use the `tukey` method when comparing *every*
mean with every other mean, use `dunnettx` to compare *every* mean with a
control mean. Finally, use `bonferroni` or `sidak` when you manually defined a
subset of means to compare.
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