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Created January 19, 2020 15:43
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  • Save tomstuart/9647817a2bb60110e83b4e72c50126d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tomstuart/9647817a2bb60110e83b4e72c50126d9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Setting up macOS
  • Install Homebrew
    • /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • brew install git
  • brew install vim
  • Install Ruby
    • brew install chruby
      • In ~/.zshrc:
        source /usr/local/share/chruby/
        source /usr/local/share/chruby/
    • brew install ruby-install
    • ruby-install ruby-2.7.0
      • echo 'ruby-2.7.0' > ~/.ruby-version
  • Install Node.js
    • brew tap tkareine/chnode
    • brew install tkareine/chnode/chnode
      • In ~/.zshrc:
        source /usr/local/share/chnode/
        source /usr/local/share/chnode/
    • brew install node-build
    • node-build 13.5.0 ~/.nodes/node-13.5.0
      • echo 'node-13.5.0' > ~/.node-version
  • Install Yarn
    • curl -o- -L | bash
  • Set up SSH keys
  • Symlink dotfiles
    • .gemrc
    • .gitconfig
    • .gitignore
    • .screenrc
    • .vimrc
  • System Preferences
    • Desktop & Screen Saver
      • Screen Saver
        • Start after: Never
    • Dock
      • enable Automatically hide and show the Dock
      • disable Show recent applications in Dock
    • Mission Control
      • Hot Corners…
        • top right: Desktop
        • bottom right: Mission Control
    • Siri
      • disable Show Siri in menu bar
      • Siri Suggestions & Privacy
        • disable Safari -> Show Siri Suggestions in App
    • Accessibility
      • Zoom
        • enable Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom
        • Advanced -> Appearance -> Continuously with pointer
      • Pointer Control -> Trackpad Options -> Enable dragging -> three finger drag
    • Security & Privacy
      • General
        • Require password: immediately
        • enable Use your Apple Watch to unlock apps and your Mac
    • Sound
      • enable Sound Effects -> Show volume in menu bar
    • Keyboard
      • Keyboard
        • Key repeat: Fast
        • Delay Until Repeat: Short
        • Modifier Keys -> Caps Lock Key: Control
      • Text
        • disable Correct spelling automatically
        • disable Capitalise words automatically
        • disable Add full stop with double-space
        • disable Use smart quotes and dashes
      • Shortcuts
        • Use keyboard navigation to move focus between controls
      • Dictation
        • Dictation: Off
    • Trackpad
      • Point & Click
        • disable Look up & data detectors
        • enable Tap to click
        • Tracking speed: 8/10
      • Scroll & Zoom
        • disable Zoom in or out
        • disable Smart zoom
        • disable Rotate
      • More Gestures
        • disable Swipe between pages
        • disable Swipe between full-screen apps
        • disable Notification Centre
        • disable Mission Control
        • disable Launchpad
        • disable Show Desktop
    • Displays
      • Night Shift -> Schedule: Sunset to Sunrise
    • Date & Time
      • Clock
        • enable Show date
  • Terminal preferences
    • Profiles -> Pro
      • enable Default
      • Text -> Background -> Colour & Effects -> Opacity: 100%
      • Shell -> When the shell exits: Close if the shell exited cleanly
  • Install 1Password from
    • Sync vault (license in vault is autodetected)
    • Set up email & calendar accounts
  • Install Bartender from
    • License key is in 1Password
    • Preferences
      • General -> Open Bartender at login
      • Menu Items
        • 1Password: hide
        • Airplay Displays: hide
        • Notification Centre: always hide
        • Spotlight: always hide
        • Volume: hide
  • Install AdBlock for Safari from
    • Disable “acceptable ads”
    • Disable AdBlock Icon extension
  • Install Slack from
  • Safari
    • disable pref Websites -> Notifications -> Allow websites to ask for permission to send notifications
    • disable pref Autofill -> Using information from my contacts, Usernames and passwords, Credit cards, Other forms
    • enable pref Advanced -> Show Develop menu in menu bar
    • Default encoding: UTF-8
    • View -> Show Status Bar
  • Disable smooth scrolling (e.g. animated page up/down in Safari)
    • defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSScrollAnimationEnabled -bool false
  • Menu bar
    • Battery (if exists)
      • Show Percentage
    • cmd-drag clock to the top right
  • Dock
    • add Documents
    • add Terminal
    • add Slack
  • Finder
    • View -> Show Path Bar
    • Desktop
      • View -> Show View Options
        • Sort By: Date Modified
    • Preferences
      • General
        • enable Hark disks
        • enable Connected servers
        • New Finder windows show: home directory
        • disable Open folders in tabs instead of new windows
      • Sidebar
        • enable Movies
        • enable home directory
        • disable Recent Tags
      • Advanced
        • disable Show warning before emptying the Bin
  • Messages
    • Edit -> Spelling and Grammar -> disable Correct Spelling Automatically
    • Edit -> Substitutions -> disable Smart Copy/Paste, Smart Quotes, Text Replacement -> Emoji
  • Notes
    • Edit -> Spelling and Grammar -> disable Correct Spelling Automatically
    • Edit -> Substitutions -> disable Smart Copy/Paste, Smart Quotes, Smart Dashes
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