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Last active December 15, 2015 15:49
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  • Save tomthorogood/5284768 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tomthorogood/5284768 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Concept for handling Mogu command tokens by converting them to ints early if possible. Implemented in pure C for efficiency, but it's probably really terrible code.
// Store as a const char* to avoid having to convert back and forth while
// we suss out which tokens are integers.
const char* inputString = redisRepy->str;
int len = strlen(inputString);
int strIndex = 0;
while (strIndex < len) {
char current_char = inputString[strIndex];
// If we have encountered a digit, begin the loop to
// determine the start/end indexes of said digit.
if isdigit(current_char) {
int token_start = strIndex;
int token_iter = token_start+1;
char next = inputString[token_iter];
for (; isdigit(next); ++token_iter) {
next = inputString[token_iter];
// Once we reach this point, the token_iterator is one past the end
// index of the valid digit.
// In order to cast this as an int, we must create a substring.
// Start by getting the length of the digit:
int num_len = token_iter - token_start;
char* digit = (char*) malloc(num_len);
// Assign the chars to the proper indexes in the substring.
for (int dig_index = 0; dig_index < num_len; ++dig_index) {
int char_index = token_start + dig_index;
digit[dig_index] = inputString[char_index];
// Convert to integer and append to the NV vector.
int result = atoi(digit);
tokenValues.push_back( NodeValue(result) );
// Advance the global iterator to the local iterator,
// which, remember is already once char past the digit.
strIndex = token_iter;
else if (current_char == '"') {
// Now we must do something similar to separate string literals.
// *NOTE: This does not cover quoted strings within string literals.
// I don't feel like thinking *THAT* hard right now. I've only had
// one cup of coffee.
int token_start = strIndex;
int token_iter = token_start +1;
char next_char = inputString[token_iter];
for (; next_char != '"'; ++token_iter) {
next_char = inputString[token_iter];
int lit_len = token_iter - token_start;
char* literal = (char*) malloc(lit_len);
for (int lit_index = 0; lit_index < lit_len; ++lit_index) {
int char_index = token_start + lit_index;
literal[lit_index] = inputString[char_index];
tokenValues.push_back( NodeValue(literal) ); //type conversion to std::string
strIndex = token_iter;
else if (current_char != ' ') { // For all other characters.
// Do the same exact thing, but searching for the next space.
int token_start = strIndex;
int token_iter = token_start +1;
char next_char = inputString[token_iter];
for (; next_char != ' '; ++token_iter) {
next_char = inputString[token_iter];
int tok_len = token_iter - token_start;
char* token = (char*) malloc(tok_len);
for (int tok_index = 0; tok_index < tok_len; ++tok_index) {
int char_index = token_start + tok_index;
token[tok_index] = inputString[char_index];
tokenValues.push_back( NodeValue(token) ); //type conversino to std::string
strIndex = token_iter;
else ++strIndex;
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