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Created April 16, 2017 16:24
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# check if a new release of PowerShell Core is available on GitHub
function Test-PSVersionGitHub {
try {
# get latest release from github atom feed
$Release = Invoke-RestMethod -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -First 1
} catch {
Write-Warning "Could not check for new version. $_ `n"
# extract information from atom response
$GitId = $ -split "/" | Select-Object -Last 1
$Download = -join("",$
# Add information to dictionary for output
$output = [ordered]@{
"PSVersion" = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion;
"GitCommitId" = $PSVersionTable.GitCommitId;
"GitHubReleaseVersion" = $GitId;
"GitHubReleaseLink" = $Download;
Write-Output (New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $output)
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