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Created September 22, 2012 05:00
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a parser and interpreter for the CFWAE language
#lang plai
(define-type Binding
[binding (name symbol?) (named-expr CFWAE?)])
(define-type CFWAE
[num (n number?)]
[binop (op procedure?) (lhs CFWAE?) (rhs CFWAE?)]
[with (lob (listof Binding?)) (body CFWAE?)]
[id (name symbol?)]
[if0 (c CFWAE?) (t CFWAE?) (e CFWAE?)]
[fun (args (listof symbol?)) (body CFWAE?)]
[app (f CFWAE?) (args (listof CFWAE?))])
(define-type Env
[anEnv (name symbol?) (value CFWAE-Value?) (env Env?)])
(define (lookup sym env)
(type-case Env env
[mtEnv () (error "unbound identifier")]
[anEnv (n v rest)
(if (symbol=? sym n)
(lookup sym rest))]))
(define-type CFWAE-Value
[numV (n number?)]
[closureV (params (listof symbol?))
(body CFWAE?)
(env Env?)])
(define (num-binop op l r)
[(and (numV? l) (numV? r))
(numV (op (numV-n l) (numV-n r)))]
[else (error "both arguments should be numbers")]))
(define binops
(list (cons '+ (lambda (l r) (num-binop + l r)))
(cons '- (lambda (l r) (num-binop - l r)))
(cons '* (lambda (l r) (num-binop * l r)))
(cons '/ (lambda (l r) (num-binop
(lambda (l r)
(if (= 0 r)
(error "divisor shouldn't be zero")
(/ l r)))
l r)))))
(define reserved-symbols
(set-union (set 'if0 'with 'fun)
(list->set (dict-keys binops))))
;; parse : expression -> CFWAE
; This procedure parses an expression into a CFWAE
(define (parse sexp)
[(number? sexp) (num sexp)]
[(symbol? sexp) (parse-id sexp)]
[(and (list? sexp) (not (empty? sexp)))
(local [(define name (first sexp))]
(if (set-member? reserved-symbols name)
[(symbol=? name 'if0) (parse-if0 sexp)]
[(symbol=? name 'with) (parse-with sexp)]
[(symbol=? name 'fun) (parse-fun sexp)]
[else (parse-binop sexp)])
(parse-app sexp)))]
[else (error "parse error")]))
(define (parse-id sexp)
(if (not (set-member? reserved-symbols sexp))
(id sexp)
(error "reserved names cannot be used as identifiers")))
(define (parse-if0 sexp)
(if (= 4 (length sexp))
(if0 (parse (second sexp))
(parse (third sexp))
(parse (fourth sexp)))
(error "if0 expression should have a test expression, a then branch and a else branch")))
(define (parse-bindings sexp)
[(not (and (list? sexp)
(andmap (lambda (l) (and (list? l)
(= 2 (length l))
(symbol? (first l))))
(error "bindings should be a list of pairs, each of which consists of a symbol and an expression")]
[(not (= (length sexp)
(set-count (list->set (map first sexp)))))
(error "identifiers in a binding list should be different from each other")]
[else (map (lambda (l) (binding (first l)
(parse (second l))))
(define (parse-with sexp)
(if (= 3 (length sexp))
(with (parse-bindings (second sexp))
(parse (third sexp)))
(error "with expression should have a binding part and a body")))
(define (parse-args sexp)
(if (and
(list? sexp)
(andmap symbol? sexp)
(= (length sexp)
(set-count (list->set sexp))))
(error "arguments should be symbols that are different from each other")))
(define (parse-fun sexp)
(if (= 3 (length sexp))
(fun (parse-args (second sexp))
(parse (third sexp)))
(error "fun expression should have an argument list and a body")))
(define (parse-app sexp)
(app (parse (first sexp))
(map parse (rest sexp))))
(define (parse-binop sexp)
(if (= 3 (length sexp))
(binop (dict-ref binops (first sexp))
(parse (second sexp))
(parse (third sexp)))
(error "binary operation should take 2 arguments")))
;; interp : CFWAE -> CFWAE-Value
;; This procedure evaluates a CFWAE expression, producing a CFWAE-Value.
(define (interp expr)
(interp-in-env expr (mtEnv)))
(define (interp-in-env expr env)
(type-case CFWAE expr
[num (n) (numV n)]
[id (n) (lookup n env)]
[binop (op lhs rhs) (op (interp-in-env lhs env)
(interp-in-env rhs env))]
[with (lob body) (local [(define new-env
(foldl (lambda (b e)
(anEnv (binding-name b)
(interp-in-env (binding-named-expr b) env)
env lob))]
(interp-in-env body new-env))]
[if0 (c t e) (local [(define cv (interp-in-env c env))]
[(not (numV? cv)) (error "test expression evalute to a number")]
[else (if (equal? (numV 0) cv)
(interp-in-env t env)
(interp-in-env e env))]))]
[fun (args body) (closureV args body env)]
[app (f args) (local [(define c (interp-in-env f env))]
(if (and (closureV? c)
(= (length (closureV-params c))
(length args)))
(interp-in-env (closureV-body c)
(foldl (lambda (a ex e) (anEnv a (interp-in-env ex env) e))
(closureV-env c)
(closureV-params c)
(error "only functions can be applied")))]))
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