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Created December 9, 2012 07:50
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Save tomtung/4243833 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unsupervised Chinese Vocabulary Extraction
#!/usr/bin/env scalas
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.apache.commons" % "commons-lang3" % "3.1",
"com.github.scopt" %% "scopt" % "2.1.0"
resolvers += "sonatype-public" at ""
// This script performs simple unsupervised Chinese vocabulary extraction
// based on n-gram mutual information and contextual entropy.
// A good introduction of the algorithm is available here:
// To run this script you need sbt script runner
// Details:
import collection.mutable
import java.util.logging.Logger
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
val defaultMinCount = 5
val defaultMaxWordLength = 3
val defaultMinMutualInfo = 5.0
val defaultMinContextualEntropy = 1.0
// CLI parameter parsing
case class Config(textPath: String = null,
maxWordLength: Int = defaultMaxWordLength,
minCount: Int = defaultMinCount,
minMutualInfo: Double = defaultMinMutualInfo,
minContextualEntropy: Double = defaultMinContextualEntropy,
favorShort: Boolean = false,
outPath: Option[String] = None,
toIncludeRegex: String = "",
toExcludeRegex: String = "")
val optionParser = new scopt.immutable.OptionParser[Config]("learn-vocabulary.scala") {
def options = Seq(
arg("<text-path>", "the path of source text file, encoded in UTF-8") {
(s, c) => c.copy(textPath = s)
intOpt("l", "max-len", "for a sequence to be considered a word, its maximum length " +
"(default " + defaultMaxWordLength + ")") {
(v, c) => c.copy(maxWordLength = v)
intOpt("c", "min-count", "for a sequence to be considered a word, its least occurence number " +
"(default " + defaultMinCount + ")") {
(v, c) => c.copy(minCount = v)
doubleOpt("i", "min-mutual-info", "for a sequence to be considered a word, its minimum mutual information " +
"(default " + defaultMinMutualInfo + ")") {
(v, c) => c.copy(minMutualInfo = v)
doubleOpt("e", "min-centropy", "for a sequence to be considered a word, its minimum contextual entropy " +
"(default " + defaultMinContextualEntropy + ")") {
(v, c) => c.copy(minContextualEntropy = v)
flag("s", "short", "discard an n-gram if one of its subsequence has higher contextual entropy") {
c => c.copy(favorShort = true)
opt("o", "out", "optional output path") {
(s, c) => c.copy(outPath = Some(s))
opt("include", "a regular expression that matches n-grams to be preserved") {
(s, c) => c.copy(toIncludeRegex = s)
opt("exclude", "a regular expression that matches n-grams to be excluded") {
(s, c) => c.copy(toExcludeRegex = s)
val config = optionParser.parse(args, Config()).getOrElse {
val logger = Logger.getLogger("learn-vocabulary")
// Statistics collection
//"Counting n-grams...")
val nGramTotalCount = mutable.Map[Int, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
// Should use TrieMap if we had scala 2.10...
val nGramCount = mutable.Map[String, Int]().withDefaultValue(0)
val nGramPrefix = new mutable.HashMap[String, mutable.Set[String]] with mutable.MultiMap[String, String]
val nGramSuffix = new mutable.HashMap[String, mutable.Set[String]] with mutable.MultiMap[String, String]
val subsents = io.Source.fromFile(config.textPath, "UTF-8").getLines().
flatMap(StringUtils.split(_, ",。;:“”‘’《》!?、·()「」『』…\r\n!@#$%^&*()_-=+][{}\\|;:'\",./<>?"))"/" + _ + "/").foreach(s => {
for (n <- 1 to config.maxWordLength + 1) {
for (i <- 0 to s.length - n) {
val nGram = s.substring(i, i + n)
nGramCount(nGram) += 1
nGramTotalCount(n) += 1
if (i - 1 >= 0)
nGramPrefix.addBinding(nGram, s(i - 1).toString)
if (i + n < s.length)
nGramSuffix.addBinding(nGram, s(i + n).toString)
val nGrams =
filter(_._2 >= config.minCount).keySet.
filter(s =>
s.matches(config.toIncludeRegex) ||
s.length > 1 && s.length <= config.maxWordLength &&
!s.startsWith("/") && !s.endsWith("/"))
// Core
val log2 = {
val lnOf2 = scala.math.log(2)
(d: Double) => scala.math.log(d) / lnOf2
}"Computing mutual information...")
val nGramMutualInfo ={
s =>
val p = 1.0 * nGramCount(s) / nGramTotalCount(s.length)
val minfo = (1 to s.length - 1).map(i => {
val t1 = s.substring(0, i)
val p1 = 1.0 * nGramCount(t1) / nGramTotalCount(t1.length)
val t2 = s.substring(i)
val p2 = 1.0 * nGramCount(t2) / nGramTotalCount(t2.length)
log2(p / p1 / p2)
s -> minfo
case (w, mi) =>
w.matches(config.toIncludeRegex) || mi >= config.minMutualInfo
}).toMap"Computing contextual entropy...")
val nGramContextualEntropy = {
val centropy ={
word =>
val prefixEntropy = {
val pfWords = nGramPrefix.get(word).getOrElse(Set.empty[String]).map(_ + word)
val norm = =>
if (pfw.startsWith("/")) {
// count each "/" as a different prefix
val p = 1.0 / norm
-p * log2(p) * nGramCount(pfw)
} else {
val p = 1.0 * nGramCount(pfw) / norm
-p * log2(p)
val suffixEntropy = {
val wordSfs = nGramSuffix.get(word).getOrElse(Set.empty[String]).map(word + _)
val norm = =>
if (wsf.endsWith("/")) {
// count each "/" as a different suffix
val p = 1.0 / norm
-p * log2(p) * nGramCount(wsf)
} else {
val p = 1.0 * nGramCount(wsf) / norm
-p * log2(p)
word -> math.min(prefixEntropy, suffixEntropy)
case (w, e) =>
w.matches(config.toIncludeRegex) || e >= config.minContextualEntropy
if (config.favorShort)
case (w, e) =>
def toNGrams(n: Int) = (0 to w.length - n).map(i => w.substring(i, i + n))
w.matches(config.toIncludeRegex) ||
(2 to w.length - 1).iterator.flatMap(toNGrams).
forall(sebSeq => centropy.getOrElse(sebSeq, 0.0) < e)
// Output
//"Writing output...")
val outLines = nGramContextualEntropy.keys.toSeq.
filter(s => s.matches(config.toIncludeRegex) || !s.matches(config.toExcludeRegex)).
map(s => (s, nGramCount(s), nGramMutualInfo(s), nGramContextualEntropy(s))).
sortBy(t => (t._2, t._3, t._4)){
case (s, cnt, mi, ce) => s + "\t" + cnt + "\t" + mi + "\t" + ce
config.outPath match {
case Some(outPath) =>
val writer = new, "UTF-8")
outLines.foreach(writer.println _)
case None =>
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