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Last active May 17, 2020 13:59
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  • Save tomudding/18edf380bb3f2c01d3af6742fcbdd58e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tomudding/18edf380bb3f2c01d3af6742fcbdd58e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modified version of Docker Desktop's MobyLinux.ps1. This modified version allows computers on a network domain to run Docker Desktop ( using Linux Containers.
Manages a MobyLinux VM to run Linux Docker on Hyper-V
Creates/Destroys/Starts/Stops A MobyLinux VM to run Docker on Hyper-V
If passed, use this name for the MobyLinux VM, otherwise 'MobyLinuxVM'
Path to the MobyLinux ISO image, must be set for Create/ReCreate
If passed, use this name for the Hyper-V virtual switch,
otherwise the VM will have no Hyper-V NIC.
Create a MobyLinux VM
.PARAMETER SwitchSubnetMaskSize
Switch subnet mask size (default: 24)
.PARAMETER SwitchSubnetAddress
Switch subnet address (default:
Memory allocated for the VM at start in MB (optional on Create, default: 2048 MB)
CPUs used in the VM (optional on Create, default: min(2, number of CPUs on the host))
.PARAMETER PreferredIPAddress
Preferred IP address for the the MobyLinux virtual switch. If this IP address is not available or not within the allowed subnet range then a different IP address will be selected.
Remove a MobyLinux VM
if passed, will not delete the vmhd on Destroy
Start an existing MobyLinux VM
Stop a running MobyLinux VM
.\MobyLinux.ps1 -IsoFile .\docker-desktop.iso -Create
.\MobyLinux.ps1 -Start
[string] $VmName = "DockerDesktopVM",
[string] $IsoFile = ".\docker-desktop.iso",
[string] $SwitchName = "",
[string] $VhdPathOverride = $null,
[long] $VhdSize = 64*1000*1000*1000,
[string] $confIsoFile = $null,
[string] $DockerIsoFile = $null,
[string] $KubeImageIsoFile = $null,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create',Mandatory=$false)][switch] $Create,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create',Mandatory=$false)][int] $CPUs = 2,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create',Mandatory=$false)][long] $Memory = 2048,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create',Mandatory=$false)][string] $SwitchSubnetAddress = "",
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create',Mandatory=$false)][int] $SwitchSubnetMaskSize = 24,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Create',Mandatory=$false)][string] $PreferredIPAddress,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Destroy',Mandatory=$false)][switch] $Destroy,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Destroy',Mandatory=$false)][switch] $KeepVolume,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Start',Mandatory=$false)][switch] $Start,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName='Stop',Mandatory=$false)][switch] $Stop
# This makes sure the system modules can be imported
$envPSModulePath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath','Machine')
$env:PSModulePath = [System.Management.Automation.ModuleIntrinsics]::GetModulePath($envPSModulePath, $envPSModulePath, "")
# Make sure we stop at Errors unless otherwise explicitly specified
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$VerbosePreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# Explicitly disable Module autoloading and explicitly import the
# Modules this script relies on. This is not strictly necessary but
# good practice as it prevents arbitrary errors
$PSModuleAutoloadingPreference = 'None'
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility -Verbose:$false
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Management -Verbose:$false
Import-Module Hyper-V -Verbose:$false
Import-Module NetAdapter -Verbose:$false
Import-Module NetTCPIP -Verbose:$false
# Get correct hostname
if ((gwmi win32_computersystem).partofdomain -eq $true) {
$cname = [System.Net.DNS]::GetHostByName('').HostName
} else {
$cname = Hostname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-VMHost:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-VMNetworkAdapter:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Remove-VMSwitch:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["New-VMSwitch:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-VM:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["New-VM:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Set-VM:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-VMMemory:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Add-VMNetworkAdapter:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Remove-VMNetworkAdapter:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Connect-VMNetworkAdapter:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-VMSwitch:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Remove-VMDvdDrive:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Add-VMDvdDrive:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-VMFirmware:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Set-VMFirmware:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Set-VMComPort:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-VMIntegrationService:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Enable-VMIntegrationService:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Disable-VMIntegrationService:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Disable-VMConsoleSupport:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Remove-VM:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Remove-VMHardDiskDrive:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Add-VMHardDiskDrive:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Start-VM:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Stop-VM:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-VHD:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["New-VHD:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Get-VMScsiController:ComputerName"] = $cname
$PSDefaultParameterValues["Add-VMScsiController:ComputerName"] = $cname
Write-Information "ComputerName successfully set to $cname"
function Enable-MobyLinuxRequiredService([string]$Name) {
$service = Get-Service $Name
if (-not $service) {
throw "$Name service not found. Ensure that the Hyper-V feature is installed."
elseif ($service.StartType -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceStartMode]::Disabled) {
throw "$Name service is disabled. The service must be enabled to run Docker Desktop."
elseif ($service.Status -eq [System.ServiceProcess.ServiceControllerStatus]::Stopped) {
Start-Service $Name
function New-MobyLinux {
Creates a new MobyLinux virtual machine and switch
Creates a new MobyLinux virtual machine and switch, configuring the devices as required.
Name of the MobyLinux virtual switch
.PARAMETER SubnetAddress
Subnet address of the MobyLinux virtual switch
.PARAMETER SubnetMaskSize
Subnet mask size of the MobyLinux virtual switch
.PARAMETER PreferredIPAddress
Preferred IP address for the the MobyLinux virtual switch. If this IP address is not available or not within the allowed subnet range then a different IP address will be selected.
Name of the MobyLinux virtual machine
Memory allocated for the VM at start in MB
CPUs used in the VM
Name of the VM's virtual switch. If not supplied then no NIC and switch are created.
Path of the VHD file
Size of the VHD to create if does not already exist
Path to the MobyLinux ISO image, must be set for Create/ReCreate
.PARAMETER ConfigIsoFile
Path to the MobyLinux config ISO image to be attached as a drive to the VM
.PARAMETER DockerIsoFile
Path to the MobyLinux docker ISO image to be attached as a drive to the VM
.PARAMETER KubeImageIsoFile
Path to the MobyLinux kubernetes ISO image to be attached as a drive to the VM
PSObject. Returns the IP address of the MobyLinux virtual switch.
[CmdletBinding()]param (
[string] $SwitchName = '',
[string] $SubnetAddress = '',
[int] $SubnetMaskSize = 24,
[string] $PreferredIPAddress,
[string] $VmName = 'DockerDesktopVM',
[int] $CPUs = 2,
[long] $Memory = 2048,
[string] $VhdFile,
[long] $VhdSize = 64*1000*1000*1000,
[string] $IsoFile = '.\docker-desktop.iso',
[string] $ConfigIsoFile,
[string] $DockerIsoFile,
[string] $KubeImageIsoFile
if ($SwitchName -ne "") {
$ip = New-MobyLinuxSwitch -Name $SwitchName -SubnetAddress $SubnetAddress -SubnetMaskSize $SubnetMaskSize -PreferredIPAddress $PreferredIPAddress
$output = New-Object PSObject
$output | Add-Member -NotePropertyName SwitchAddress -NotePropertyValue $ip
Write-Output $output
New-MobyLinuxVM -Name $VmName -SwitchName $SwitchName -CPUs $CPUs -Memory $Memory -VhdFile $VhdFile -IsoFile $IsoFile -ConfigIsoFile $ConfigIsoFile -DockerIsoFile $DockerIsoFile -KubeImageIsoFile $KubeImageIsoFile
function New-MobyLinuxSwitch {
Creates a new MobyLinux virtual switch
Creates a new MobyLinux virtual switch with an IPv4 IP Address within the subnet address/mask. If the switch already exists then ensures that the switch has an IP address within the allowed range.
Name of the MobyLinux virtual switch
.PARAMETER SubnetAddress
Subnet address of the MobyLinux virtual switch
.PARAMETER SubnetMaskSize
Subnet mask size of the MobyLinux virtual switch
.PARAMETER PreferredIPAddress
Preferred IP address for the the MobyLinux virtual switch. If this IP address is not available or not within the allowed subnet range then a different IP address will be selected.
System.String. Returns the IP address of the MobyLinux virtual switch.
New-MobyLinuxSwitch -Name DockerNATSwitch
New-MobyLinuxSwitch -Name DockerNATSwitch -SubnetAddress -SubnetMaskSize 28 -PreferredIPAddress
[CmdletBinding()]param (
[string] $Name = "",
[string] $SubnetAddress = "",
[int] $SubnetMaskSize = 24,
[string] $PreferredIPAddress
$vmSwitch = Hyper-V\Get-VMSwitch $Name -SwitchType Internal -ea SilentlyContinue
$vmNetAdapter = Hyper-V\Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName $Name -ea SilentlyContinue
if ($vmSwitch -and $vmNetAdapter) {
Write-Verbose "Using existing Switch: $Name"
else {
Write-Verbose "Creating Switch: $Name..."
Hyper-V\Remove-VMSwitch $Name -Force -ea SilentlyContinue
Hyper-V\New-VMSwitch $Name -SwitchType Internal -ea SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
$vmNetAdapter = Hyper-V\Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName $Name
Write-Verbose "Switch created."
# Make sure there are no lingering net adapters
$netAdapters = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.Name.StartsWith("vEthernet ($Name)") }
if (($netAdapters).Length -gt 1) {
Write-Verbose "Disable and rename invalid NetAdapters"
$now = (Get-Date -Format FileDateTimeUniversal)
$index = 1
$invalidNetAdapters = $netAdapters | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -ne $vmNetAdapter.DeviceId }
foreach ($netAdapter in $invalidNetAdapters) {
$netAdapter `
| Disable-NetAdapter -Confirm:$false -PassThru `
| Rename-NetAdapter -NewName "Broken Docker Adapter ($now) ($index)" `
| Out-Null
# Make sure the Switch has the right IP address
$networkAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -eq $vmNetAdapter.DeviceId }
$switchAddress = Set-SwitchIPAddress -NetAdapter $networkAdapter -SubnetAddress $SubnetAddress -SubnetMaskSize $SubnetMaskSize -PreferredIPAddress $PreferredIPAddress
Write-Verbose "Removing any other IP addresses from $Name switch"
$networkAdapter | Get-NetIPAddress | Where-Object { $_.IPAddress -ne $switchAddress } | Remove-NetIPAddress -Confirm:$false -ea SilentlyContinue
$networkAdapter | Disable-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_server -ea SilentlyContinue
$networkAdapter | Enable-NetAdapterBinding -ComponentID ms_server -ea SilentlyContinue
Write-Output $switchAddress
function ConvertTo-BinaryIPAddress($IPAddress) {
$bytes = ([IPAddress]$IPAddress).GetAddressBytes()
if ([BitConverter]::IsLittleEndian) {
return [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($bytes, 0)
function Set-IPAddress($NetAdapter, $BinaryIPAddress, $MinIPAddress, $MaxIPAddress) {
if (-not $BinaryIPAddress -or $BinaryIPAddress -le $MinIPAddress -or $BinaryIPAddress -gt $MaxIPAddress) {
return $null
$ip = [IPAddress]::Parse($BinaryIPAddress).IPAddressToString
Write-Verbose "Setting docker switch IP address to $ip"
if ($NetAdapter | Get-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $ip -ea SilentlyContinue) {
return $ip
elseif ($existingNetIPAddress = Get-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $ip -ea SilentlyContinue) {
Write-Verbose "IP address '$ip' is already in use by '$($existingNetIPAddress.InterfaceAlias)'"
return $null
$NetAdapter | New-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -IPAddress $ip -PrefixLength $SubnetMaskSize -ea Stop | Out-Null
return $ip
function Set-SwitchIPAddress($NetAdapter, $SubnetAddress, $SubnetMaskSize, $PreferredIPAddress) {
$mask = [uint32]::MaxValue -shl (32 - $SubnetMaskSize)
$minAddress = ConvertTo-BinaryIPAddress -IPAddress $SubnetAddress
$maxAddress = $minAddress -bor (-bnot $mask)
$ipAddress = $minAddress + 1
# Try using IP address from settings.json
if ($PreferredIPAddress) {
$ip = Set-IPAddress -NetAdapter $NetAdapter -BinaryIPAddress (ConvertTo-BinaryIPAddress -IPAddress $PreferredIPAddress) -MinIPAddress $minAddress -MaxIPAddress $maxAddress
if ($ip) {
return $ip
# Try using existing IP address
if ($currentIPAddress = $NetAdapter |
Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -ea SilentlyContinue |
Where-Object { $ip = ConvertTo-BinaryIPAddress -IPAddress $_.IPAddress; $ip -gt $minAddress -and $ip -le $maxAddress } |
Select-Object -First 1) {
Write-Verbose "Using existing switch IP address $($currentIPAddress.IPAddress)"
return $currentIPAddress.IPAddress
# Try all addresses in range
$NetAdapter | Set-NetIPInterface -Dhcp Disabled -ea SilentlyContinue
for ($ipAddress = $minAddress + 1; $ipAddress -le $maxAddress; $ipAddress++) {
$ip = Set-IPAddress -NetAdapter $NetAdapter -BinaryIPAddress $ipAddress -MinIPAddress $minAddress -MaxIPAddress $maxAddress
if ($ip) {
return $ip
throw "No free IP address found in range $SubnetAddress/$SubnetMaskSize"
function New-MobyLinuxVM {
Creates a new MobyLinux virtual machine
Creates a new MobyLinux virtual machine, configuring the devices as required.
Name of the MobyLinux virtual machine
Memory allocated for the VM at start in MB
CPUs used in the VM
Name of the VM's virtual switch
Path of the VHD file
Size of the VHD to create if does not already exist
Path to the MobyLinux ISO image, must be set for Create/ReCreate
.PARAMETER ConfigIsoFile
Path to the MobyLinux config ISO image to be attached as a drive to the VM
.PARAMETER DockerIsoFile
Path to the MobyLinux docker ISO image to be attached as a drive to the VM
.PARAMETER KubeImageIsoFile
Path to the MobyLinux kubernetes ISO image to be attached as a drive to the VM
[string] $Name = 'DockerDesktopVM',
[int] $CPUs = 2,
[long] $Memory = 2048,
[string] $SwitchName = "",
[string] $VhdFile,
[long] $VhdSize = 64*1000*1000*1000,
[string] $IsoFile = '.\docker-desktop.iso',
[string] $ConfigIsoFile,
[string] $DockerIsoFile,
[string] $KubeImageIsoFile
if (!(Test-Path $IsoFile)) {
throw "ISO file at $IsoFile does not exist"
$CPUs = ((Hyper-V\Get-VMHost).LogicalProcessorCount,$CPUs | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum
$vm = Hyper-V\Get-VM $Name -ea SilentlyContinue
if ($vm) {
if ($vm.Length -ne 1) {
throw "Multiple VMs exist with the name $Name. Delete invalid ones or reset Docker to factory defaults."
} else {
Write-Verbose "Creating VM $Name..."
$vm = Hyper-V\New-VM -Name $Name -Generation 2 -NoVHD
Hyper-V\Set-VM -Name $Name -AutomaticStartAction Nothing -AutomaticStopAction ShutDown -CheckpointType Disabled
if ($vm.Generation -ne 2) {
throw "VM $Name is a Generation $($vm.Generation) VM. It should be a Generation 2."
if ($vm.State -ne "Off") {
Write-Verbose "VM $Name is $($vm.State). Cannot change its settings."
Write-Verbose "Setting CPUs to $CPUs and Memory to $Memory MB"
$Memory = ($Memory,(Hyper-V\Get-VMMemory -VMName $Name).MaximumPerNumaNode | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum
Hyper-V\Set-VM -Name $Name -MemoryStartupBytes ($Memory*1024*1024) -ProcessorCount $CPUs -StaticMemory
Set-MobyLinuxVHDPath -VM $vm -VhdFile $VhdFile -VhdSize $VhdSize
Hyper-V\Remove-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $Name
if ($SwitchName -ne "") {
$vmNetAdapter = Hyper-V\Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $Name
if (!$vmNetAdapter) {
Write-Verbose "Attach Net Adapter"
$vmNetAdapter = Hyper-V\Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName $Name -Passthru
Write-Verbose "Connect Internal Switch $SwitchName"
$vmNetAdapter | Hyper-V\Connect-VMNetworkAdapter -VMSwitch $(Hyper-V\Get-VMSwitch $SwitchName -SwitchType Internal)
if ($vm.DVDDrives) {
Write-Verbose "Remove existing DVDs"
Hyper-V\Remove-VMDvdDrive $vm.DVDDrives -ea SilentlyContinue
Write-Verbose "Attach DVD $IsoFile"
Hyper-V\Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Name -Path $IsoFile
$iso = Hyper-V\Get-VMFirmware -VMName $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BootOrder | Where-Object { $_.FirmwarePath.EndsWith("Scsi(0,1)") }
Hyper-V\Set-VMFirmware -VMName $Name -EnableSecureBoot Off -FirstBootDevice $iso
Hyper-V\Set-VMComPort -VMName $Name -number 1 -Path "\\.\pipe\docker$Name-com1"
Hyper-V\Set-VMComPort -VMName $Name -number 2 -Path "\\.\pipe\docker$Name-com2"
# Enable only required VM integration services
$intSvc = @()
$intSvc += "Microsoft:$($vm.Id)\84EAAE65-2F2E-45F5-9BB5-0E857DC8EB47" # Heartbeat
$intSvc += "Microsoft:$($vm.Id)\9F8233AC-BE49-4C79-8EE3-E7E1985B2077" # Shutdown
$intSvc += "Microsoft:$($vm.Id)\2497F4DE-E9FA-4204-80E4-4B75C46419C0" # TimeSynch
Hyper-V\Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName $Name | ForEach-Object {
if ($intSvc -contains $_.Id) {
Hyper-V\Enable-VMIntegrationService $_
Write-Verbose "Enabled $($_.Name)"
} else {
Hyper-V\Disable-VMIntegrationService $_
Write-Verbose "Disabled $($_.Name)"
Hyper-V\Disable-VMConsoleSupport -VMName $Name
Write-Verbose "VM created."
function Remove-MobyLinux {
Removes the MobyLinux virtual machine and switch
Removes the MobyLinux virtual machine and switch
Name of the MobyLinux virtual machine
Name of the MobyLinux virtual network switch
If set the VHD file is not removed with the virtual machine
Path of the VHD file
Stop-MobyLinuxVM -Name DockerVM
[string] $VmName = 'DockerDesktopVM',
[string] $SwitchName = '',
[switch] $KeepVolume,
[string] $VhdFile
Stop-MobyLinuxVM -Name $VmName -SwitchName $SwitchName
if ($SwitchName -ne "") {
Remove-MobyLinuxSwitch -Name $SwitchName
Remove-MobyLinuxVM -Name $VmName -KeepVolume:$KeepVolume -VhdFile $VhdFile
function Remove-MobyLinuxSwitch {
Removes the MobyLinux virtual network switch
Removes the MobyLinux virtual network switch and all of it's IP addresses
Name of the MobyLinux virtual network switch
Remove-MobyLinuxSwitch -Name DockerNATSwitch
param (
[string] $Name = ''
Write-Verbose "Destroying Switch $Name..."
# Let's remove the IP otherwise a nasty bug makes it impossible
# to recreate the vswitch
$vmNetAdapter = Hyper-V\Get-VMNetworkAdapter -ManagementOS -SwitchName $Name -ea SilentlyContinue
if ($vmNetAdapter) {
$networkAdapter = Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.DeviceID -eq $vmNetAdapter.DeviceId }
$networkAdapter | Remove-NetIPAddress -Confirm:$false -ea SilentlyContinue
Hyper-V\Remove-VMSwitch $Name -Force -ea SilentlyContinue
function Remove-MobyLinuxVM {
Removes the MobyLinux virtual machine
Removes the MobyLinux virtual network switch and VHD file unless specified not to
Name of the MobyLinux virtual machine
If set the VHD file is not removed with the virtual machine
Path of the VHD file
Remove-MobyLinuxVM -VhdFile ~/my-vhd.vhd
Remove-MobyLinuxVM -Name DockerVM -KeepVolume
[CmdletBinding()]param (
[string] $Name = 'DockerDesktopVM',
[switch] $KeepVolume,
[string] $VhdFile
Write-Verbose "Removing VM $Name..."
Hyper-V\Remove-VM $Name -Force -ea SilentlyContinue
if (!$KeepVolume) {
Write-Verbose "Delete VHD $VhdFile"
Remove-Item $VhdFile -ea SilentlyContinue
function Set-MobyLinuxVHDPath {
[CmdletBinding()]param (
[string] $VhdFile,
[long] $VhdSize = 64*1000*1000*1000
$vhd = Get-VHD -Path $VhdFile -ea SilentlyContinue
if (!$vhd) {
Write-Verbose "Creating dynamic VHD: $VhdFile"
$vhd = New-VHD -Path $VhdFile -Dynamic -SizeBytes $VhdSize -BlockSizeBytes 1MB
if ($vm.HardDrives.Path -ne $VhdFile) {
if ($vm.HardDrives) {
Write-Verbose "Remove existing VHDs"
Hyper-V\Remove-VMHardDiskDrive $vm.HardDrives -ea SilentlyContinue
Write-Verbose "Attach VHD $VhdFile"
Hyper-V\Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $vm.Name -Path $VhdFile
function Start-MobyLinuxVM {
Starts the MobyLinux virtual machine
Starts the MobyLinux virtual network switch, configuring the devices as required.
Name of the MobyLinux virtual machine
Path of the VHD file
Size of the VHD to create if does not already exist
Path to the MobyLinux ISO image, must be set for Create/ReCreate
.PARAMETER ConfigIsoFile
Path to the MobyLinux config ISO image to be attached as a drive to the VM
.PARAMETER DockerIsoFile
Path to the MobyLinux docker ISO image to be attached as a drive to the VM
.PARAMETER KubeImageIsoFile
Path to the MobyLinux kubernetes ISO image to be attached as a drive to the VM
[string] $Name = 'DockerDesktopVM',
[string] $VhdFile,
[long] $VhdSize = 64*1000*1000*1000,
[string] $IsoFile = '.\docker-desktop.iso',
[string] $ConfigIsoFile,
[string] $DockerIsoFile,
[string] $KubeImageIsoFile
Write-Verbose "Starting VM $Name..."
$vm = Hyper-V\Get-VM $Name -ea SilentlyContinue
if ($vm.DVDDrives) {
Write-Verbose "Remove existing DVDs"
Hyper-V\Remove-VMDvdDrive $vm.DVDDrives -ea SilentlyContinue
Write-Verbose "Attach DVD $IsoFile"
Hyper-V\Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Name -ControllerNumber 0 -ControllerLocation 1 -Path $IsoFile
if ((Get-Item $ConfigIsoFile).length -gt 0) {
Write-Verbose "Attach Config ISO $ConfigIsoFile"
if ((Get-VMScsiController -VMName $Name).length -le 1) {
Add-VMScsiController -VMName $Name
Hyper-V\Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Name -ControllerNumber 1 -ControllerLocation 1 -Path $ConfigIsoFile
if ((Get-Item $DockerIsoFile).length -gt 0) {
Write-Verbose "Attach Docker ISO $DockerIsoFile"
if ((Get-VMScsiController -VMName $Name).length -le 2) {
Add-VMScsiController -VMName $Name
Hyper-V\Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Name -ControllerNumber 2 -ControllerLocation 1 -Path $DockerIsoFile
if (($KubeImageIsoFile) -And (Test-Path $KubeImageIsoFile)) {
Write-Verbose "Attach Kube images ISO $KubeImageIsoFile"
if ((Get-VMScsiController -VMName $Name).length -le 3) {
Add-VMScsiController -VMName $Name
Hyper-V\Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName $Name -ControllerNumber 3 -ControllerLocation 1 -Path $KubeImageIsoFile
Set-MobyLinuxVHDPath -VM $vm -VhdSize $VhdSize -VhdFile $VhdFile
$iso = Hyper-V\Get-VMFirmware -VMName $Name | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BootOrder | Where-Object { $_.FirmwarePath.EndsWith("Scsi(0,1)") }
Hyper-V\Set-VMFirmware -VMName $Name -EnableSecureBoot Off -BootOrder $iso
Hyper-V\Start-VM -VMName $Name
function Stop-MobyLinuxVM {
Stops the MobyLinux virtual machine
Stops the MobyLinux virtual machine
Name of the MobyLinux virtual machine
Name of the MobyLinux virtual network switch
Stop-MobyLinuxVM -Name DockerVM
[string] $Name = 'DockerDesktopVM',
[string] $SwitchName = ''
$vms = Hyper-V\Get-VM $Name -ea SilentlyContinue
if (!$vms) {
Write-Verbose "VM $Name does not exist"
# Don't use a foreach here as the collection is modified during enumeration in the rare case there is >1 VM
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $vms.Count; $i++) {
$vm = $vms[$i];
Stop-VMForce -VM $vm -Name $Name -SwitchName $SwitchName
function Stop-VMForce {
[string] $Name = 'DockerDesktopVM',
[string] $SwitchName = ''
if ($VM.State -eq 'Off') {
Write-Verbose "VM $Name is stopped"
$code = {
Param($vmId) # Passing the $VM ref is not possible because it will be disposed already
$VM = Hyper-V\Get-VM -Id $vmId -ea SilentlyContinue
if (!$VM) {
Write-Verbose "VM with Id $vmId does not exist"
$shutdownService = Hyper-V\Get-VMIntegrationService -Name $Name Shutdown -ea SilentlyContinue
if ($shutdownService -and $shutdownService.PrimaryOperationalStatus -eq 'Ok') {
Write-Verbose "Shutdown VM $Name..."
Hyper-V\Stop-VM -Name $Name -Confirm:$false -Force -ea SilentlyContinue
if ($VM.State -eq 'Off') {
Write-Verbose "Turn Off VM $Name..."
Hyper-V\Stop-VM -Name $Name -Confirm:$false -TurnOff -Force -ea SilentlyContinue
Write-Verbose "Stopping VM $Name..."
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $code -ArgumentList $VM.VMId.Guid
if (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 20) { Receive-Job $job }
Remove-Job -Force $job -ea SilentlyContinue
if ($VM.State -eq 'Off') {
Write-Verbose "VM $Name is stopped"
# If the VM cannot be stopped properly after the timeout
# then we have to kill the process and wait till the state changes to "Off"
for ($count = 1; $count -le 10; $count++) {
$ProcessID = (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\virtualization\v2 -Class Msvm_ComputerSystem -Filter "Name = '$($VM.Id.Guid)'").ProcessID
if (!$ProcessID) {
Write-Verbose "VM $Name killed. Waiting for state to change"
for ($count = 1; $count -le 20; $count++) {
if ($VM.State -eq 'Off') {
Write-Verbose "Killed VM $Name is off"
Remove-MobyLinuxSwitch -Name $SwitchName
Remove-MobyLinuxVM -Name $Name -KeepVolume
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
throw "Killed VM $Name did not stop"
Write-Verbose "Kill VM $Name process..."
Stop-Process $ProcessID -Force -Confirm:$false -ea SilentlyContinue
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
throw "Couldn't stop VM $Name"
# Main entry point
Try {
Enable-MobyLinuxRequiredService -Name vmcompute
Enable-MobyLinuxRequiredService -Name vmms
Switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
'Stop' { Stop-MobyLinuxVM -Name $VmName -SwitchName $SwitchName -Verbose }
'Destroy' { Remove-MobyLinux -VmName $VmName -SwitchName $SwitchName -KeepVolume:$KeepVolume -VhdFile $VhdPathOverride -Verbose }
'Create' { New-MobyLinux -SwitchName $SwitchName -SubnetAddress $SwitchSubnetAddress -SubnetMaskSize $SwitchSubnetMaskSize -VmName $VmName -CPUs $CPUs -Memory $Memory -VhdFile $VhdPathOverride -VhdSize $VhdSize -IsoFile $IsoFile -ConfigIsoFile $confIsoFile -DockerIsoFile $DockerIsoFile -KubeImageIsoFile $KubeImageIsoFile -PreferredIPAddress $PreferredIPAddress -Verbose }
'Start' { Start-MobyLinuxVM -Name $VmName -VhdFile $VhdPathOverride -VhdSize $VhdSize -IsoFile $IsoFile -ConfigIsoFile $confIsoFile -DockerIsoFile $DockerIsoFile -KubeImageIsoFile $KubeImageIsoFile -Verbose }
} Catch {
Exit 1
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