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Last active December 13, 2016 22:43
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type level natural numbers + a fixed length list
import scala.language.higherKinds
// trying to understand why shapeless does things it does by reimplementing them
* scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
* resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
* addCompilerPlugin("org.spire-math" %% "kind-projector" % "0.9.3")
sealed trait Nat
sealed trait Succ[N <: Nat] extends Nat
sealed trait _0 extends Nat
type _1 = Succ[_0]
type _2 = Succ[_1]
type _3 = Succ[_2]
type _4 = Succ[_3]
type _5 = Succ[_4]
trait NatToInt[A <: Nat] {
def value: Int
object NatToInt {
def value[A <: Nat : NatToInt] = implicitly[NatToInt[A]].value
implicit object NatToZero extends NatToInt[_0] {
def value = 0
implicit def NatToNum[B <: Nat : NatToInt] = new NatToInt[Succ[B]] {
def value = 1 + implicitly[NatToInt[B]].value
trait FixedList[+A] // a fixed length list where the length is encoded in the type
case object FixedNil extends FixedList[Nothing] {
override def toString = "nil"
case class FixedCons[A, B <: FixedList[A]](a: A, n: B) extends FixedList[A] {
override def toString = s"$a, $n"
implicit class TypeListOps[A](a: A) {
def :+[B <: FixedList[A]](b: B) = FixedCons(a, b)
val list = 6 :+ (7 :+ FixedNil)
trait ToNat[A] {
type Out <: Nat
object ToNat {
type Aux[A <: FixedList[Any], O <: Nat] = ToNat[A] { type Out = O }
implicit object NilToNat extends ToNat[FixedNil.type] {
type Out = _0
implicit def ListToNat[A, B <: FixedList[A]](implicit t: ToNat[B]) = new ToNat[FixedCons[A, B]] {
type Out = Succ[t.Out]
def length[A <: FixedList[Int], R <: Nat](a: A)(implicit b: ToNat.Aux[A, R], c: NatToInt[R]) =
def onlyTwo[A <: FixedList[Int]](a: A)(implicit b: ToNat.Aux[A, _2]): String =
s"$a has two items"
// onlyTwo(5 +: list) does not compile!
* Convert a nat F to an FixedList[A]
* whose type is exposed in Out
* and whose value is in .value
* but has some context M attached
* i.e. in a list fill operation given a Nat you should get an Item => List function as the value
* in a list to fixed operation given a Nat you should get a List[Item] => Option[List]
trait NatToList[N <: Nat, A, M[_]] {
type Out <: FixedList[A]
def value: M[Out]
* instances to convert a _0 and a Nat into a function
* that given an A will return a fixed length list of A
implicit def ZeroToListFill[A] = new NatToList[_0, A, A => ?] {
type Out = FixedNil.type
def value: A => Out = _ => FixedNil
implicit def SuccToListFill[N <: Nat, A](implicit tl: NatToList[N, A, A => ?]) = new NatToList[Succ[N], A, A => ?] {
override type Out = FixedCons[A, tl.Out]
override def value: A => Out = v => FixedCons(v, tl.value(v))
sealed trait ListError
case object TooShort extends ListError
case object TooLong extends ListError
type ListFunc[A, B] = A => Either[ListError, B]
* instances to convert a _0 and a Nat into a function
* that given a List[A] will return either ListError or a fixed length list of A
implicit def ZeroToListConvert[A] = new NatToList[_0, A, ListFunc[List[A], ?]] {
type Out = FixedNil.type
def value: List[A] => Either[ListError, Out] = {
case Nil => Right(FixedNil)
case a :: as => Left(TooLong)
implicit def SuccToListConvert[N <: Nat, A](implicit tl: NatToList[N, A, ListFunc[List[A], ?]]) = new NatToList[Succ[N], A, ListFunc[List[A], ?]] {
override type Out = FixedCons[A, tl.Out]
def value: List[A] => Either[ListError, Out] = {
case a :: as => tl.value.apply(as), _))
case _ => Left(TooShort)
def fill[N <: Nat, A](implicit tl: NatToList[N, A, A => ?]) =
implicit class FixableList[A](a: List[A]) {
def toFixedList[N <: Nat](implicit tl: NatToList[N, A, ListFunc[List[A], ?]]): Either[ListError, tl.Out] = tl.value.apply(a)
implicit class FillableValue[A](a: A) {
def fillFixedList[N <: Nat](implicit tl: NatToList[N, A, A => ?]): tl.Out = tl.value.apply(a)
List(1, 2, 3, 4).toFixedList[_3] // too long!
List(1, 2).toFixedList[_3] // too short!
List(1, 2, 3).toFixedList[_3] // just right
trait GreaterThan[A <: Nat, B <: Nat] {
type Out <: Nat
object GreaterThan {
type Aux[A <: Nat, B <: Nat, C] = GreaterThan[A, B] { type Out = C }
implicit def NatGreaterThanZero[A <: Nat] = new GreaterThan[Succ[A], _0] {
type Out = Succ[A]
implicit def NatGreaterThanNat[A <: Nat, B <: Nat](implicit g: GreaterThan[A, B]) = new GreaterThan[Succ[A], Succ[B]] {
type Out = g.Out
* This function won't compile if A is not longer than B
* using NatToInt to get the diff though is just me playing about
def howMuchLonger[A <: FixedList[Int], B <: FixedList[Int], S <: Nat, X <: Nat, D <: Nat](l1: A, l2: B)(
sizeA: ToNat.Aux[A, S],
sizeB: ToNat.Aux[B, X],
gt: GreaterThan.Aux[S, X, D],
toInt: NatToInt[D]
): Int = {
List(1, 2, 3, 4).toFixedList[_4].right.toOption.get,
List(1, 2).toFixedList[_2].right.toOption.get
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