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Last active September 16, 2017 18:33
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import com.tomwadeson.Show.Showable
import scala.language.implicitConversions
trait Show[A] {
def show(a: A): String
object Show {
def apply[A: Show]: Show[A] = implicitly
def instance[A](f: A => String): Show[A] = (a: A) => f(a)
def print[A: Show](a: A): Unit = println(Show[A].show(a))
implicit val showInt: Show[Int] = instance(_.toString)
implicit val showString: Show[String] = instance(identity)
implicit def showList[A: Show]: Show[List[A]] =
instance(as =>[A].show).mkString(", "))
type Showable = TcBox[Show]
implicit val showShowable: Show[Showable] =
Show.instance(s =>
sealed trait TcBox[Tc[_]] {
type A
val value: A
val evidence: Tc[A]
object TcBox {
final case class MkTcBox[Tc[_], B](value: B)(implicit val evidence: Tc[B]) extends TcBox[Tc] { type A = B }
implicit def mkTcBox[Tc[_], A : Tc](a: A): TcBox[Tc] = MkTcBox(a)
object Main extends App {
Show.print(List(1, 2, "3", 4, 5): List[Showable])
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