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Created March 27, 2014 14:53
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London Code Dojo - 7 languages in 7 weeks: Haskell day 2 - code by Tom A and a bunch of other people
module Dollars where
import Test.HUnit
-- parsing dollars
parseDigit '0' = 0
parseDigit '1' = 1
parseDigit '2' = 2
parseDigit '3' = 3
parseDigit '4' = 4
parseDigit '5' = 5
parseDigit '6' = 6
parseDigit '7' = 7
parseDigit '8' = 8
parseDigit '9' = 9
-- we were in the process of rewriting this as a fold when the time ran out
accumulate a [] = a
accumulate a (head : rest) = accumulate ((a * 10) + head) rest
parseDigits digits = accumulate 0 $ map parseDigit digits
parseDollars ('$' : digits) = parseDigits digits
-- tests
tests = TestList [
TestLabel "broke" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" 0.0 $ parseDollars "$0"),
TestLabel "one dollar" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" 1.0 $ parseDollars "$1"),
TestLabel "two dollar" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" 2.0 $ parseDollars "$2"),
TestLabel "all the dollars" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" 1234567890.0 $ parseDollars "$1234567890"),
TestLabel "this test goes at the bottom so i don't have to keep typing commas" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" 0 0)]
main = do runTestTT tests
module Sorting where
import Test.HUnit
-- basic sorting
insertInRightPlace b [] = [b]
insertInRightPlace b (head : rest) | b <= head = b : head : rest
insertInRightPlace b (head : rest) | b > head = head : insertInRightPlace b rest
sort [] = []
sort [a] = [a]
sort (head : rest) = insertInRightPlace head $ sort rest
-- sorting with a comparator
sortBy :: (String -> String -> Ordering) -> [String] -> [String]
sortBy comparator list = list
-- we didn't finish this!
-- tests and test fixtures
emptyList :: [Int]
emptyList = []
compareLength :: String -> String -> Ordering
compareLength a b = compare (length a) (length b)
tests = TestList [
TestLabel "sorting an empty list returns an empty list" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" emptyList $ sort emptyList),
TestLabel "sorting an singleton list returns a singleton list" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" [1] $ sort [1]),
TestLabel "sorting an unsorted list return a sorted list" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" [1, 2] $ sort [2, 1]),
TestLabel "sorting an unsorted list return a sorted list" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" [1, 2, 3] $ sort [2, 3, 1]),
-- tests for the compareLength fixture
TestLabel "imp is less than giant" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" LT $ compareLength "imp" "giant"),
TestLabel "giant is greater than imp" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" GT $ compareLength "giant" "imp"),
TestLabel "time is equal to cash" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" EQ $ compareLength "time" "cash"),
TestLabel "sorting a list by length returns the list in length order" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" ["imp", "cash", "time", "giant"] $ sortBy compareLength ["cash", "giant", "imp", "time"]),
TestLabel "this test goes at the bottom so i don't have to keep typing commas" $ TestCase (assertEqual "WTF" 0 0)]
main = do runTestTT tests
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